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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure OC Tournament #5: Match 4 Jacob VS Richard

The results are in for Match 2. The winner is…
Peter “Treagon” Bequasimodo, with a score of 68 to Markus Ness Mathison’s 60!
Category Winner Point Totals Comments
Popularity Baker Street Rat Pack 16-14 Popularity was fairly even throughout the match, ultimately resolving just barely in Treagon’s favor.
Quality Baker Street Rat Pack 20-18 Reasoning
JoJolity Baker Street Rat Pack 22-18 Reasoning
Conduct Tie 10-10
The Heartache Casino had been trashed. A mixture of water and soda syrup seemed to leak out of most of the machinery, the vast majority of screens in the building had been slashed open, and the air was hazy with smoke. It was almost unbearably hot due to the air conditioning having been down for quite a while. Over all of the damage and chaos stood Peter Bequasimodo, Markus having been forcibly escorted out by security at what the hacktivist had thought to be the deadline for some horrible event. Treagon was pretty sure the fish guy wasn’t the one who had lured him here, but by all means, it seemed the only disaster that had come of this place had been what they did to it.
As casino patrons continued to stream out of the front doors and employees frantically ran around, Peter noticed a garish gold mess in the shape of a thin, middle-aged white dude approaching him from the VIP stairs. He was sharp-faced and red-eyed, with neat but longish black hair, wearing a gold-yellow checker-patterned suit over white, and everything about the way he carried himself suggested that he was the kind of guy who wouldn’t go anywhere unless he were the constant center of attention. He looked like he wasn’t hot at all, despite what had happened to the air systems (maybe they had a separate one upstairs..?), and carried under his arm a sort of envelope, clapping as he did.
“Well done, Treagon, well done… That was absolute chaos, and my premiums are probably gonna go up, but hell, my guests loved the show, and that’s what really matters, yeah?” He held out his hand. “Tigran Sins, ‘Golden’ to friends, owner of this place you trashed, and you, I think, could make a wonderful friend.”
Peter raised an eye and looked over him, realizing what had come as a woman dressed like some kind of pirate was also forcibly escorted from the upstairs and tossed out on the streets, shouting all the while, “my best customer fucking ruined meeeeeeee!” For some reason, Peter presumed that may have been who that fish guy was trying to flush out, but paid it no mind.
Tigran rolled his eyes, chuckling and brushing her off. “I swear, upstarts get a taste of the good life, and then they always do this as soon as it all comes crashing down. Never gets old…” He sighed with some amusement, then moved to pull free the envelope. “Anyway, I have something one of my clients has asked to give to the w-”
A fist connected with the casino owner’s face, which quickly turned into a grasp at his hair, yanking him down to knee him into the dirtied floor, Peter following through by smoothly dusting off the new letter. “Endangering your customers and screwing with me to entertain a bunch of high-rollers while you sit in comfort and laugh at their misfortunes… You’re my least favorite kind of scumbag.”
“My face! My faaace!” Covering it and panicking, the owner ran away in alarm, and now it was Peter’s turn to give security the slip. When he was somewhere safer, he carefully opened the unmarked, finely-sealed envelope’s contents, finding the quality of the writing to be the same as the last, but this time, rather than an unsigned threat, the handwritten note had been much stranger, most curiously reading at the bottom:
For the Institute,
Oh No
Enjoy M2? Looking forward to M4 and beyond? In the meantime, when this goes live, you still have over a day to vote in M3, the bout featuring an Octopus-headed youth, a thief, a shapeshifter, and a child who controls ants, all duking it out over weird gross fish.
Downtown Los Fortuna - North Island: Within Sight of the Waterfront statues, Triskele and Cocytus.
Not quite evening.
The streets were busier than usual in the area for a variety of reasons. Roadwork was underway in more convenient places, for one thing. For another, people had been curious about a plane which performed a miracle landing just up North, and a local small-time reporter was trying yet again to cover some facets of the incident and reach another fleeting effort towards a big break, workers all the while meanwhile toiling to fish the plane out from between two art installations. Thirdly, and most significantly, an old man was delivering a speech before a canal dock, the campaign van he stood atop flanked by two large and unfurled Los Fortuna flags and a private security detail.
This man was Wedding March, and despite being a somewhat overweight, balding, middle-height man whose well-tailored white suit was soaked in sweat from the day’s sun, any who paid local politics attention could identify him as the chairman of the Los Fortuna Metropolitan Council -- little more than a ceremonial upgrade over a standard councilor position on paper, but becoming the popularly-elected face of the city council had perks of its own nonetheless.
“My fellow citizens of Los Fortuna,” March began, a certain commanding aura to the way he articulated, gestured, and generally carried himself, “we are living in interesting times once more, I am afraid to say. In recent months, all number of bizarre crimes have surged to a greater extent than ever before, and once again, it is only the efforts of the ordinary heroes of this city that have kept us from collapsing… This Metropolis’ wonderful police force, its defense forces, from the volunteer organizations of Aurelio to the men and women of Valkyrie, yes, but also, our rescue workers, doctors, the journalists who keep people like me honest, never letting me have a wink of sleep…”
The crowd which had gathered around him laughed at that final point, March giving a self-deprecating smile. From there, he segued into further praise. “And too many other persons to possibly list! Yet in the strange incidents of this city, the danger these persons face is unique as well! A dear friend of mine, one who drew the very flags I stand for, who thirty years ago aided this city in its hour of tragedy even as he mourned his flesh and blood, said that in times like these, the people need more than ever to know that there is a place to simply be good, to be inspiring, to be forthright and demonstrate agency! You may be quiet, Los Fortuna, but I can hear you calling! I will work myself to an early grave if it means my fellow councilors and I can do right by the safety and comfort every last one of you deserves!”
The man continued postulating about the safety of the city, and the crowd didn’t seem to be processing all of it, yet they cheered anyway when he paused or gestured to.
It all felt so smotheringly fake to Jacob Brown, having gotten curious about the crowd while on a stroll through the city, having before then been idly people-watching.
You use his name like a tool to make the people cheer… You say you were friends, but I sure never heard him talk about you! I think you might be lying and lying and peppering in platitudes, just like every other politician, Councilor!
For a brief, flashing moment, Jacob called the semi-tangible form of ‘Megalo Strike Back,’ only to stop himself, remembering.
“You all seem a good lot, creative, constructive, well of intent, so I must ask you all personally... Help me make this inevitable into something that is not a tragedy, when the time comes."
That Andrew Tiffany had asked that of them all, and Jacob had promised his help with all the rest. He had seemed so happy, so relieved, to know that he had allies in this fool’s errand of his, and even though he was dead, Jacob Brown was never one to defy a promise.
The speaker would live, and Megalo Strike Back would recede. Still, to calm his nerves, he walked away, trying to deftly make his way somewhere away from all the lies.
Maybe he could find his fun for the day somewhere quieter.
In an alleyway, South of the rally…
Richard Stone was thinking to himself, having had much the same people-watching plans as a youth not half his age, though his walk was a shorter one, himself more winded by what had come, not to mention what had distracted him.
This Downtown in particular, it had interested him… He remembered the words of that young woman who spoke of the place, how apparently it had once been devastated by an earthquake, and then from there rebuilt… A bit of a museum trek confirmed as such to him, too. Was this, then, the history of the city’s canals?
It truly was amazing, the decades of stories that could be told by just walking around.
There were a lot of police in the area, and earlier, a man had been trying to avoid them, but also looking quite nervous in his own right… He’d a feeling that he should paint the man, perhaps, but he had only seen him briefly enough to get a quick sketch, and had since become preoccupied by searching for that guy, whatever trouble he had gotten up to, instead of checking out that rally up by the water.
It was a pretty damn nice drawing for a sketch of a man at a glance, by any standards bar Richard’s own.
All this going around looking for some guy… I really need to do more cardio. At least it’s an absolutely lovely day, and being this far from that district locals call ‘The Earth,’ I’m bound to find some excitement just by walking around a bit! And if it’s the wrong kind, it’s nothing that my ‘Heavens’ can’t get me out of!
Not long after expressing that, Richard did, in fact, find some company; a teenager, by the looks of things, had entered the alley, looking as though he were hurriedly shuffling away from something.
“Good day!” Richard spoke, waving at the youth with a raised hand. Already, he could see dark energies from this young man, but this was hardly something to phase him, simply standing where he was, holding onto what he was. “You don’t happen to have seen a man who looks vaguely like this, have you?”
As he held out his sketch, the newcomer gave him a curious look, then began to close the distance between them quickly. Stopping a few meters away, then, he looked at the thing, then at the man, shaking his head. “I’m afraid not… Would this be a friend of yours?”
Richard shook his head, which seemed to satisfy the boy. “No, a complete stranger… He caught my eye, as people do sometimes. I’m not sure if you’re aware, but there’s many people with strange abilities in this place, and I’ve developed, I think, a knack for feeling out where they’re active. I was hoping to track him down and paint him.”
“Most of our kind don’t speak so bluntly about Stands like that with total strangers,” this kid said, cutting through all the slight inclinations that he might be somewhat normal, then smiling, getting a little closer. “Someone with that layer of fearless honesty has some respect from me… You may not be so bad, Mister…”
“Stone,” he answered, “Richard Stone. I just wasn’t sure if you were one as well, so I didn’t want to confuse you, but I can see that’s not necessary! Tell me, though, what’s your name, since you now have mine?”
“Jacob Brown… I’m new here, you could say, and so I was people-watching… Happened to make my way here when the lies of that councilman became too much to bear.” The boy retracted a bit, then held his hands behind his back… Richard could tell he was up to something. “Tell me, though, Richard, do you think it’s dangerous to accost strangers in alleys?”
“I’ve been told,” he answered, “but sometimes, that’s where you meet the most interesting people, and I won’t flinch from that… Not all of the best stories parade through the streets, yeah?”
“I understand, and agree completely! That said, a fair warning, Richard, since you seem alright… you caught me in a really bad mood, and I just want to rip something open!”
Like that, he leapt forward, a knife now in his hands, bringing it with alarming speed towards his conversational partner. Richard, to his end… Simply stood and watched, and then, just before the blade could contact skin, stopped itself, Jacob pulling back and tilting his head. “You really aren’t afraid at all, then… Didn’t try to get away, nor summon up your own Stand to stop me.”
“You like to unnerve people and see how they react, is that it?” Richard asked, his answer implying the point of his inaction. “You’re honest, to a fault… If you were going through the trouble of announcing your bloodlust like that, I think you’d have told me you meant to gut me like a fish, or something else flavorful like that. Yet all you said was you wanted to do that to something. Not a lie, but a test. And lucky thing, too… If you’d actually meant to kill me, Jacob, right now you would certainly be dead.”
Jacob Brown started cracking up, then, hand moving to his forehead as he laughed and laughed, in a better mood than he had been since hearing that infernal speech. “You’re good… You really are good, Richard Stone! If you had recoiled or tried to run, acted afraid, that wouldn’t have reflected very well on your claimed interests in all kinds of people, and then maybe you would have become the ‘something’ after all. Talking to you has put me in such a better mood already… Is there some way I can repay you?”
“One,” Richard said, producing his art supplies once again with a nod, looking over his form. “Let me paint you?”
Not much later, that same day, that same alley…
The two fast acquaintances, not yet aware that they would soon come to blows, had a good time simply talking as the drawing ensued, and there was much to talk about… Both had quite dark, storied histories, and though both did value being forthright, some of what they got into utterly forbade it in function. It was nice, then, to frankly discuss matters such as the taking of lives and witnessing of violent, gruesome scenes.
All good things were bound to come to an end, though, as not long after the drawing had been complete, the hand of fate tossed with all its might something which would surely come between their new bond.
A violent crashing sound, followed by a mess of crimson liquid dancing in the air, surrounding the slumped, launching form of a man’s body, a flickering humanoid figure trying and failing to grasp at anything and everything before fading from existence, even Richard not quite able to make out what the mysterious person’s Stand was. Before either person could process anything, this anonymous Stand User had entered their eyesight by smashing headfirst against the brick wall of the alley directly between where they were standing.
“That’s…” Richard raised an eyebrow, noting the outfit and hair of what was once a man before them, now cut to shit and crushed up to boot. “I’m sure of it, that’s the man I was trying to follow.”
“Well,” Jacob said, moving to ineffectually, almost tongue-in-cheekily check the corpse’s pulse. “You’ve found him, I suppose. Might not be as easy to paint his face now, but…” He leaned in hard, squinting before pulling away. “The resemblance of your sketch seems to have been uncanny to what his face might have looked like unsmashed!”
“I’ll have to remember him, then… When I see a Stand User die, you know, I can always paint them perfectly from memory.”
Their conversation was interrupted by the chatter of a man on a radio, “yeah, got two men in an alleyway, right in front of a John Doe. Now approaching, over.”
“Oh…” Jacob said, slightly disappointed, “the police are here.”
“Looks like it,” Richard answered in a whisper, “play it cool, yeah? ”
Of course, both Richard and Jacob knew how horrible this looked right away, what with the officer drawing closer with a cold look on his lips, brow tensed and hands on his hips as he walked over to the scene, what he would be saying clear before he even came close.
Jacob, for a moment, was glanced at by the man, before he turned his head to Richard, getting closer to him. “Would either of you mind answering some questions for me?”
“Certainly, officer,” Jacob said, already feeling exhausted, “what about? Social studies? Pre-calculus? Ooh, I was always graded well in physical education, would that help?”
“You know that’s not what I meant…” That, then, earned an eyebrow raising from him, his tone growing concerned, rather than frustrated as he looked at Jacob and pointed at Richard. “Is he threatening you not to answer or something? You can trust me, young man, it’s like Councilor March said… It’s not just all these security companies, or those college boys in their ivory tower, or that fuckin’ Black Angel; police officers like me are doing our part too, and I say we’re doing the biggest part of all!”
That put Jacob in a bad mood, and Richard, noticing his new friend stiffen up, opted wisely to take over, “if I may, officer, I assure you this body literally just flew in out of nowhere while my friend and I were just talking here. We’re as confused as you are about this whole-”
“You expect me to believe that? Don’t make fun of me! North Island PD aren’t stupid, buddy!” Suddenly, the officer seized Richard’s hand, hard enough to actually make the weak older man wince, dropping the canvas upon which had been the sketch of the dead man - and immediately, the officer caught that. “If you’re not gonna cooperate, we’ll just have to bring you to the station and hear what you really know!”
And then, he held up the sketch of this person, glancing at it and chuckling, looking at the corpse. “Not a bad resemblance at all… You’re a half-decent artist, but a damned shitty liar. That’s settled now, you’re coming with me.”
The officer, then, dropped the canvas before reaching down for his handcuffs, occupied hand loosening in its grip on Richard without his notice, only for him to realize as he brought his arm back up that it wasn’t holding them… And that both of his wrists ended in grotesquely bleeding stumps, both of what they once connected to dropping uselessly to the floor.
Turning, slowly, in too much shock as he held up his stumps, he looked towards the boy off to the side, grinning with his mouth but looking at him with utter malice, hand formed as if it was holding something, but nothing appearing visible in the officer’s eyes.
“That’s not a term to toss around lightly, officer… I was in a wonderful mood until you went and ruined it, you know!” Jacob’s grin grew wider, then, and he stepped again and again on the lifeless fingers of the severed hand, the officer hearing them crack apart. There was almost a quality of laughter in his voice. “So run away now, little piggy, while I satisfy myself with this! This is one hundred percent your fault, you know, for trying to arrest an innocent man for telling the whole truth!”
Finally, the pain registered, and as he turned and ran with a look of utter inelegance, the officer screamed pathetically and bolted away, his expensive blue pants moist with an absolute sign of his fear as he tried and failed, again and again, to radio for help.
“I, uh… Appreciate the save.” Richard sighed, relieved on one hand, but otherwise, frowning with further thoughts as he picked up his canvases. “We need to get out of here, though… He’ll get help eventually, and then we are in serious trouble.”
“I concur… This way!”
The nearby streets, minutes later…
Jacob and Richard ran off, but sirens wailed in the distance, and both could see it with utter certainty… The officers in the area had been looking for an excuse to flex on someone, they had been in the wrong place at the wrong time, and now, the situation had escalated even further.
Panting to catch their breaths, Richard looked to the younger criminal, speaking quite frankly to him. “You know, Jacob… There’s no way the cops are gonna stop until they have someone to pin this crime on, and we just gave them all the reason to make it one of us on a silver platter. There’s no reason for both of us to go down.”
“Yes I agree,” Jacob answered, bouncing from foot to foot, looking around, “much as I’ve enjoyed our chat, and don’t at all regret helping you back there, I don’t intend to actually go to jail for your sake. There’s far too much police could find if they looked into me, and I’ve made a promise to someone which would be in danger if I were ever in that hot water.”
“So we’re on the same page, then… I have every intent of being the one of us who walks away from this, even if it means they take you in. No hard feelings, yeah?”
Jacob, again, found the situation amusing, seeming to agree if only for the sheer honesty of saying that… It isn’t a deception or a betrayal if they totally understand where they are. “No hard feelings… If you survive this, though, I might save you a second time after all! I have connections at the Academy, yes, and I’m sure they won’t abide by an innocent Stand User facing charges, no! So try to live, and may the best man win!”
Without another word, Jacob bolted off, then, leaving Richard standing there, stretching, and shaking his head with bemusement. “‘If I survive this…’ This a game to him?” A sigh, shaking his head, then followed. “What a kid… Alright, then! Not gonna let myself get shown up here! I’ve been through worse scrapes than this before he was even alive, so it’s time to show him how it’s done!”
Open the Game!
Location: The streets in Downtown Los Fortuna’s north island. Fleeing from the police has forced the players away from all the art and history towards one of its more… Commercial subsections.
The area is shown here with each tile being 7.5 by 7.5 meters with a total length of 90 meters and width of 150 meters. The dark grey are each two lane roads, cars are parked and driving as normal here at around 30 miles per hour and the crosswalks are denoted by double white lines. The arrows show the direction of traffic. The players are represented by their respective tokens on the center crosswalks with Richard on the left and Jacob on the right side of the map.
The yellow circles represent cops, which focus on the character to whom they are closer in proximity. Though not marked on the map, there is steady foot traffic through the area and a regular flow of motorists, miraculously not killing anybody. At the start of the match, the flow of motor traffic is cutting the police off from the players’ initial positions.
The cream-colored tiles surrounding sets of buildings are sidewalks with general foot traffic, but not too busy. The inner light grey tiles are alleyways with the rectangles around them being various buildings or lots. The Orange rectangles (labeled “R”) are restaurants, the Blue rectangles are convenience stores (“C”), the Red rectangles (“F”) are fast food places, and the Grey rectangles are empty concrete lots that are fenced off by 2.5 meter tall fences (“L). The doors to each building are denoted by the yellow rectangles and the doors that lead to the alleyways are locked from the outside.
All of the above are currently open, and the things one might expect to find within them are, indeed, generally all there. They’re a little bit crowded in all of their cases, minus the empty lots, but easy enough for anyone to navigate. The paths from the sidewalk to the alleyways are blocked by 2.5 meter fences that are denoted by the bolded lines.
The top center area is a parking lot with the magenta being the entrance and the purple rectangles being the cars. The bottom center is a grassy park with trees denoted by the green circles.
Goal: Do not get caught by the police! The player that gets caught by the police first will be charged with Resisting Arrest, with more charges to come as the officers think them up, getting Retired as a result. Until one of them is, the police will literally stop at nothing to make it happen. No tactic is outright off-limits, but every possible course of action will have immediate consequences on the behavior of NPCs towards both characters. See below for details.
Additional Information:
Though it’s possible to leave any side of the map, these city streets all look so similar in this unfamiliar place… You get turned around way too easily! The map will effectively loop, in short. If you leave from the left side, like in a game of ‘Pac Man,’ you will find yourself on the right side, and so on. No NPC is capable of understanding or exploiting this phenomenon.
None of the police officers involved in this match are Stand Users, nor can they see Stand phenomena unless it’s a case where everyone can anyway.
The cops have 333 physicals, 3 in Cop (a competent enough but not particularly great shot with a standard-issue handgun, reasonably physically acute, can generally press civilians into showing them where they want to go), 5 in Slighted; basically, these guys are tenacious to a fault and will chase after players, but are also somewhat overconfident in their ability to handle this. They are armed with a baton, taser and pistol, and have hand-cuffs and a radio on their belt.
Police will chase the players they are following as best they can, and will not take their focus off their pursuit until someone they can arrest is sitting in police custody… In which case they will literally just sort of drop it instantly to focus on keeping him that way.
Officers will start off completely clueless to how both of you operate, but gradually learn the tactics of the player characters as the match goes on, so mixing up methods is important for outlasting them on a long-term basis.
The cops will not fire their guns on players unless they have a clear shot, and players have tried attacking them or committed any violent crimes during the match; that one dickhead in the writeup was a freebie. That said, the more aggressive players get with them, the more aggressive in turn the already disproportionate response will grow.
The longer the match goes on, the more cops will be chasing after each player; with each 5 minutes, a new cop will be on each player’s trail. One will also appear immediately from the opposite side of the map from the player if an officer is ever slain.
The civilians (222s with no relevant skills) will usually give you away to the cops if they know what direction you went or where you generally are, but being as indifferent as the average JoJo civilian, they need to be questioned for this to trigger.
Once 30 minutes have passed, each player will have a police helicopter begin to focus on them, relaying the player’s location information to the other cops if they can find them. If a player seems to be moving too quickly for cops to pin down, they will start coming in cop cars to chase them.
Team Combatant JoJolity
Masters of Funky Action Jacob Brown “Go ahead, shoot me! But prepare yourself; the moment you pull that trigger, I’m going to break your finger like a matchstick!” These officers are really quite vexing, and you need to vent more. While completing your objective, find creative ways to antagonize your pursuers!
Black Hill Estate Richard Stone “Hm? You think I’m just running around not knowing where I’m going? I ran here so I can kill you!” These damned cops may have ruined your day and forced you out of one of the cooler parts of North Island, but you still have a day to seize. Make the most you can out of the places you visit on the map in your strategy!
Link to the Official Player Spreadsheet
Link to Match Schedule
As always, if you would like to interact with the tournament community and be among the first to get updates for the tournament, please feel free to PM a member of our Judge staff for an invite to our Official Discord Server!
submitted by AzakiBG to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments]

