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D100 Paladins

Contributors: u/Kandoras u/morvick u/Heygul u/LeonhartseeD u/ltOin u/Sundance91 u/hamlet_d u/Count_de_vill u/saucememer u/Semiurge u/Rhumald u/Vitamin_gun u/Felagund u/FireofUnknownOrigin u/hip-points u/whopoopedthebed u/TatsumakiKara u/cthulhu3141
  1. Stan Carvin: A young human that took an oath at a young age to protect others against fiends. Carvin can usually be found around taverns having a few drinks.
  2. Sonata Agrumand: A red tiefling woman that has a natural gift for music and a firm belief that art is important and should be defended. Sonata while in a paladin order is usually found around bards teaching and learning from them.
  3. Liberty: An Aarakocran oath of the crown paladin who just loves the country she’s from so much. She wears a full suit of plate armor with her country’s flag painted on the chest. She has memorized most important documents pertaining to her country by heart and can recite the national anthem backwards. When not wearing the full suit of armor she wears her country’s flag as a dress. Anyone Liberty sees disrespecting her country’s flag is met with extreme prejudice and force. The last person she saw burning her flag has still not been found. Liberty has a hatred for any small sized races claiming how “they’re so sneaky and conniving, the little freaks”.
  4. Gorath Smashaxe: A goliath raises by dwarves that swore to make the world stronger. Gorath has killed many so that the weak couldn’t continue to breed like a plague. Many have placed bounties on Goraths head. Gorath wears cheap splint mail and is covered in tattoos
  5. Dykralan Drakenbore: A red dragonborn that made an oath to become a judge. Dykralan has an unwavering faith in his nations legal system. Dykralan rarely fights but it’s well known that he is quite handy with a warhammer.
  6. Dovrel Michorite: A silver dragonborn that swore his life to protecting the temple a Bahamut. Dovrel enjoys the company of others and is always looking for another opponent to play chess with. He just finished a mystery novel and is dying to talk to someone about it.
  7. Arthur Ahavello: An elf that was knighted for slaying a horde of manticore that were ravaging a city. Arthur after falling in love and marrying the woman of his dreams made a vow to always protect her. When Arthur was 30 his wife was killed by assassins and now he wanders the planes searching for her killers so he can get closure. As a punishment for his transgressions Arthur had a wizard curse him so his sword is always attached to his hand.
  8. Lemron Etherfeld: A high elf professor that has a love for the arcane and made a promise to help each student of his to the best of his abilities. Lemron spends every moment he can planning lessons, working with students, and helping the school when he can.
  9. Kazumi Takeshi: A human that had spent his entire life training to be a warrior. His clan has a ritual where they take an oath of honor at age 13. Kazumi uses a magical greatsword passed down from generations. The magical capabilities of the sword are still unknown even to her.
  10. Jeffery Grayhammer: A dwarf that was born into a blacksmithing family and who swore to be the greatest blacksmith he could be.
  11. John Freedman: A human who was once a guard and had left because of the corruption in his ranks. John then became a masked vigilante serving justice to the wicked and protecting the innocent.
  12. Striding Moose: A Tabaxi that has his tribe slaughtered at a young age. Wandering with nowhere to go he began learning the arts of fighting and used his faith to remain calm in trying times. Later on in his life Striding Moose was ambushed by bandits, a masked man named John Freedman saved his life and he swore to protect John however he could.
  13. Gruumsh Klüvgor: An orc warrior that, after traveling the world realized that greed is the true root of suffering. Gruumsh then swore an oath of poverty and wanders from place to place giving his wealth from dungeon delving to the poor.
  14. Skalber: A Lizardfolk paladin that had been recruited by a group of powerful druidic paladins. Skalber doesn’t care about the oath, only getting the strength of the others, unfortunately skalber isn’t a very strong paladin and can barely cast spells since his apathy for his oath gives little for the weave to work with.
  15. Christina Halfblooded: During a war, an angel and a demon became stranded from both of their armies. Somehow they managed to get in a relationship that lasted just long enough for Christina to be born before it fell apart messily. Her parents fought so viciously over custody that their superiors had to enforce shared custody. The acrimony didn't go away, but eventually lead to her mother convincing her god to call Christina as a paladin while at the same time her father signed her up with a warlock pact with his own boss.
  16. Darnath The Houseless: Lieutenant in the destroyed order of the Silver Skulls, he is a vengeance paladin and known to be fanatical, but fiercely loyal. The banner he carries features the silvered skull of his most recently-deceased commander. When he himself dies, the old skull would have been buried and his skull would then be held high and proud over the troops who carried on without him. He dreams of restoring his order.
  17. Loucryn: Garry Shelton was a simple farmer before joining the paladin order as an absolver. Garry had made an oath of pacifism when joining and always had an aura of positivity until his friends were killed in cold blood and he viciously beat the attackers to death. After a reflection of his morals Garry had realized that most don’t deserve absolution and changed his name as a symbol for his newfound ideology. Loucryn now lives in a cave with his undead army occasionally coming down to kill someone he deems unworthy of living.
  18. Bartellius: In the war he served with his father's house and saw many terrible things. Mostly the horror was perpetrated by by his father's knights in the name of the king. After the war, to try and make some kind of amends, he took up holy orders and now protects the innocent in the land his former kingdom rules with an iron fist.
  19. Mark Vilbrovski: A muscular aarakocra that wears mostly red and has an unwavering belief that capital should be evenly distributed among all. Mark has held many raids against rich tycoons and corrupt mayors. Mark is an expert brewer and military strategist.
  20. John Frank: John Franks is an oath of treachery human paladin. Johns real name is Ronald Black and took an oath of treachery after hearing that his parents were getting a divorce at 13. Ronald realized how much he hated truth after that day. John sweats and stutters when he lies. John has a -5 on deception and stealth. John usually introduces himself by saying “hello my name is John and not Ronald Black why would I know someone named that?”
  21. Onieros Earthshield: Oath of the Ancients paladin and member of the Verdant Knights, an order of Paladins who protect ancient forests from both urbanization and those who would seek to steal the powers hidden there.
  22. Sajurn Falzatti: An oath of vengance Dragonborn. His settlement was destroyed by the Ancient black Wurm "Raxan, heart of Corrosion" who his people had broken free from two centuries before. He wears armor made of black dragonscale and every morning before beginning his day he recites the name of every person killed when Raxan attacked.
  23. Vanth Sandstone: Half elf Oath of the Crown. Head peacekeeper of the Desert city of Relana who Is said to have stood alone at the Gate of Dusk and repelled attackers for 4 days during a siege by the bandits of the Southern Wastes.
  24. Stygias: A human Oathbreaker who originally a knight named Tobias from a small farming community called Helm's Hollow. Had been pledged as a Paladin of Devotion but when called upon to put down a rebellion led by the woman he loved he snapped and broke his vows, standing beside her; acting as her right hand and personal executioner.
  25. Sylvithor Cormagna: An earth genasi and the first Watcher. Sylvithor has spent much of his life as a drunkard and a thief but overtime Sylvithor had grown to realize that his choices made the world worse. In an act of clarity Sylvithor took up adventuring so that monsters could be removed from their mortal coil, unable to harass innocent lives. Sylvithor made The Watchers as a defense against malicious invading forces from other realms.
  26. Linophry: A lantern fish Kuo'toa RangePaladin of Blipdoolpoolp. She eats the ones she kills to extend her short lifespan and expand her powers. She has a hippo called Sue as an animal companion and uses a poisoned Trident and net as her weapons.