The South Coast Metro Shopping

For a night on the town, the Segerstrom Center for the Arts, a world-famend performing arts complicated adjoining to South Coast Plaza, options stage and concert halls in addition to repertory and cabaret theaters. The concierge at South Coast Plaza may even handle securing your tickets here and to different space attractions.
On October 15, 2018, it was introduced that Sears would be closing as a part of a plan to shut 142 stores nationwide. The Sears anchor was closed permanently on January 1, 2019, making it the last unique anchor retailer to close within the mall.
Located solely steps away from Michigan Avenue, the Oak Street District continues to draw in millions of visitors every year with walkways that act as pink carpets to posh storefronts and impressed interiors. It is the gem of Chicago’s Gold Coast, one of the prestigious areas in the Midwest and the second wealthiest neighborhood in the nation.
When I was prepared for a break from shopping, I retreated to South Coast Plaza’s VIP Access Suite, a quiet, personal oasis to sit down, chill out and regroup. The concierge checked my packages and offered me with an array of refreshments. This cozy lounge also presents a non-public dressing room, where consumers can meet with a private stylist. Walking into South Coast Plaza feels different from getting into any other buying vacation spot I even have visited. The use of pure mild and a calming indoor water characteristic gave me the impression that I may simply spend greater than a day exploring here.