  27. Tarhun Ophinstaff: Dragonborn Paladin devoted to the goddess of beauty, Sune. He wears shiny gold armor, with a heavy fur lined scarlet cloak. His gold and white-enamel tower shield bears the image of his god, and his long-sword shines brighter than any the realm has ever seen. He always has a smile upon his face, and devotes his life to protecting the beautiful things in life. Art, architecture, musical works, literature, and most importantly the gift of life. He will put his body on the line for anything he considers to add beauty to the world.
  28. Pickerynerp: A gnome paladin who views herself as a part of the court of nature. She will go out of her way to protect an animal in need. She will defend the defenseless creatures agains the evil incursions of civlization who would exploit the wilderness. More than willing to work with those towns that are symbiotic with the natural world.
  29. Garm Orc-crusher: Missing an eye, he holds his head with steely resolve. He comes form a long line of proud dwarven defenders. Though scarred and battletorn, he will fight to death to stop evil that would invade his homelands. Unknown to most, when he retires to his austere bunker, he writes whimsical poetry about mushrooms and small cavern creatures with grand adventures.
  30. Balthazar Vertonix: A silver dragonborn, former paladin of Bahamut until he succumbed to Tiamat's temptations while vainly fighting her forces, becoming an oathbreaker. Balthazar enjoys playing the organ when he isn’t doing horrid acts for Tiamat.
  31. Ghidroh Ichnisan: A bronze Dragonborn who was an innocent child at first, but was tempted by the church of Bane (or a similar tyrrany god) and swore an Oath of Conquest.
  32. Seven Thunders: A giant from a long line of giants employed by the Church as cathedral-builders. He bears a shield as big as a ship’s hull, and is under strict oaths not to kill, or allow another to kill. Seven Thunders is a very effective builder and tension diffuser.
  33. Dame Fran: An elf with dirty teeth and thinning hair. Enslaved by the enchantment of a dark faerie with a palace at the heart of a forest. She is bound to a deal she made kill trespassers and kidnap interesting guests. She tries her best to warn others off.
  34. Grant-Sanctuary Valschmitt: Officially retired and believes she does more good now in rags with a shiv than she ever did in shining armour. Beloved by the downtrodden. Grant wages a one-woman war against criminals and corrupt officials.
  35. Sir Yzai: A Kobold serving the King of the land as an Oath of the Crown Paladin. They are from a long line of Silver Kobolds, all of whom take on the last name Yzai when sworn in as Paladins under the service of the King. The Royal Family made a deal with the Silver dragon they worship, Yzai the Calm, many moons ago, and while short lived, the Silver Kobolds they provide are fiercely loyal.
  36. Mortis Corvax: A slivered shard of the primordial force that embodies plague, waste, death, and decay, Mortis Corvax is an anti-paladin locked in a cycle of undeath and demise. His oath is to pestilence, scourge, and famine, and when he is defeated, he lies dormant in death until his time to rise comes again. He wears a suit of armor crafted from human bone and bloodied sinew, casts magic from his Lantern of Souls, and wields a spear that infects any wound it leaves. With his lantern, he can inflict fast acting plagues, raise their victims, and control the rats that come to feast on the remains. Every disease has its cure, however, and no matter how many times he returns, or where his path takes him, a hero will rise from their people to mirror his darkness with light.
  37. Abel Wingward: An aasimar who was born into the world with his brother Cain as devoted fiend slayers. Abel killed his first fiend at 6 and with his long sword killed many demons. When his brother betrayed his tribe his new task was to bring him back, hopefully alive.
  38. Cain Wingward: An aasimar who was born in the world with his brother Abel as devoted fiend slayers. Cain has overtime grew jealous of his brother and turned to sin. Cain realized how fun life is when the rules are an afterthought and joined the demons becoming an oathbreaker. Cain knows Abel is coming for him and is well prepared.
  39. Lilith: A very muscular drider who has over 1,000 spiders as pets. Lilith has the belief that the drow are weaker, inferior drider and plans to destroy their civilization. Lilith has partnered with many elven communities but both parties know their arrangements are temporary. Many know Lilith as The Duchess of spiders or The Conquerer of The Underdark.