South Coast Metro Shopping

Walk the bridge of a WW II warship, marvel at the forty four-ft motor lifeboat plowing by way of a wave in a rescue mission. Board the Lightship Columbia, a National Historic Landmark that after guided ships to safety on the mouth of the Columbia River. If recent produce, live music, and local artwork blended with a street market environment is your concept of a weekend properly spent, then the Astoria Sunday Market is a spot you possibly can’t afford to overlook. The second largest market of its sort in Oregon, celebrating its nineteenth season and spanning four city blocks, the Astoria Sunday Market is located within the heart of downtown Astoria.

San Diego: Culture, Shopping and Attractions

Be the primary to find out about unique offers and occasions at Oregon Coast Shopping Center. Our local enterprise directory acts as a tour guide to Chicago’s premiere locations. Peek into the buying, delicacies and best motels in Chicago and browse our part on occasions to plan your schedule out completely. Whether it’s one of the best spas, hotels, accommodations, eating places or a purchasing district in Chicago, Oak Street Chicago lets you discover what you’re on the lookout for.
The LAB Anti-Mall, a longtime OC arts hangout and bohemian buying oasis, honors the pattern-loving shopper within a relaxed open air environment. Urban Outfitters, Buffalo Exchange, Eye Society, Blends, Carve, Crème Tangerine, and Crew Salon are one-of-a-sort retailers circling the LAB Living Room. From your early morning espresso repair at Cafecito Orgánico, café type ambiance at Gypsy Den and delicious vegan bites at Seabirds Kitchen, to dinner at award profitable Cuban restaurant Habana or Calipoke, The LAB eateries will fulfill any palate! While you’re right here, loosen up and spend some high quality time at the famend rust barrel fountain and fire pit, and peruse the classic trailer pop-up retailers sprinkled concerning the whimsical pathways. J. Segerstrom & Sons, based the Festival of Children Foundation in 2002.
The Vons grocery retailer signal instantly catches the eye, but Metro Town Square certainly doesn’t finish there. Convenience is key—one can pick up groceries, use the health club at LA Fitness, or utilize health and financial providers and extra all in one cease.
These Main Street areas regularly host free events for an added layer of fun. A shopping center featuring The Krave Kobe Burger Grill, Menchie's Frozen Yogurt, Mustard Cafe, Newport Fusion Sushi, Pavilions, Starbucks Coffee, Zov's Bistro and more. The SoBECA District, an acronym for South on Bristol, Entertainment, Culture, Arts celebrates fashion, dining, arts and the outside as the heartbeat of Costa Mesa, City of the Arts. The LAB Anti-Mall and the CAMP eco-campus, throughout the street from each other on Bristol, form the cornerstone of this eclectic neighborhood of unique boutiques, one-of-a-type restaurants, artwork galleries, cafés and wellness providers.

Cocoa Beach Surf Company

Showcasing 200 distributors each week with arts and crafts from the unique coastal region in addition to a rotating forged of eclectic musicians, the market is a neighborhood hub properly worth the visit for any traveler. The vibrant food courtroom and quirky vendors border a nearby waterfront stroll that's easily accessible, and the refurbished trolley system offers access to all the remainder Astoria has to offer. Outlets From designer manufacturers to Pacific Northwest adventure gear, Lincoln City Outlets has everything on your subsequent quest on the Oregon Coast. The Space Coast boasts three Historic Downtown Areas positioned in Titusville, Cocoa Village, and Melbourne. All of those districts are nice locations for eating, looking for gifts and antiques, catching a play, or simply taking an afternoon stroll.
The Avenue Viera is an open-air pedestrian friendly purchasing destination that includes premier national retailers, select local retailers and specialty eating places. For visitors in touch with their inside artists, there are artwork galleries within the downtown areas and in Eau Gallie Arts District. Looming large with purchasing on the Space Coast is Ron Jon Surf Shop, the world's largest surf store that visitors need to see to believe.

Curbside Pick-Up and No-Contact Delivery Services at Oak Street District

Park in one of our shade-coded pickup zones and call your boutique or restaurant. Check our web site day by day for probably the most present record of boutiques and eating places. Other shopping choices in North Bend embody the Pony Village Mall, The Myrtlewood Factory, and Ko-Kwel Gifts at The Mill Casino. North Bend’s quaint downtown provides shoppers a blend of gift, vintage and outfitters to select from, including, Painted Zebra, Petal to the Metal, Books by the Bay, Josies Art Lab, Fat Cat Antiques, Mossy Rose, and lots of others. Beach Books is a regionally owned book store that includes best sellers and titles by regional authors.
The basis hosts the annual Festival of Children at South Coast Plaza each September. In March 2006, the Robinsons-May retailer, historically the first retailer at South Coast Plaza because the May Company, was closed as part of its merger with Macy's and re-opened as Bloomingdale's in May 2007. Upscale Italian, progressive American, authentic Chinese and Japanese, classic steakhouse are among dining choices that indulge the senses and revive the diner, permitting more time for exploring. In the center of downtown Chicago, the Oak Street District is the town’s destination for luxurious purchasing. A neighborhood of historical buildings housing the world’s most sought-after brand names and designers, it's a mélange of each charm and culture.

Top Spots for Independent Shopping on the Coast

You’ll discover the posh way of life boutiques Chicago’s downtown district shines for and discover Chicago’s best points of interest the casual vacationer overlooks. We’ll help navigate downtown Chicago, so you'll be able to stroll confidently into one of the best restaurants, motels, hostels, accommodations and clothing boutiques the town has to supply. Browse Oak Street Chicago’s native enterprise directory for a thorough catalogue of boutique purchasing, and eating places and also you’ll know exactly what to select on your destination adventure. Simply name them to order spring fashion or meals and you’ll receive a choose up time.
Six galleries, the Great Hall, and the Lightship Columbia interpret the area's rich maritime historical past. Visitors of all ages expertise what it's prefer to pilot a tugboat, take part in a Coast Guard rescue, and stay in Astoria in the course of the height of salmon fishing. Explore marine transportation from the times of dugout canoes, via the age of sail, to the current.

Boomster Blog: Local Coffee Spots on Florida's Space Coast

Since 2007, South Coast Plaza has held "Fashion Plates", an annual 10-day Restaurant Week-like promotion of its high-finish eating places at discounted rates. After a full day of buying, prepare to be wowed by the region’s wonderful sights, such as the beaches lining the pristine coastline of Orange County. A go to to Disneyland, for example, is an expertise the entire family can enjoy.
Other surf shops dot the coast together with Cocoa Beach Surf Company in Cocoa Beach and Longboard House on Melbourne Beaches. With so few reviews, your opinion of Newport Coast Shopping Center could possibly be big. Yelp customers haven’t asked any questions yet about Newport Coast Shopping Center. embodies all the comfort of a neighborhood shopping middle, boasting a wide range of retailers and companies that assist each the native business and residential neighborhood.
Everywhere I seemed, there was one thing that caught my eye – clothing, accessories, shoes and extra – especially since I received a 10 % off Visitor Savings Pass only for being an international customer. In the cosmetics division, I obtained fantastic personal service and a makeover. Macy’s at South Coast Plaza really has a lot to be desired, including a separate store only for males. Merritt Square Mall on Merritt Island and the Melbourne Square Mall in Melbourne provide traditional shopping mall venues.
submitted by dariasss to u/dariasss [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, Dec 4th - Tue, Dec 10th)

Tulsa's event list.


Wednesday, Dec 4th

  • Build a Reader Storytime: Preschool (Owasso Library - Owasso) The best in children's literature, songs, games, finger plays, rhymes and other reading-related activities are shared with your preschooler. For ages 3-5. **The last Preschool Storytime for the year will be Wednesday, Dec. 11. Preschool Storytime will resume on Wednesday, Jan. 15.
  • 😂 Jason Russell (Loony Bin - Tulsa) Thru Sat, Dec 7th
  • 🎭 Open Auditions for Cast (Tulsa Spotlight Theatre - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:30pm Open Auditions first Wednesday of every month. 6:30pm
  • Yale University Whiffenpoofs (All Souls Unitarian Church - Tulsa) Let the Yale Whiffenpoofs get you in the holiday spirit with a lively performance at All Souls Unitarian Church in…

Thursday, Dec 5th

  • 🎡 Brown Bag It: Tulsa Festival Ringers (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 11:30am
  • Cryptic Wisdom (The Shrine - Tulsa) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • 🍴 In the Middle Book Club (Owasso Library - Owasso) Start Time: 6:00pm Join us to discuss "Roller Girl" by Victoria Jamieson and make some awesome buttons! We'll also have snacks and hot chocolate/hot apple cider. For ages 9-12. Request your copy here:
  • 😂 Jason Russell (Loony Bin - Tulsa) Thru Sat, Dec 7th
  • Travis Tritt in Concert (Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Tulsa - Catoosa) Award-winning country singer Travis Tritt is taking over The Joint in Catoosa for a special evening of live music. Since he…
  • Broken Arrow Wine Walk (Rose District - Broken Arrow) Start Time: 6:30pm The Broken Arrow Wine Walk gives guests the chance to sample a variety of locally crafted drinks within walking distance…