  40. Groq Blüdkillr: Groq grew up in a family of barbarians that loved nothing more than violence. Groq wasn’t allowed to participate since she was a woman so she would train in secret and left her tribe at 16, killing four tribesman that wouldn’t let her leave in the process. Groq had developed a philosophy while traveling, the weak die and the strong survive. This message was reinforced constantly. Groq then made tenants for her philosophy. First, weakness is a sin, sencond, the weak can become strong with time and effort, third, when one sees weakness in themselves it is their moral obligation to overcome it, fourth, the greatest sign of weakness is when one feels the need to oppress the weak simply because they’re weak. Groq made a small organization that kills tyrants. Those who rule over others with an iron fist are a target and should be very scared.
  41. Misty of The Mountains: She really just wants to stay in her market town and help all the children, but there's always some goddamn thing making her put on plate mail and go off and take on some larger threat. Maybe if for just ONCE the town elders could help her out with the orphans? But no, she gets back from shoving a demon back through a portal and some highborn twat has embezzled the school uniforms fund.
  42. Donovan Steel: A quiet blue tiefling that has taken up work as a bodyguard for caravans and travelers. Donovan has taken a sworn oath that he will do his best to get his clients safely to where they need to go. Donovan has been known to decline payments after his work is complete if he feels as if he could have done better. Many times Donovan has nearly been killed defending a client. The only client he lost were a halfling couple. He paid for their funeral and had their names tattooed on his left bicep so he would never forget.
  43. Lloyd The Alchemist: The son of metalworkers, Lloyd was a budding alchemist and healer from a young age. Moved by his nation's cry for service, he joined the army the desire to defend the rights of all people. He was promptly sent to defend a frozen wasteland for a year, then to a colonial subject fighting insurrection where his alchemical skills found use as "foliage" removal. After witnessing the horrors of war, culminating with his return home on a casualty vessel as the sole survivor, he refused to return to the military. Granted reprieve by a governor due to his record of service, Lloyd joined the paladin order with a deep dedication toward help those in need and combating the abominations, chemical or otherwise, that plague the world.
  44. Vladimir Ivonov: Once a prominent figure in The Paladin Order that had a goal to destroy all undead. During a fight Vladimir was bitten by a vampire and overtime he had succumbed to vampirism. Strangely enough Vladimir still kept his oath of killing undead and does so more effectively now more than ever, even if he is less empathetic and takes joy in feasting on the blood of the innocent.
  45. Felopar Gra’afala: A high elf narcissist that became a paladin and took the oath of heroism. Felopar has done many heroic feats to better his image and with his trusty longsword will kill any manor beast for the safety of the innocent! (And to look good in front of others).
  46. Swift Wind: A Tabaxi that had left the thieves guild because of the leadership being overbearing. Swift Wind found the black guard later and became a paladin of treachery. Swift Wind rarely fights others, he uses his magic and skills instead to steal from others and run away. Swift Wind has accumulated a ludicrous amount of wealth from his thieving tactics.
  47. Ulduhn, Ogre paladin of Redemption: An ogre that would kill adventurers and take their things until one day he fought a band of adventurers and was defeated, his body left floating down a river. When he drifted, delirious and gravely wounded, into a nearby town, a doctor took him in and treated his injuries. During his recovery, he had vivid hallucinations of a goddess telling him that he had been chosen for some higher purpose. Whether truly gifted by the divine or fueled by the passion of his own devotion, he has taken up a shield and massive sword and covered himself in crude armor plating to defend his cause and root out evil in the world.
  48. Snack Knight: A human (possibly) wearing full plate armor and a metal mask all coated in yellow with a red cape. No one knows who Snack Knight was before he took up the duty of defending the honor and sacred nature of junk food. Snack Knight always has a bag of potato chips on his person and will offer them to the hungry and abandoned so they may experience the comfort of a food that can be eaten whenever.