Friday, Dec 6th

  • 🍴 Chandler Park Lights on the Hill (Chandler Park - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 8th Start Time: 6:00pm Enjoy one of the brightest Christmas light displays in Tulsa! Millions of lights will line the roads throughout the park. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!
  • Christkindlmarkt (GAST House - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 8th For a unique and distinctly European holiday shopping experience head to the Christkindlmarkt put on by the German American…
  • Tulsa Dog Training Club Agility Trial (Expo Square - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 8th See trained dogs compete in a series of agility tests during the Tulsa Dog Training Club Agility Trial. Held at Tulsa Expo…
  • Festival of Lights Christmas Parade (Downtown - Sand Springs) Day 1 of 2 Come and enjoy one of the state's oldest and biggest nighttime holiday parades and experience the wonder of a small-town…
  • 🍴 Hayes Carll (Cain's Ballroom - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:30pm Cain's Ballroom welcomes Hayes Carll to Tulsa, OK on Friday, December 6, 2019 Burn Co Barbecue - Cain’s will be open during the show. Advance - $23 + fees Day of Show - $26 + fees Door - $26 Mezzanine (21+) - $38 + fees No re-entry! No smoking! No refunds! Support acts are subject to change without notice!
  • 🎓 Holiday Customer Appreciation Celebration (U.S. Cellular Store - Claremore) Thru Sun, Dec 8th Start Time: 10:00am Claremore U.S. Cellular Store Hosting Holiday Customer Appreciation Celebration
    Happy holidays from U.S. Cellular! The Claremore store at, 502-B S Lynn Riggs Blvd is hosting a holiday-themed Customer Appreciation Celebration from Dec. 6 – Dec. 8. During this time, everyone who visits the store will receive a free tumbler, and customers can…
  • Holiday Maker Market (Mother Road Market - Tulsa) Visit the Mother Road Market along Route 66 in Tulsa for the Holiday Maker Market. Complete your holiday shopping while…
  • Hoosier Arenacross Nationals (Claremore Expo Center - Claremore) Day 1 of 2 Experience two high-flying nights of motorized, adrenaline-pumping arenacross action. After kicking off the night with live…
  • 😂 Jason Russell (Loony Bin - Tulsa) 1 day left
  • Kayfabe's Annual Toy Drive for St. Francis' Children's Hospital (Blackbird On Pearl - Tulsa) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • Miracle in Bedford Falls (Broken Arrow Community Playhouse - Broken Arrow) Thru Sun, Dec 15th Frank Capra’s timeless film “It’s a Wonderful Life” has been given a fresh adaptation with Broken…
  • Philbrook Festival (Philbrook Downtown - Tulsa) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 6:00pm Join us as Philbrook comes alive with holiday events, visits from Santa, train rides, Lego Village, garden games, live music, shopping, décor, and thousands of lights in the gardens reflecting the spirit of the season. Gather the whole family for unforgettable experiences. Festival Nights are special ticketed event nights which feature a light…
  • Philbrook Playdates (Philbrook Downtown - Tulsa) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 9:30am Come and play with your child, let your child play with other kids, and meet other adults! We provide the creative activity and we clean up the mess. December 2019: Exploring Light Discover the awe-inspiring wonder-filled work of Anila Quayyum Agha with your little one. Then explore light and shadow together! Playdates at Philbrook are…
  • Wax: Push On Tour (The Vanguard - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm Wax garnered his success from his YouTube channel, where he attracted attention for his rapping and singing skills. Although…
  • Wayne "The Train" Hancock (The Shrine - Tulsa) Start Time: 9:00pm

Saturday, Dec 7th

  • Buddy Lafortune Community Center's Holiday Craft Bazaar (Lafortune Community Center - Tulsa) This event is great for all your holiday shopping, we will have many different vendors selling goods including but not limited to, homemade crafts, knit scarves, pillows, stockings, blankets, jamberry, Mary Kay, Scentsy, and much much more
  • 🎨 Chandler Park Cookies with Santa (Chandler Park - Tulsa) Start Time: 11:00am FREE Bring the family out to enjoy milk and cookies with the ‘man in red'. Don't forget to bring your wish lists and cameras to snap a photo. The 1st 100 guests will receive a goodie bag! LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!
  • 🍴 Chandler Park Lights on the Hill (Chandler Park - Tulsa) 1 day left Start Time: 6:00pm Enjoy one of the brightest Christmas light displays in Tulsa! Millions of lights will line the roads throughout the park. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!
  • Christkindlmarkt (GAST House - Tulsa) 1 day left For a unique and distinctly European holiday shopping experience head to the Christkindlmarkt put on by the German American…
  • A Christmas Carol (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Day 1 of 2 A Christmas Carol Dec. 7-8, 13-15, 19-22 at 7:30 p.m.; Dec. 9, 16, 23 at 2 p.m. :: John H. Williams Theatre Robert Odle and Richard Averill's musical adaptation of Charles Dickens' beloved novella about the joy of giving has been a Tulsa tradition for more than 40 years. It's a heartwarming story about Scrooge, a lonely humbug who is given the…
  • Christmas in Kendall Whittier (Kendall-Whittier - Tulsa) Venture into the Kendall Whittier District this winter for a festive holiday shopping experience. Attend the annual…
  • Coweta Christmas Parade & Tree Lighting Ceremony (Downtown - Coweta) Celebrate the winter holidays this season at the annual Coweta Christmas Parade & Tree Lighting Ceremony. Select…
  • Christmas with The Petersens (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) The Petersens are an award-winning family band from Branson known for their authentic music, clean comedy, and family values. In 2015, the family received international attention when banjo player Ellen Petersen competed on American Idol. The family has toured throughout the U.S., Canada, Finland, and Ireland, performing their Americana roots…
  • A Crafty Christmas (Kum & Go - Sand Springs) Plan to attend A Crafty Christmas for an afternoon filled with holiday shopping. This arts and craft show in the heart…
  • Creepy Christmas Light Tour (Woodward Park - Tulsa) Thru Mon, Dec 23rd Haunted history and Christmas lights combine at Tulsa Spirit Tours' Creepy Christmas Light Tour. Learn all about the…
  • Tulsa Dog Training Club Agility Trial (Expo Square - Tulsa) 1 day left See trained dogs compete in a series of agility tests during the Tulsa Dog Training Club Agility Trial. Held at Tulsa Expo…
  • 🎭 The Drunkard and the Olio (Tulsa Spotlight Theatre - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:30pm
  • Festival of Lights Christmas Parade (Downtown - Sand Springs) Day 2 of 2 Come and enjoy one of the state's oldest and biggest nighttime holiday parades and experience the wonder of a small-town…
  • Tulsa Flea Market (Expo Square - Tulsa) Explore 50,000 square feet filled with antiques and collectibles at the Tulsa Flea Market. Head to Tulsa Expo Square, and…
  • Holiday Arts & Crafts Show (Bixby Community Center - Bixby) Scratch a few names off your Christmas gift list by making your way to the annual Holiday Arts & Crafts Show in Bixby.…
  • 🎓 Holiday Customer Appreciation Celebration (U.S. Cellular Store - Claremore) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am Claremore U.S. Cellular Store Hosting Holiday Customer Appreciation Celebration
    Happy holidays from U.S. Cellular! The Claremore store at, 502-B S Lynn Riggs Blvd is hosting a holiday-themed Customer Appreciation Celebration from Dec. 6 – Dec. 8. During this time, everyone who visits the store will receive a free tumbler, and customers can…
  • Hoosier Arenacross Nationals (Claremore Expo Center - Claremore) Day 2 of 2 Experience two high-flying nights of motorized, adrenaline-pumping arenacross action. After kicking off the night with live…
  • 😂 Jason Russell (Loony Bin - Tulsa) Last Day
  • 🏃 Jingle Bell Run (BOK Center - Tulsa) Come jingle with us at the annual Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis. Proceeds from this event help fund research and programs for the 800,000+ Oklahomans with arthritis - American's number one disabling disease.
  • LaFortune Park Crafts Bazaar (Lafortune Community Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 9:30am Browse homemade items, decorations, scarves, jewelry, and other unique treasures for your holiday shopping list from quality vendors. Booth space available. Call for pricing. Elisabeth Ziegler (918) 496-6220 LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!
  • 🎓 Les Mis rables (School Edition) (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Day 1 of 2 Les Mis�rables (School Edition) Dec. 7-8, 14-15 at 7:30 p.m.; Dec. 8-9, 15-16 at 2 p.m. :: Liddy Doenges Theatre Season Tickets Tulsa's most talented teens take on the masterpiece! Theatre Tulsa's Broadway Academy teenage students perform the inspiring saga of love, hope and... GET TICKETS
  • Midwest Arms Collector Gun Show (Expo Square - Tulsa) Day 1 of 2 For more than 15 years, the Midwest Arms Collector Gun Show has produced quality gun and knife shows. Be sure to explore the…
  • Miracle in Bedford Falls (Broken Arrow Community Playhouse - Broken Arrow) Thru Sun, Dec 15th Frank Capra’s timeless film “It’s a Wonderful Life” has been given a fresh adaptation with Broken…
  • Mzclave (Blackbird On Pearl - Tulsa) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • The Nutcracker (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 22nd This December, Tulsa Ballet presents "The Nutcracker" at the Tulsa Performing Arts Center. Audiences of all ages…
  • 🎨 Oklahoma and the Great Depression (The Gilcrease Museum - Tulsa) Start Time: 10:00am Explore the connections between Oklahoma and the Great Depression through talks, poetry readings, performances and more as we celebrate the exhibition DOROTHEA LANGE'S AMERICA. Free with museum admission. FEATURED TALKS
    “It’s Dying and It’s Hardly Been Born”: The Dust Bowl in Music, Literature and Film | 10:15 a.m. -Dr. Sean Latham,…
  • Philbrook Festival (Philbrook Downtown - Tulsa) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 6:00pm Join us as Philbrook comes alive with holiday events, visits from Santa, train rides, Lego Village, garden games, live music, shopping, décor, and thousands of lights in the gardens reflecting the spirit of the season. Gather the whole family for unforgettable experiences. Festival Nights are special ticketed event nights which feature a light…
  • Philbrook Playdates (Philbrook Downtown - Tulsa) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 9:30am Come and play with your child, let your child play with other kids, and meet other adults! We provide the creative activity and we clean up the mess. December 2019: Exploring Light Discover the awe-inspiring wonder-filled work of Anila Quayyum Agha with your little one. Then explore light and shadow together! Playdates at Philbrook are…
  • 🎭 Rainbows Are Free - Head Pains Record Release Show (The Vanguard - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm Head to the Vanguard for a night of metal and theatrics when Rainbows are Free brings their signature show to…
  • Saturday Afternoon Test N Tune (Tulsa Raceway Park - Tulsa) Start Time: 12:00pm
  • Shelby Mustang Classic Car Auction (Expo Square - Tulsa) The Shelby Mustang Classic Car Auction features top hot rods. Visit Tulsa Expo Square, and see the wide range of Mustangs…
  • Succulent Centerpiece Workshop (Philbrook Downtown - Tulsa) Start Time: 2:00pm Get your hands dirty. Take home a piece of Philbrook: succulents grown from our collection. Create a stunning centerpiece (with expert help). Make it for holiday entertaining or as a gift (that keeps on giving/growing). Enjoy wine, beer, and light refreshments. Philbrook Members: $40 Not-Yet Members: $60 Tickets include Museum admission…
  • Victor Wainwright (The Shrine - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:00pm