  49. Hunter: A warforged that was designed to hunt. Hunter doesn’t hunt for enjoyment, food, or for money, Hunter hunts simply because he does. When Hunter finds prey and kills them he goes to a firbolg tribe that invited him in and he gives the spoils of his work to them. The firbolgs see Hunter as a wonderful and polite person. Hunter uses his paladin spellcasting in his work though he doesn’t know why he can cast spells at all.
  50. Tempusnatus: A half orc hell knight who at a young age made a sacred vow to the war god Tempus to wage war forever. Tempusnatus moves from place to place participating in many battles. Tempusnatus may just be the single most battle hardened individual known to anyone as he has attended over 10,000 battles in his lifetime.
  51. Oakley: An ent that was raised by druids and when he was finally a grown trees he took a pilgrimage the the paladin order to make an official oath In front of the green knight order. Oakley lives in the Forrest with his tribe and acts as a deterrence for anyone who wishes to hurt the forest. People usually think twice when a 15 foot tall tree clad in steel armor and a greatsword the size of a minotaur.
  52. Melthor Bretherweight: A large muscular human that left his life as a prince to have fun killing monsters and drinking booze. Melthor eventually met The Watchers and gladly joined because a life of killing evils from beyond the material realm sounds really cool. As a Watcher Melthor doesn’t take the most lawful approach but he gets the job done.
  53. Freddie Lightfoot: A halfling from a small village who always was very cheerful and felt like many thought less of him because of his size. Freddie eventually thought it would be a good idea to show the taller folk that just because he’s small doesn’t mean he can’t be a hero so he made an oath to challenge himself every day and overtime Freddie had done many heroic deeds, even killing a lich.
  54. Freyan Bartorath: A triton who always felt very attached to nature. At a young age Freyan made an oath to protect the coral reef she lives near. Freyan despite doing her best is failing and needs more help.
  55. Kerilon: An air genasi that swore an oath of vengeance against the person who nearly killed him. Kerilon found the man and after two weeks of torment Kerilon put the rogue out of his misery. Kerilon now helps others with their vengeance if he feels their cause is righteous enough.
  56. Henry Davercash: A human oath of vengeance paladin that is hunting down a dwarf named Firgold. Henry believes for gold stole all of his families money. Henry isn’t seen often because he’s usually out adventuring and searching for Firgold. Henry is mistaken in thinking Firgold had stole anything from him because a high caster had used modify memory to change Henry’s memory into wanting to kill an enemy of the state. Henry wears scalemail that has a crest of a lion breathing fire on it.
  57. Firgold Ironstrom: A dwarven oath of vengeance paladin that wants a man named Henry Davercash dead because he keeps hearing about how he’s speaking ill of him around taverns. Firgold had once stole a priceless painting so he could get the funds for more weapons and armor. Firgold wears a set of finely crafted splint.
  58. Detiomer: A gith oath of devotion paladin that is used by the guild as an interrogationist along with his partner Kelly. Detiomer believes in truth and justice above all. Detiomer wears plate armor and expensive silks. Detiomer has a +10 to insight.
  59. Xylfox: A goblin that took an oath to protect his tribe. Xylfox wears plate armor with a flag of a nation he isn’t from and a shield from a different empire as well. Xylfox gets all of his equipment from the people he kills that try to invade, especially taking from halflings and gnomes since their armor and clothes fit him.
  60. Yglrial: An oath of redemption drow that was once a prominent thieve and killer now changed after hurting someone he loved unknowingly. Yglrial is willing to help anyone trying to better themselves but he also has a short temper. Yglrial wears chain mail with a purple tint.
  61. Horatio Lamonte: A Loxadon Oath of Vengeance Paladin of the Cursed Order. They have charged themselves with seeking out and utilizing all cursed magical items, to prevent others from being harmed by them. This order bestows a cursed item to attune to upon their acceptance into the order. Horatio's cursed equipment is the Shield of Missile Attraction.