Sunday, Dec 8th

  • The Alliday Show (Retro Den - Tulsa) An all handmade arts and crafts show in its 10th year!
  • 🍴 Chandler Park Lights on the Hill (Chandler Park - Tulsa) Last Day Start Time: 6:00pm Enjoy one of the brightest Christmas light displays in Tulsa! Millions of lights will line the roads throughout the park. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!
  • Christkindlmarkt (GAST House - Tulsa) Last Day For a unique and distinctly European holiday shopping experience head to the Christkindlmarkt put on by the German American…
  • Christmas (Keystone State Park - Sand Springs) Keystone State Park hosts Christmas at the Park just in time for all the exciting winter festivities. Bring the…
  • A Christmas Carol (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Day 2 of 2 A Christmas Carol Dec. 7-8, 13-15, 19-22 at 7:30 p.m.; Dec. 9, 16, 23 at 2 p.m. :: John H. Williams Theatre Robert Odle and Richard Averill's musical adaptation of Charles Dickens' beloved novella about the joy of giving has been a Tulsa tradition for more than 40 years. It's a heartwarming story about Scrooge, a lonely humbug who is given the…
  • Creepy Christmas Light Tour (Woodward Park - Tulsa) Thru Mon, Dec 23rd Haunted history and Christmas lights combine at Tulsa Spirit Tours' Creepy Christmas Light Tour. Learn all about the…
  • Criss Angel (Osage Event Center - Tulsa) Come to the Skyline Event Center at the Osage Casino in Tulsa for a night of mind-blowing magic from Criss Angel. The star…
  • Tulsa Dog Training Club Agility Trial (Expo Square - Tulsa) Last Day See trained dogs compete in a series of agility tests during the Tulsa Dog Training Club Agility Trial. Held at Tulsa Expo…
  • 🏃 Half n Half Marathon or Half (Turkey Mountain - Tulsa) The RunnersWorld Tulsa Half and Half Marathon allows you to run a half marathon on the Turkey Mountain trails or a half marathon on paved pedestrian trails. All races will be going at the same time for some fast-paced finish line action.
    Half Marathon on Turkey Mountain Dirt Trails Half Marathon on Riverside Paved Trails Full Marathon…
  • 🎓 Holiday Customer Appreciation Celebration (U.S. Cellular Store - Claremore) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am Claremore U.S. Cellular Store Hosting Holiday Customer Appreciation Celebration
    Happy holidays from U.S. Cellular! The Claremore store at, 502-B S Lynn Riggs Blvd is hosting a holiday-themed Customer Appreciation Celebration from Dec. 6 – Dec. 8. During this time, everyone who visits the store will receive a free tumbler, and customers can…
  • 🎓 Les Mis rables (School Edition) (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Day 2 of 2 Les Mis�rables (School Edition) Dec. 7-8, 14-15 at 7:30 p.m.; Dec. 8-9, 15-16 at 2 p.m. :: Liddy Doenges Theatre Season Tickets Tulsa's most talented teens take on the masterpiece! Theatre Tulsa's Broadway Academy teenage students perform the inspiring saga of love, hope and... GET TICKETS
  • Midwest Arms Collector Gun Show (Expo Square - Tulsa) Day 2 of 2 For more than 15 years, the Midwest Arms Collector Gun Show has produced quality gun and knife shows. Be sure to explore the…
  • Miracle in Bedford Falls (Broken Arrow Community Playhouse - Broken Arrow) Thru Sun, Dec 15th Frank Capra’s timeless film “It’s a Wonderful Life” has been given a fresh adaptation with Broken…
  • The Nutcracker (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 22nd This December, Tulsa Ballet presents "The Nutcracker" at the Tulsa Performing Arts Center. Audiences of all ages…
  • ORU Golden Eagles vs Haskell Fighting Indians (Mabee Center - Tulsa) The ORU Golden Eagles men's basketball team strives for success on the court. Watch the team work together toward…
  • Tulsa Toy Run (Expo Square - Tulsa) Thousands of bikers descend upon Tulsa Expo Square every winter just in time for the holidays. During the annual Tulsa Toy…

Monday, Dec 9th

  • Glenpool Christmas Parade (Glenpool) Kick-off the holiday season at the Glenpool Christmas Parade. This festive Merry Monday event will feature displays from…
  • Creepy Christmas Light Tour (Woodward Park - Tulsa) Thru Mon, Dec 23rd Haunted history and Christmas lights combine at Tulsa Spirit Tours' Creepy Christmas Light Tour. Learn all about the…
  • Fiction Addiction Book Club (Owasso Library - Owasso) Start Time: 6:00pm Love talking about books? So do we! Join us to discuss "Beartown" by Fredrick Backman. Reserved copies of the book are available at the desk or you may request your own copy at
  • Jennifer Marriott Band (Tulsa) Start Time: 5:00pm
  • Miracle in Bedford Falls (Broken Arrow Community Playhouse - Broken Arrow) Thru Sun, Dec 15th Frank Capra’s timeless film “It’s a Wonderful Life” has been given a fresh adaptation with Broken…
  • The Nutcracker (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 22nd This December, Tulsa Ballet presents "The Nutcracker" at the Tulsa Performing Arts Center. Audiences of all ages…
  • Sing! An Irish Christmas (Mabee Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:30pm Join us for Sing! An Irish Christmas and make memories that will last a lifetime. Come sing along with thousands of believers in your city and celebrate the true story of the Christmas season!

Tuesday, Dec 10th

  • 🎭 Brady Theater, Tulsa, Oklahoma,USA (Brady Theater - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm Il Divo at the Tulsa Theater in Tulsa, Oklahoma pre-sale 1st of august at 10.00am
  • Build a Reader Storytime: Babies and Toddlers (Owasso Library - Owasso) Ready, set, READ! This beginning storytime focuses on helping your baby or toddler develop important literacy skills while emphasizing the fun of reading. For ages birth-2. **The last Baby/Toddler Storytime for the year will be Tuesday, Dec. 10. Baby/Toddler Storytime will resume on Tuesday, Jan. 14.
  • Creepy Christmas Light Tour (Woodward Park - Tulsa) Thru Mon, Dec 23rd Haunted history and Christmas lights combine at Tulsa Spirit Tours' Creepy Christmas Light Tour. Learn all about the…
  • Miracle in Bedford Falls (Broken Arrow Community Playhouse - Broken Arrow) Thru Sun, Dec 15th Frank Capra’s timeless film “It’s a Wonderful Life” has been given a fresh adaptation with Broken…
  • The Nutcracker (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 22nd This December, Tulsa Ballet presents "The Nutcracker" at the Tulsa Performing Arts Center. Audiences of all ages…

See Also

submitted by tulsanewsbot to tulsa [link] [comments]

Visitor's Guide to Red Wings hockey at Little Caesers Arena 2018-2019

It’s the second season of hockey at Little Caesers Arena (LCA). Many fans are still making the trek to the new arena for their first time to watch the Detroit Red Wings play. This is my second version of this guide help out visitors looking for some information from locals. I hope you find it helpful. Suggestions welcome!
submitted by spoonyfork to DetroitRedWings [link] [comments]

Happening in Indiana: July 22nd - 28th

My computer had a mini heart attack last night and I wasn't about to do this on a cellphone... So here's the latest happenings with a slight delay!
All my information comes from VisitIndiana so the list is not 100% comprehensive. If you know of anything that's missing, please post and share with everyone! If you've ever been to any of these events, or if you go this week, please share your experiences
Also be sure to visit the city-specific subreddits
This Week Only
Northwest Indiana
Ouibache Music Festival - July 27, 730-930pm, at Delphi Opera House. This quintet of locally grown musicians formed in 2000 celebrating American Roots music with a flair for jazz and anything else. Proceeds from the concert will benefit the missions of the Ouibache Music Festival and the Delphi Opera House
Old Lighthouse Museum S.S. Eastland Memorial - July 27 at the Old Lighthouse Museum. At 11am, the 104th Anniversary Memorial of the S.S. Eastland will commence, Station Michigan City Coast Guard will place a wreath in Trail Creek where Indiana Transportations dock was located. Father Lev of the Holy Trinity Orthodox Church will say memorial prayers. Speakers will tell the horrific story of the Eastland tragedy. WEFM 95.9 live radio will be at the museum from 9am-noon. The museum will be open free of charge today only from noon-4pm.
Gatsby at the Gardens - July 27, 6-9pm, at Friendship Botanic Gardens. Step into a Great Gatsby Garden Party! Enjoy a speakeasy evening set in the 1920's. Stroll the gardens, sip some giggle water, play bocce or badminton or cut the rug while listening to live jazz. $45; 21+event
Main St. Tour & Taste of White - July 26, 500-1130pm, at Downtown Monticello. Concert-style music and delicious food/beverages. You won't want to miss this night of entertainment!
New Carlisle Hometown Days - July 26-28 at 300 E Michigan St. New Carlisle Hometown Days is a 3 day family fun-filled weekend. Friday night we offer fireworks, parade on Sat, car show, famous wiffleball contest, kiddie tractor pull, bouncy houses, games, various vendors, food and entertainment.
Downtown Tractor Show - July 27, 8am-3pm, at 124 N. Michigan St. The streets of Downtown Plymouth will be filled with Tractors, Garden Tractors, Pedal Tractors and Hit-n-Miss Engines! There will also be food trucks with yummy treats to purchase. Autumn Leed and the River City Band will be playing from 12:00 pm til 2:00 pm. This is a FREE, family-friendly event!
Jasper County Fair - July 20-27 at the Jasper County Fairgrounds on State Road 114. The annual fair includes rides, games, demolition derby, food vendors, craft vendors and more!
U.S. Military All-Star Baseball Game - July 22, 7-10pm, at Oil City Stadium. The U.S. Military All-Stars will return to Northwest Indiana for a stop on this year’s Red, White & Blue Tour as they continue the mission of promoting the awareness of all Americans in support of the honorable sacrifices our armed forces make. The team is comprised of active duty servicemen from all branches of service around the world.
25th Annual Pierogi Fest - July 26-28 throughout Whiting. Taking place in Whiting, Indiana, Pierogi Fest® celebrates Eastern European food and culture with a wacky familial twist. Pierogi Fest® welcomes all to celebrate Eastern European heritage while poking a little fun at the same time.
Festival of Magic - July 26-28 at the Aftermath Cidery and Winery. Join Aftermath Cidery and Winery for a family-friendly trip to everyone's favorite boarding school! Visit all locations on your map to complete the scavenger hunt and win a prize: Hogwarts, Diagon Alley, King's Cross, the Leaky Barrel, and more! Each location will offer both Adult Potions and drinks for Little Wizards and Witches
Northeast Indiana
Park-inn Movies: The Sandlot - July 25, 930-1130pm, at Potawatomi Inn. Bring your blanket or lawn chair to the lawn overlooking Lake James. Admission is free to Inn Guests, Campground Guests and with paid admission to Pokagon State Park. (Weather Permitting).
Auburn Downtown Cruise-In - July 25, 530-800pm, at Courthouse Square. Join classic car enthusiasts around Courthouse Square downtown. See restored cars and other special vehicles of interest at this free event. Bring your family and stroll the streets, shop, have dinner in one of our local restaurants. There will be door prizes and a Crew's Choice Award for the most popular car. All show vehicles should arrive no earlier than 5:30 pm. Please enter at the corner of 7th & Cedar in order to check in and receive registration forms. All Cruise In's are held in Downtown Auburn around the square (Cedar, 9th, and Main.)
Berne Swiss Days - July 25-27 throughout Berne. The Swiss Day Celebration is a time for Berne to share it’s heritage with authentic Swiss costume, great food, craft vendors and merchandise. Residents and visitors alike enjoy the friendly competitions for all ages. From the 5K race to Big Wheel Competition for the younger ones to the Steintoss, there is something for everyone. On stage and around the festival you can hear Swiss music. Watch as couples dance the polka to live music on stage.
Allen County Fair - July 23-28 at the Allen County Fairgrounds. We welcome families to the 30th Annual Allen County Fair July 23rd to July 28th at the Allen County Fairgrounds, located off Carroll Road in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The 2019 Allen County Fair is home to Allen County 4-H and features many animal shows, projects and events throughout the week. In addition to 4-H festivities, the fair offers a full food court, carnival rides, and lengthily list of family-fun events. Highlighted events include: free ice cream social, hot air balloon fight/glow, 4X4 truck pull, demo derbies, kids day, live music, peddle truck races and much more.
Fort Wayne Pride Fest - July 26-27 at Headwaters Park. The two day event features live entertainment, vendor market, a beer tent, food plaza, workshops, tournaments, KidSpace and fun with the community! There are a variety of opportunities available for businesses and individuals who are looking to support Pride in the Fort including sponsorship, vendors, and volunteering. Pride is committed to bringing events throughout the year to build a stronger LGBTQ community outside of the festival. Check out our events page for more info.
Colonial America on the Frontier - July 27-28, 10am-6pm, at The Old Fort. Enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells of the American Revolution at Fort Wayne’s Historic Old Fort. The Continental Army and British forces will be on hand to provide live demonstrations throughout the day on period specific artillery and military maneuvers. Re-enactors will also bring to life the daily activities of this time period through demonstrations on period cooking, gardening, blacksmithing, and much more! The Fort will be open to the public: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 27, and 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 28. Tours of the Fort will be offered throughout the weekend.
Elkhart County 4-H Fair - July 19-27 at the Elkhart County 4-H Fairgrounds. he fair hosts nationally known musical artists during their 5-night concert series. A sanctioned rodeo, PPL tractor pull, and demolition derby are also highlighted at the free grandstand during fair week. Bring your appetite and explore famous food row. With more than 70 food stands, the fair takes pride in offering mouth-watering, once-a-year, fair favorites. Over 3,000 4-H livestock and more than 4,000 4-H still exhibits are shown during the 9-day event. Daily entertainment can be been found on every corner of the grounds, with multiple shows and exhibits included with your gate admission. Thrill seekers of all ages will want to visit the mid-way, complete with roller coasters, games and kiddie rides for the young fairgoers.
Amishland and Lakes Bicycle Tour - July 27-28, 6am-1pm, at Lakeland High School. Amishland and Lakes, based at Lakeland High School in LaGrange, Indiana, visits a world where lifestyles have remained almost unchanged for over a hundred years. One of the friendliest rides around, you’ll enjoy seeing and meeting families, women’s groups, regional cycling clubs, and tandem pairs who tell us they love our routes because they are so “tandem friendly.” There are wide open spaces, clean country air, friendly people and lots of great food. There is plenty to explore, experience and eat. Amishland and Lakes is famous for great SAG food (watermelons, peaches, blueberries, bananas, fresh baked cookies and more), and there are also Amish bakeries, restaurants and homemade ice cream parlors along the route. The routes range from 22 to 100 miles, offering smooth, quiet roads, where buggies are numerous and cars are few (both days begin and end at the High School). We also offer directions for a do-it-yourself Friday option to ride the Pumpkinvine Nature Trail. Camping is available at the 4-H Fairgrounds across from our start location. For more details go to
11th Annual Dixie Day Festival and Arts & Craft Fair - July 27, 8am-5pm, at 102 S. Morton St. The Dixie Day festival honors the landmark sternwheel paddle boat. It also encourages everyone to visit North Webster. The Dixie Boat has been cruising Webster Lake every summer since 1929 and attracted more than 13,000 riders last season. Dixie Day Festival is a dream come true with a list of activities and events that continue to grow. Extra Dixie cruises will be added for Saturday afternoon of the festival as well as the regular evening cruises. What to expect: North Webster Fire Department Pancake/sausage breakfast - 7am until out, Arts and Craft fair- 10a- 4p, 5K Run like a Pirate/Walk like a Captain, Car, truck, and bike show 10a-3pm, Boat show- 8am-4pm, Delicious food trucks, Tractor Show 10a-3p, and Ride the Dixie Sternwheel on beautiful Webster Lake.
Lauren Talley - July 23, 7-9pm, at the Blue Gate Theatre. Showtime: 7:00pm | Doors Open: 6:30pm Prices: Tickets Only - $19.95 | Dinner and Theater - $37.95
The Taylors - July 25, 7-9pm, at the Blue Gate Theatre. Showtime: 7:00pm | Doors Open: 6:30pm Prices: Tickets Only - $19.95 | Dinner and Theater - $37.95
Legacy Five - July 26-27, 7-9pm, at the Blue Gate Theatre. Showtime: 7:00pm | Doors Open: 6:30pm Prices: Tickets Only - $39.95 | Dinner and Theater - $57.95
Central Indiana
SetonFest - July 25-27, 6-10pm, at St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church. SetonFest is a three-day festival that includes carnival rides, a different band each night, food, bingo, a casino, beer garden and more. Free parking and free admission.
2019 Topgolf Tour - July 22, 6-11pm, at Topgolf Fishers. Team up, play and earn your way to Las Vegas and $50,000. There are 19 Regional Tournaments at Topgolf locations across the US, UK, and Australia, between June 18 and August 14. Playing a variety of Topgolf signature games that test strategy and accuracy, two-person teams compete against one another for a spot at the Topgolf Tour Championships in Las Vegas, with full VIP treatment. Only one team from each Regional Tournament makes it through to compete for the glory and a life changing prize. WHAT'S INCLUDED Entry into Topgolf Tour Regional Tournament, Minimum 2.5 hours of game play, Hot buffet, Official Topgolf Tour Insulated Water Bottle, $5 donation to Bunkers in Baghdad from every US player registration.
25th Annual Frankfort Hot Dog Festival - July 26-27 at Prairie Creek Park. Indiana's largest two-day hot dog festival features vendors, family fun, hot dog eating contests, dachshund races and HOT DOGS!
Gas City Concerts in the Park Presents Keith Anderson - July 23, 7pm, at Gas City Park. This is a FREE concert brought to you by the Gas City Concerts in the Park committee.
Gas City Concerts in the Park Presents The Park Avenue Band - July 26, 7pm, at Gas City Park. This is a FREE concert brought to you by the Gas City Concerts in the Park committee
Indy Shorts International Film Festival - July 25-28, 10am-10pm, at the Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields. The Indy Shorts International Film Festival, presented by Heartland Film and the organizers of the Heartland International Film Festival (HIFF), is an Academy Award®-qualifying fest dedicated to the art of short film! Last summer, Indy Shorts expanded as its own separate event from HIFF, becoming the largest short film festival in the Midwest - showcasing storytelling from around the world. All winners (Grand Prize and Audience Choice Awards) will play encore screenings at HIFF in October 2019. General ticket info at
Athenaeum Soireé: An Affair on the Ave - July 25, 630-900pm, at Athenaeum Foundation, 401 East Michigan St. The Athenaeum Soireé: An Affair on the Ave is an annual fundraiser featuring pairings of culinary creations and delicious handcrafted beverages from local establishments as well as live entertainment, silent auctions and more at this business casual, 21+ indoor event.
7th Annual Iron Eagle Paddle & Run - July 27, 8am-6pm, at Eagle Creek Park. Athletes of all ages can explore Eagle Creek Park, one of the nation’s largest city parks, via land and water alternating between trail runs and a canoe/kayak leg. Starting at the beach, the race consists of a 2.5-mile trail run, 1.5-mile paddle and 2.5-mile trail run back to the beach. Participants can enter as an individual or 2-person team. They have the option to bring personal kayaks or canoes with life jackets and paddles, or rent a boat in advance from Eagle Creek Outfitters. Spectators are more than welcome to come show support. Awards will be presented to the top solo female, the top solo male, the top team and the top relay team. An after party will be held post-race at the Earth Discovery Center. 100% of proceeds benefit the Eagle Creek Park Foundation. To Register: Visit
RhumFest 2019 - July 27, 2-10pm, at Kokomo Arts Pavilion in Foster Park. Enjoy live music by local students and instructors of Rhum Academy of Music in Kokomo. Free admission. Bring everyone for a family-friendly day of great music, art, food, and fun in Foster Park. With back-to-back performances in a variety of styles and genres all day you are sure to hear some music you love!
Tippecanoe County 4-H Fair - July 20-27 at the Tippecanoe County Fairgrounds. All phases of agriculture, 4-H exhibits, wide variety of youth activities, carnival rides, games and mouth watering fair food.
Tuesday on the Trail Nature Walk - July 23, 6-7pm, at the Haan Museum of Indiana Art. Get a closer look at nature as a guide leads you on an educational walk along our Nature Trail. The trail is about a mile long loop in the Museum’s three acre woods making it feel very much like a wilderness experience in the middle of town. Meet at the Nature Trail Entrance located at the south side of the Carriage house just off the parking lot. Fee: FREE
Bicentennial Park Summer Concert: Random Reaction - July 27, 7-9pm, at Bicentennial Park. Located at the corner of Indiana and Main Streets, the park is convenient to local restaurants to enjoy before the show. Popular local group Random Reaction will take the stage on July 27. Live music begins at 7 pm; bring your lawn chairs or blankets. Free.
47th Annual Vintage Motorbike Show - July 24-28 at the Jay County Fairgrounds. The LARGEST vintage motor bike show in the USA. Join us to reminisce the Simplex, Mustang, Whizzer, Cushman motorbikes and more! $5 admission fee per person/per day charged at the Fairground's front gate. Gates open at 6 AM daily.
Southern Indiana
Jackson County Fair - July 22-28 at the Jackson County Fairgrounds. The Jackson County Fair is the biggest and best! Still a free fair, find building after building of exhibits, visit barns, enjoy the midway and delicious food. Great grandstand events and racing!
Bluegrass on the Square - July 27, 4-8pm, at Historic Downtown Corydon. Since its inception in 2003, Bluegrass on the Square has featured some of the most well-known Bluegrass musicians in the region. Now in its 16th year. All concerts are free and open to the public. July 27 features Hog Operation and Ida Clare
Master Gardeners and 4-H Llamas & Alpacas Club - July 27, 800am-1230pm, at 400 Block Laffollette Station. Join us for Two Special Events;; Master Gardeners will be a the Market answering your Gardening questions and Floyd County 4H Club will be bringing the Alpacas & Llamas.
Purple Veins: a tribute to Prince - July 27, 630-900pm, at Lincoln Amphitheatre. Purple Veins aim to re-create the magical power and energy of a classic Prince show circa 1985: an all-out dance party with relentless funk, all the hits, tasty lesser-known classics, theatrical elements, and dance choreography woven into it. Their aim is to be all-inclusive, with an age range of 18 to 40 and multiple ethnicities within the both reach his music to millennials who didn’t live through it and transport those that did back in time to their younger days. With a charismatic and soulful frontman, a huge ensemble (16 plus!) of the funkiest cats, sultriest singers, and hottest dancers Wisconsin has to offer, Purple Veins is THE tribute show of all Prince tributes.
Country Roads Shop Hop - July 25-28, 10am-5pm, at Country Roads of Dearborn and Ripley Counties. Six Antique, Vintage and/or Home Decor shops will be combining forces to give you an unforgettable shopping week, with the chance to win big in the process! You can start and end at whichever shop you would like. Get your brochure stamped at each location and you’ll be entered to win our Grand Prize Drawing, $150 in gift certificates! ($25 from each participating shop) * Must be 18 yrs or older to be entered and Limit 1 per family* No purchase is necessary to receive a stamp, but it will be difficult not to purchase anything when you see what these amazing shops have to offer! Are you ready for some Antique, Vintage or Home Decor shopping and hopping? Hop all over the country roads and visit each participating shop! The Greenbriar Shop - Guilford, IN, The White Swan - Moores Hill, IN, The Blue Willow House - Dillsboro, IN, The Rustic Nail - Dillsboro, IN, The Whistle Stop - Milan, IN, The Huntington Carriage House - Milan, IN.
Wild Women's Hike - July 27, 10am-12pm, at McCormick's Creek State Park, 250 McCormick's Creek Park Rd. All are welcome to join us for the monthly DNK hike at McCormick's Creek State Park! The hike is free, but there is an entrance fee to get into the park. We'll be meeting at the Wolf Cave Parking area for about a 2-mile hike. Click here for the park map: Can't wait to hit the trail with you!
Northwest Indiana