  62. Captain Redbeard: A dwarf with a long flowing beard, an eyepatch, and a large pirates hat. Captain Redbeard used to be the most ruthless pirate in the seas but after a long reflection in captivity Redbeard took an oath of redemption so that he could better himself as well as absolve others in due time when he has forgiven himself. With his parrot Dolly they now travel from place to place trying to better themselves.
  63. Sings With The Dawn: A Tabaxi minstrel that began adventuring to find a purpose. Dawn is known to be a bit of a show off and smooth talker. Dawn had only recently considered paladin life as an option and has but his best foot forward to pursue that life as best as he can.
  64. Pyverus: A water genasi built much stronger than his peers wearing full plate mail made from a bronze alloy. Pyverus was born to a family of religious clerics that pushed Pyverus into being a cleric of the seas. Pyverus not wanting to be pressured and just in general having a sustain for authority left and began worshipping a god of fire who he later believes told him to conquer for him. Pyverus was more than happy to expand his ownership over the land with his blade and overtime amassed a small cult of worshippers to help his horrific task of burning and conquering with glee. Pyverus takes his oath very seriously and has been known to deal out extreme punishments to those who threaten his rule.
  65. Cynthia Drovorick: A silver dragonborn that made an oath after being ordained to keep order in the world. Cynthia doesn’t normally fight and instead prefers to use her words. Cynthia is an approachable personality and gives advice to those who need it.
  66. Heimfell Grogmaker: A stout dwarf wearing full plate armor with an apron above it. Heimfell has two great passions in his life, ale and meat. Heimfell made an oath to find the most delicious barbecue and ale known to man and save the recipe to share with all who want a good pint with their dinner.
  67. Fwish: A small kenku wearing a postman’s uniform and leather armor. Fwish had sworn a promise to the god of messengers that he would make every delivery on time. Fwish has been a postman for twenty years and still has never been late on a delivery. Fwish has a total movement speed of 50 feet and can fly 60 feet. Fwish puts punctuality and good service above all.
  68. Bill: A warforged made by a wizard to help in his research. When Bills master was killed in an orc raid his last directive was to protect his daughter Elizabeth. Bill has been protecting Elizabeth for a year now and Elizabeth is now 9.
  69. Valery Brightsceld: An aasimar wearing pure gold plate mail and a battle axe forged by an ancient artificer. Valery made an oath to protect love. Valery has married many couples and killed many enemies of love. Valery is now hunting for a lich that specifically takes the souls of creatures in love.
  70. Grant Thornbury: A red tiefling who had joined the blackguard after discovering their existence and the power that comes with being in their ranks. Grant is an expert in poisons, deceit, and underhanded fighting. Grant wears black ceremonial robes under his armor and worships the god of murder. Grants moral code is practically nonexistent and has no remorse for his actions.
  71. Sir Spencer: Spencer is a human and high ranking knight of Trenidan. Spencer uses a sword handed down to each family member for five generations. Sir Spencer when first taking his oath of the crown was enthusiastic about his position in life but now his magic is waking from his lack of interest in the protecting cities corrupt government.
  72. Rufus: A golden retriever that loves his family with all of his heart. Rufus is special in the sense that he is a paladin and can cast spells. Rufus has saved many lives through healing people of diseases and blood loss through cure wounds.
  73. Hel: A changeling woman who was once a thief but after being left to die by her former allies and barely escaping a forest with her life she realized the people she associates with weren’t the people she needed to be around. Hel later saw the effects of what trickery does to others and swore never to lie again. Later Hel has met The Watchers and joined their ranks as the first changeling in The Watchers. Hel wears very shiny plate mail and doesn’t change her appearance from her blue skin and pure black eyes.
  74. Enzo The Merciless: A goliath that was born into a tribe of paladins and did a ceremony for Enzo at a young age for his oath. When Enzo was 18 a force compelled his to go south. To this day Enzo refuses to talk about what happened south but a year later Enzo returned to see his mountain tribe slaughtered. Enzo rebuked his old creed in favor of a new more violent promise. Enzo would kill all responsible for his tribes demise. Very few see Enzo but those who do usually tell tales of a large beastlike man that no longer looked like a goliath.