Chesterton's European Market - Saturdays May through October at Third St and Broadway, Downtown Chesterton. An outdoor family/artisanal market held in historic downtown Chesterton from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Gary Southshore Railcats at U.S. Steel Yard - Various days at US Steel Yard. A day at U.S. Steel yard is non-stop fun, and that's even without the baseball! The RailCats promise a wide array of laugh-out-loud between inning entertainment, great giveaways , jaw-dropping fireworks and a family-first, kid-friendly atmosphere!
Miller Woods Hike Sundays - Every Sunday at Miller Woods. The hike starts at the National Lakeshore's Paul H. Douglas Center and travels through varied habitats including rare and beautiful black oak savanna and offers incredible views of Lake Michigan and Chicago. Wear sturdy shoes and bring water and insect repellent. This hike is offered every Sunday from 1:30 to 3:30pm.
61: An Exhibit Celebrating the 61st National Park - July 2 - Sep 21 at the Indiana Welcome Center, 7770 Corinne Dr. The 6,500-square-foot exhibit hall will be transformed to represent the 15,000 acres of diverse landscapes and highlight activities available to those that visit the park system. The exhibit will feature 12 trail stops. There will be interactive exhibits for children along the trail, selfie stations and a large “sandbox” for building sandcastles. Visitors will also have the opportunity to learn about the 1,100 native plant species, rare and migrating birds, as well as recreational opportunities like camping, hiking, kayaking and cross-country skiing. Interactive activities will also give children a chance to become a Junior Ranger!
Summer Market on the Lake - Thursdays through the end of August at Festival Park, 111 E Old Ridge Road. Come enjoy outdoor shopping featuring fresh produce, baked goods, ethnic and gourmet foods, beer garden, local live entertainment, jewelry, handmade crafts and so much more.
LaPorte Farmer's Market - Saturdays July through the end of October at Monroe St and Lincoln Way. The LaPorte Farmer's Market strives to build and strengthen the local food movement in LaPorte by showcasing our region's bounty and economic opportunities locally.
Summer Sundown Music Series - Sundays May through August. Bring the lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy Sunday evenings listening to a different musical artist each week. Each Sunday evening you will find yourself at a different park with new musical artist. Check online to see where and who will be appearing!
Michigan City Municipal Band Concerts - Thursdays in June, July, and August, at the Washington Park Guy Foreman Amphitheater. Experience free live musical performances under the stars near the shores of Lake Michigan in Washington Park. Seating available or bring your own chair. June-August, Thursdays 7:30pm.
Light Keeper Harriet Colfax Month - July 1-31, 1-4pm, at Old Lighthouse Museum, 100 Heisman Harbor Rd. Harriet Colfax came into the 1858 Light House in 1861 an served faithfully until her retirement in 1904. Learn more about his Great Lakes legend all month long. The Michigan City Historical Society commissioned a color portrait of Harriet by local artist Wendy Wilcox Kerman. Come and view the portrait and enjoy the historic museum and don't forget to browse the gift shop.
Michigan City's Farmers Markets - Saturdays July - October at 801 S Washington St. and 1500 Franklin St. Saturdays through October 26th, 2019. Michigan City's Farmers Market aims to provide our community with the freshest produce, providing a space filled with locally grown food and artisan goods
Market on the Square - Fridays June through August, 3-9pm, at Founders Square. There will be over 20 vendors selling unique crafts, fresh produce, honey, flowers, breads and jams. Plus local food vendors selling food. Bands from the region will begin at 6. Then to top off the evening we will have a family movie at dusk.
Keepers of the Fire: The Pokagon Band of Potawatomi - April 2019 to January 2020 at The History Museum. The rich history, culture, and art of the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi is shared in this vibrant exhibit about the thriving community. Through interviews and oral histories, sculpture and beadwork, art and artifacts, the exhibit immerses visitors in the traditions and teachings of the Pokagon Band.
South Bend Cubs at Four Winds Field - Various days at Four Winds Field. The South Bend Cubs are the Class A minor league affiliate of the World Series Champion Chicago Cubs. Over the past 30 seasons, the team has won five Midwest League titles and has captured 12 division titles. In 2015 the team was named Ballpark Digest's Team of the Year and received the John H. Johnson President's Award, the highest award in minor league baseball.
The Dinner Detective Murder Mystery Show - May 4th 2019 to May 2nd 2020, 6-9pm, at the DoubleTree by Hilton. America’s largest interactive murder mystery dinner show! The Dinner Detective provides a hilarious evening of murder mystery, a 4-course meal, and a prize package for the top sleuth. Just beware, the killer might be sitting right next to you!
Northeast Indiana
Fort Wayne TinCaps at Parkview Field - Various days at Parkview Field. The TinCaps are entering their 10th season at Parkview Field, which has been rated as Minor League Baseball's No. 1 Ballpark Experience four consecutive years.
Faces of Middlebury - May 17th to October 4th throughout Middlebury. Grab your cameras and the map to locate each “face of Middlebury” and insert your face for the perfect picture. Free maps are available at local businesses and organizations. Post your pics on Middlebury Then & Now’s Facebook page or on Instagram using #facesofmiddlebury. Can you find all of them, up to 30 "faces"?
Gangsters, Saloons and Buggies on Roofs Guided Tour - May 29th to September 25th at the Downtown Middlebury library. You wouldn't know Middlebury had a rough-and-tumble past, but behind today's modern facades lie tales of small-town mischief, hoods on the lam and possible mysterious passageways. Get the inside story and secrets from a local with this tour of downtown. Tours are offered at 10am every Wednesday and at 630pm the first Tuesday of each month. Walking tour is approximately 1 hour. Allow time after the tour to visit the unique shops and restaurants in the area. $5 Group tours are available by advanced reservation (call 574.825.5601)
Giant Toadstools and the World's Fair Guided Walking Tour - May 30th to September 26th at the Krider World's Fair Garden. Enjoy a guided tour through living history! The Krider family of Middlebury once captured the imagination of the world. This tour of the garden that bears their name opens a window to the family's nursery at the height of its creative powers. The beauty will take your breath away, just as it did at the Chicago World's Fair in 1933. Tours are offered at 10am every Thursday and at 630pm the first Tuesday of each month. Walking tour is approximately 1 hour. Allow time after the tour to visit the museum, unique shops and restaurants in the area. $5 Group tours are available by advanced reservation (call 574.825.5601)
A Simple Sanctuary, the new musical - March 28th to October 31st at the Blue Gate Theatre. She prayed the day would never come, but when her past comes calling, Melissa James has no choice but to flee. Pursued and living on the run, she finds desperate sanctuary and surprising friendship in Amish country. Part suspense, part romance, A Simple Sanctuary is a compelling story of love tested, the cost of freedom, and the solace found in true community.
Shipshewana Flea Market - Tuesdays and Wednesdays from May through September, 8am-4pm, at the Shipshewana Auction. Nearly 700 open-air booths on 40 acres await you at the Midwest’s Largest Flea Market. Food courts, restrooms, scooter rentals and rest areas are on site. Open rain or shine. Also open for Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, and new weekend markets on August 16-17 (MotheDaughter Days). Antique Auctions are every Wednesday inside the Antique & Miscellaneous building.
Shipshewana Breakfast Club - Fridays in July and August, 830-1100am, at the Blue Gate Theatre. Breakfast: 8:30am | Program: 10:00am Price: $26.00 - Includes Breakfast and Show These concerts will be held at the Blue Gate Theatre July 12 - Lynda Randle July 19 - Allison Speer July 26 - The Taylors Aug 2 - King's Brass Aug 9 - Doug Anderson Aug 16 - Old Time Preacher's Quartet Aug 23 - Soul'd Out Quartet Aug 30 - TBA
Central Indiana
Kroger Symphony on the Prairie - Saturdays and Sundays at Conner Prairie. The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra's summer series provides music from classical, pop, and rock genres from mid-June through Labor Day weekend. See performance schedule online
Celebrate the 10th Year of Tenderloin Tuesdays - Tuesdays in July throughout Hamilton County. Celebrating the 10th year, dine along the Tenderloin Trail™. Don’t miss Tenderloin Tuesdays™ in July along the tastiest trail. Each Tuesday restaurants offer special deals on the Hoosier delicacy. For a complete list of participating restaurants in Carmel, Fishers, Noblesville, Westfield and Northern Hamilton County, visit
Hot Wheels: Race to Win - May 18th to July 28th at The Childrens Museum of Indianapolis. Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines and hold on tight as we open our Hot Wheels: Race to Win exhibit celebrating speed, safety, design, and power. Get revved up for the special performances, activities, and the occasional pit stop.
Treasures of Ancient Greece exhibit - Jun 15 to Jan 5 at The Childrens Museum of Indianapolis. This once-in-a-lifetime immersive exhibition brings to Indianapolis more than 150 ancient objects and artifacts, many of which have never been seen outside of Greece. The ancient Greeks revered the human body, and many of the depictions are nude. Featured are bronze and marble statues, gold jewelry and funerary objects, exquisite pottery, artifacts of the world’s first democracy, and an extraordinary replica of the Antikythera Mechanism, known as the world’s first computer.
Mind Tripping Show - March 1st to December 28th, 8:30-10PM at the Hilton Indianapolis Hotel and Suites. Mind Tripping: a Comedy with a Psychological Twist is an interactive show by Christian & Katalina, the #1 Husband and Wife Comedy Mind Reading Act in the Nation. Be a part of a mind-bending, reality-twisting interactive theatrical show. Think Candid Camera meets the Twilight Zone. Be prepared to have your perceptions challenged and your expectations turned upside down
Naturally Inspired Art Exhibition - May 24th to August 21st at The Indianapolis Zoo. After the paintings have dried and been professionally framed by The Great Frame Up Downtown, they are displayed for the summer in the Schaefer Rotunda at White River Gardens. Plus, you also get to enjoy the works of some of our more artistically inclined animals. Who knows — you may see a penguin Picasso, a walrus Warhol, an elephant Escher and many others! The Naturally Inspired Art Show presented by The Great Frame Up Downtown is included with Zoo admission.
Nickelodeon’s PAW Patrol Adventure Play - February 23 to July 28th at The Children's Museum of Indianapolis. The hero pups of Adventure Bay are coming to The Children’s Museum, and they need your help. It’s time to run some rescue missions, as we work together to overcome challenges and help everyone in Adventure Bay. Enter the Lookout. Save the Day in Adventure Bay. Be a Helping Hero on Jake’s Mountain.
The National Bank of Indianapolis Summer Nights Film Series - Various days June-August, at The Amphitheater. You can watch movies under the stars every weekend at Newfields. Doors open at 7 pm, when you can enjoy a picnic dinner, music, and activities, followed by that night’s movie, which will begin when twilight turns to night (usually 9:30 pm). Over the summer, over 20 movies will be shown—everything from black-and-white classics to modern blockbusters. All you need is a picnic (with non-alcoholic beverages only), chairs (for the back row of each tier), and blankets (in case the chair row is full). You will also want sunscreen and bugspray. No alcohol, pets, candles taller than 12 inches, or knives permitted. And if you want to travel light with just a chair and blanket, concessions will be available to purchase. Check out to see available films and to purchase tickets once they are available.
Zoolapalooza Concert Series - Fridays in June and July, 530-830pm, at the Indianapolis Zoo. Under the Bicentennial Pavilion, this incredibly fun night out is a great way to kick off summer weekends on Friday evenings with terrific live music. Concerts are free for members and included with Zoo admission, so you can play all day and dance all night! Seating under the Bicentennial Pavilion includes open tables on a first-come, first-serve basis
The Generous Pour at The Capital Grille, July 8 - Sep 1, 5-9pm, at 40 W. Washington Street. The Capital Grille’s annual The Generous Pour wine event has returned for its eleventh year. This year’s theme is Legends of the Land, where guests can sip on any combination of seven select wines including the Maggy Hawk 2015 Pinot Noir, the 2015 Cenyth Red Blend, and the Arrowood 2013 Red Blend. Each is from California’s Jackson Family that tell a unique story of origin and sustainability. From July 8th through September 1, 2019, guests are offered a customized wine tasting paired with the restaurant’s classic menu items, including hand-carved steaks and fresh seafood and appetizers with a flavorful twist for $28 per person with dinner.
First Friday Kokomo - First Friday of every month, 530-9pm, at Downtown Kokomo. Activities include art, music, food, local vendors, shops, entertainment, kid's activities & much more! Visit their Facebook page for monthly themes and schedule of all activities!
Kokomo Jackrabbits at Kokomo Municipal Stadium - Various days at the Kokomo Municipal Stadium. Enjoy a day at the ballpark! The Kokomo Jackrabbits baseball team are members of the summer collegiate Prospect League. Games are held late May through early August and feature fun themes and giveaways. Lawn and stadium seating available, starting at $8.
Karl Martz and the Legacy of IU Ceramics - May 4th to July 27th, 1-4pm, at the Haan Museum of Indiana Art. Martz’s influence spread throughout Indiana and beyond through the ceramics program that he established at IU in 1945, and through his students. Many of Martz’s students went on to teach at universities, and others established successful careers as independent ceramic artists. The exhibition features works by Karl Martz, faculty that taught (or still teach) in the IU Ceramics Department, and students who went on to establish successful careers in ceramics.
Summer Story Hour - Mondays, 10-11am, at the Physical Building of the Joseph Moore Museum. Join us each Monday in June and July at 10am for a special hour of stories! Each week will feature a different book about nature or science with a corresponding craft or activity. All ages are welcome and stories are chosen particularly for children in preschool - first grade.
Indianapolis Colts 2019 Training Camp - July 25 - Aug 15 at the Grand Park Sports Campus. Join us at the Indianapolis Colts 2019 Training Camp! Every day you can enjoy watching practice, giveaways, food & drink specials, interactive games, and more. Download your free tickets at
Southern Indiana
Wildlife Cruises on Patoka Lake - Wednesdays May through October at the Patoka Lake Marina. Not just a boat ride: cruise the second largest lake in Indiana upon a climate controlled tour boat to search for osprey, eagles, blue herons, loons and other wildlife. Two hour cruises embark EVERY WEDNESDAY at 10am beginning in May and continuing through October. Voyagers are encouraged to capture on camera baby osprey in their nests, an eagle in flight, and busy beavers as the boat passes by.
Wine Cruises on Patoka Lake - Every other Friday starting June 7th, 730-930pm, at the Patoka Lake Marina. Sip wine paired with hors d'oeuvres/desserts while enjoying the sunset on Patoka Lake on our 60 person tour boat! Enjoy 5-7 tastings of wine from a featured Indiana winery, and choose 2 glasses of your favorite to enjoy after the tasting portion. Bottles of wine available for purchase as well as additional glasses. Call (812) 685-2203 to reserve your spot today! Only $50/person or $98/couple. Visit our website to view the winery lineup.
Shrek the Musical - July 3rd - Aug 18th, 6-10pm, at the Derby Dinner Playhouse. Somebody once told me everyone’s favorite ogre is back in the hilarious and twisted adventure based on the Oscar-winning smash hit film. Follow this unlikely green hero on a life-changing journey full of romance and dozens of zany misfit characters. The perfect show for any age! Ticket price includes dinner, show, tax & parking. AAA discount available.
Evansville Otters at Bosse Field - Various days at Bosse Field. Locally owned and a member of the Frontier League, the Otters are the darlings of summer. Great ball play combined with fun promotions throughout the game guarantee an evening of fun family entertainment. To top it off, the games are played at Bosse Field, a stadium built in 1915 and the site of the filming of "A League of Their Own" in 1992. Come watch our Boys of Summer from May through August!
Floyds Knobs Farmers Market - Saturdays May through October at 400 Block Laffollette Station. Floyds Knobs Farmers Market Opening May 11 - October 26 Every Saturday from 8:30 am to 1 pm. Were an Indiana Grown Market and host a variety of Great Events throughout Season.
The Art of the Monon - April 1st to August 31st, 10am-4pm at the French Lick West Baden Museum. The Monon was Indiana’s railroad and touched every town in Orange County. See the Monon paintings of renowned railroad artist Howard Fogg and other rare Monon items.
Dubois County Bombers at League Stadium - Various days at the League Stadium. League Stadium was home to the Rockford Peaches in the hit movie A League of Their Own. The vintage signage, scoreboard, and atmosphere remain. The Bombers play in vintage-inspired uniforms - pants are knickered, stirrups are worn. The crack of a wood bat against a baseball resounds through the stadium. You may hear Who’s on First over the audio. We even have our own Peaches at the games keeping everything in the stadium rolling, while our coaches and players keep it exciting on the field.
Rock on Rising Sun - April 10th to September 30th on Main Street. Search and re-hide painted rocks hidden within the City of Rising Sun city limits. Spearheaded by a local resident, thousands of rocks are painted throughout the season for kids of all ages to find and re-hide. Participants are encouraged to paint their own creations and hide within the city limits. Photos of found rocks are asked to be uploaded to the Rock on Rising Sun
submitted by WeimarRepublic to Indiana [link] [comments]