  75. Nicholas Stephenson: 12-year-old Conquest Paladin who believes the Angel's have selected him for a divine mission to take back the Holy Lands. Nicholas one day hopes to become fearless like his father.
  76. Lochflogger: A half orc war chief that had beaten and killed many for enjoyment. One day while feasting on a married couple Lochflogger saw an angel who had absolved him of his sins. Lovhflogger with his new religious clarity became a paladin to absolve others. Lochflogger despite being a paladin still has a bloodlust that he tries his best to ignore.
  77. Argus Mastbearer: A dwarf that wears all black splint with a spiked mace. Argus made an oath to protect the dead when he started his fist day as an undertaker. Argus trays necromancers with extreme prejudice and refuses to let anyone in his graveyard at night. In the day Argus enjoys drinking and gambling in his favorite inn the sloshed cat.
  78. Sky: A blue tiefling that had fallen into the underdark at a young age. Sky had to fend for himself in this strange new land but later on he found a small haven of bioluminescent mushrooms. The place was so beautiful. Over the years Sky would make a promise to defend his new home from threats. Sky is a gentle and kind soul who enjoys gardening and reading.
  79. H’loparadin Vivelon: A high elf who had joined the army of Scoldan. When Tor had declared war against Scoldan H’loparadin made an oath to fight in this war until it’s over. The war has been waging for a century now and H’loparadin has become a general that still fights in the front lines. H’loparadin takes his job very seriously.
  80. Kendrick Fireslicer: A red headed mountain dwarf that worships the goddess of commerce. I’m the beginning of his life Kendrick was a delinquent who would drink too much and wreak havoc on the town until he was exiled for destroying a statue in The Temple of The Forge. Kendrick on his travels met a merchant named Greg that taught him of the merchant goddess. Kendrick never made an official oath but his adamance in helping those in need makes him just as much of a paladin as anyone in the paladin order.
  81. Zachary Gormush Jr: A half orc that pledged to rid the world of oozes. Zachary isn’t very bright and has a deep hatred for oozes because he thinks one ate his dog. Zachary delves into dungeon after dungeon killing oozes and making friends along the way. Zachary has a halfling friend named Lathander he met that is teaching him the ways of a monk. Zachary stands towering over Lathander at 6’6 and Lathander at 2’11.
  82. Zachary Gormush Sr: A human and father of Zachary Gormush Jr. Zach knowing how stupid his son is made a sacred oath to the god of navigation that he will find his son out of fear that his son would be dead on his adventures, possibly by drinking a bottle of poison that he thought was a potion. Zachary feels like this is his fault because he lied to his son about what happened to his dog. His mother ran away with his dog with no intention of coming back. Zachary is 5’6 and wears full plate from his days as a sergeant.
  83. Richter Bass: A human that runs The Frostwild Post, a newspaper that prides itself on accuracy. Richter has a firm belief that The Frostwild Post has to remain the best paper in the material plane. Richter has done many nefarious things to keep his paper making money.
  84. Saprose Everhoff: An earth genasi that has a divine job to protect the elements. With Saproses gift of the storms he fights to defend the primordial elements against unnatural threats.
  85. Vorthalax: A golden dragonborn that loves chaos. Vorthalax swore that he would cause disorder and mayhem wherever he roams. Vorthalax has a shield that speaks to him and when a creature attempts to read Vorthalax’s mind they will only hear loud and incoherent yelling.
  86. Warden Astarath: A triton prison warden that made a sacred oath to prevent prisoners from escaping. Astarath has help many public executions in front of prisoners to strike fear onto anyone who thinks of escaping. Astarath always wears a gold and black helm in front of the prisoners so they can’t see his face.