Visitor's Guide to Red Wings hockey at Little Caesers Arena

It’s the inaugural season of the new Little Caesers Arena (LCA). Many pilgrims are making the trek to the new arena to watch the Detroit Red Wings play. This is my first version of this guide for first time visitors modeled after the one I put together for The Joe. I hope you find it helpful. Suggestions welcome!
Edit 1: typos and ride share info
Edit 2: photo spot location and photo
submitted by spoonyfork to DetroitRedWings [link] [comments]

Today's Pre-Market News [Monday, March 18th, 2019]

Good morning traders and investors of the stocks sub! Welcome to a new trading week and a fresh start! Here are your pre-market news this AM-

Today's Top Headlines for Monday, March 18th, 2019


































  • OSTK 0.78%
  • DERM 60.32%
  • FB 1.22%
  • QD 3.65%
  • WAGE 0.74%
  • OIL 0.25%
  • OKTA 2.95%
  • ACRS 2.13%
  • DB 4.84%


Deutsche Bank — Deutsche Bank and rival German bank Commerzbank confirmed that they are in merger talks, although both said a deal was not assured.


Caesars Entertainment — Caesars and Eldorado Resorts are in the early stages of exploring a merger, according to Reuters. Investor Carl Icahn has been pushing Caesars to explore a sale after taking a stake in the casino operator and putting three nominees on the board of directors.


Boeing — The Department of Transportation and federal prosecutors are scrutinizing the development of Boeing's 737 MAX jets, according to The Wall Street Journal. The 737 MAX 8 was involved in last week's Ethiopian Airlines crash as well as a Lion Air crash in Indonesia a few months ago.


Worldpay — Worldpay is being bought by financial services technology company Fidelity National Financial (FIS) in a cash and stock deal worth $35 billion, excluding assumed debt. Shareholders in the e-commerce payments company will get $11 in cash and a little more than nine tenths of an FIS share for each Worldpay share.


(CLICK HERE FOR LIVE STOCK QUOTE!) — Financial incentives for Amazon's planned headquarter in northern Virginia won approval from local officials, despite vocal opposition from some residents and labor groups.


PG&E — The utility company is close to naming a new CEO and a board overhaul, according to The Wall Street Journal. The paper said retiring Tennessee Valley Authority head Bill Johnson is the likely CEO choice.


Edwards Lifesciences — Edwards and Medtronic both saw positive results in studies involving rival non-invasive heart valve replacement systems. The study results were presented over the weekend.


Marriott — The hotel operator announced a three-year growth plan that it will discuss at an investor meeting today in New York. The plan involves opening more than 1,700 hotels around the world and adding up to 295,000 rooms by 2021.


Qudian — The China-based provider of consumer credit products posted a mixed quarter, reporting better-than-expected bottom line results but revenue that fell short of analysts' forecasts.


Apple — The Apple Watch helped detect a heart rhythm disorder in some users but showed false positives in other cases, according to a new study presented at the American College of Cardiology conference.


Kroger — A group of retailers led by the supermarket operator settled a dispute with tuna maker Starkist, following that company's admission that it conspired with others to raise the price of canned tuna. Financial terms were not disclosed. Starkist had previously reached similar settlements with Target and Walmart.


Wells Fargo — Wells Fargo is close to selling its retirement plan services business to Principal Financial Group for more than $1 billion, according to a Reuters report.


Southwest Airlines — The airline has reached a tentative labor deal with its mechanics, after the two sides were without a contract since 2012. If approved, the pact would give mechanics a 20 percent raise.


Aramark — Aramark was downgraded to "neutral" from "buy" at Nomura/Instinet, which points to the food services company's inability to win new business.


Okta — Okta was upgraded to "buy" from "neutral" at Goldman Sachs, which notes the stock's upside potential based on the growing importance of identity management tools in the workplace.




What is on everyone's radar for today's trading day ahead here at stocks?

I hope you all have an excellent trading day ahead today on this Monday, March 18th, 2019! :)

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Check out our live events calendar for the latest schedule and updates on entertainment at Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City. "Chromatics, an intimate lounge on the second floor of the MotorCity Casino Hotel, features a state-of-the-art sound system that allows many of those out on the gaming floor to enjoy the show MotorCity Casino Hotel is like a crown jewel of the city’s beautiful skyline. The world-class accommodations, spa, dining, live performance, and superior gaming facilities are some of the best features of the MotorCity Casino Hotel. The casino boasts of more than 2,900 slot machines, including the advanced multi-line video and five-reel slots. The players can enjoy more than 59 table games All the events happening at Sound Board, MotorCity Casino Hotel 2021-2022 Discover all 17 upcoming concerts scheduled in 2021-2022 at Sound Board, MotorCity Casino Hotel. Sound Board, MotorCity Casino Hotel hosts concerts for a wide range of genres from artists such as Goodie Mob , Tyler Henry , and Kenny "Babyface" Edmonds , having previously welcomed the likes of Bettye LaVette , Matt Fraser But this venue, along with three other casinos in the area, gave the Motor City a new hope. And while Detroit is still ailing, such suffering is slowing at a remarkable rate thanks to the new casino venues and their continued expansion. And this venue is no different, offering 100,000 square feet of gaming space and a solid, 400-room hotel. You’re also looking at nearly 3,000 slot machines Arts & Theater Family VIP Deals Entertainment Guides. Sign In Sell. Sell Tickets My Listings. Help. Home; Detroit, MI; Sound Board at MotorCity Casino Hotel Tickets; Sound Board at MotorCity Casino Hotel Tickets. Get Ticket Alerts for this venue. Address 2901 Grand River, Detroit, MI 48201. Event Schedule (33) Venue Details. Seating Charts. Select Your Category. Select Your Category. All Download Today and Get $10 mycash® and 5M credits at mychoice® casino. Get real-time updates on your account with the all-new mychoice® rewards loyalty app. Plus, get $10 mycash® and 5M credits to play for fun at mychoice casino when you download the app today! The MotorCity Casino Box Office is open as of Friday, August 14, 2020. New hours will be: Friday: 3pm-8pm. Saturday: 1pm-7pm. Sunday: 11am-4pm. The Box Office will also be temporarily relocated to Overdrive to accommodate social distancing guidelines. Refund information is available at Address: 2901 Grand River Ave, Detroit MI 48201 . The Box Office is on the 2nd and may be changed, modified or cancelled at any time in MotorCity Casino Hotel's sole discretion. If you bet more than you can afford to lose, you've got a problem. Call 1-800-270-7117 for free, confidential help. and may be changed, modified or cancelled at any time in MotorCity Casino Hotel's sole discretion. If you bet more than you can afford to lose, you've got a problem. Call 1-800-270-7117 for free, confidential help.

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