  87. Zyth: A lizardfolk who adamantly refuses to die. Zyth had once met a samurai that taught him tricks to ignore pain and continue fighting. Zyth wears a kimono under his heavy armor. Zyth has just recently climbed his way out of hell and he is certainly not going back there without a fight.
  88. Xyrich Milanotio: A half elf alchemist that made a promise to the gods that he will turn urine into gold. Xyrich is so confident that he will do this task that he dedicated his entire life to finding what he called the golden secret. When Xyrich was 400 he did the unthinkable. He turned himself into a lich so he could work and try new methods of alchemy forever, or at least until he finishes his quest for the golden secret.
  89. Robin Carringway: A woman who loves to read. Robin is an intelligent woman that believes In knowledge above all. Robin swore to never stop learning and has upheld her promise for a decade. When Robin heard rumors of a library that has near unlimited knowledge and secrets not yet discovered she embarked on a journey to find it and crush anything that gets in the way of her destiny.
  90. Kraver Pteramars: A loyal member of The Church of The Father. When an artifact called The War Sword of The Father which was forged by the god of dwarves and made out of the bones of a dead god of war. The sword has powers no mortal should wield and Kraver swore to the church that he would return the sword and kill the thieves responsible.
  91. Soratice Jones: A half elf that swore his life to the church 8 years ago. Recently the church wants more power over the country and so Soratice uses his magic and charisma to politically sway the opinions of the people. Soratice and the church have begun asking for tithes and Soratice has been using his stature to intimidate those who criticize the church.
  92. Guard: A clay golem made only a few months ago. Guard was made with one task, defend the wizards tower. Eventually Guard became so adamant about his job his fists began to constantly emit light. The wizards in the tower have experimented on Guard to see why he is special enough to be a paladin while their other creations are not.
  93. Aulanril Cathilia: A high elf woman and founder of The Family of The Emerald Rose, a new order that has barely any members. Aulandril made the order to protect the world against corruption. Their purpose is to crush those who want to harm the beauty inherent in everything. The Family of The Emerald Rose patch is a green flower with red thorns on a yellow shield.
  94. Everlead Hav’lia: A high elf who is from The Family of The Emerald Rose. Everlead had to leave home at the young age of six because a horde of orcs has attached his village. With nowhere else to go Everlead joined The Family of The Emerald Rose in the hopes that he would be given food and shelter. Over the years Everlead grew fiercely loyal to his new family and would do anything for its members.
  95. Cyprus Rovera: A high elf and member of The Family of The Emerald Rose. Cyprus had joined the order after his time in the military because he still felt the need to help others. Cyprus is the orders head chef and makes a phenomenal stew.
  96. Tim Brown: A horse salesmen that lives inside of the city capital of Sandkin where the headquarters of the paladin order resides. Tim is quite old and can’t fight with the paladin order but he sells many horses to them. Tim Brown has been made an honorary paladin for all the work he has done providing horses to help the war against undead.
  97. The Red Horseman: Very little is known of The Red Horseman. Some say they’re a scourge made on the land by demons, others say they sold his heart to a god for more power, many see them as a myth. The Red Horsemen dons full plate armor that resembles a devil completely in red and a mask of an oni scratched from battle scarring. The Red Horseman seems to only kill travelers at night while passing travelers who rest before the moon comes out. The Red Horseman is immune to fire damage and has a greatsword that’s heat can be felt from ten feet away.
  98. Trivinan Zagiacarath: A triton from the cold northern waters of the Frostwild. Trivinan was born in a barbarian tribe where the strong survive. Trivinan being born into a hostile world quickly adapted and became the tribes hunter. When Trivinan was sixteen the elders told him to go on a journey into the world and find a place to conquer, this being a tradition that a young man must conquer land before he becomes a true man. While scouting for a place to bury the flag of his people in Trivinan was washed away by a storm. waking up on a beach on the mainland Trivinan took a solemn oath to find his people and lead a great conquest of the places he travels to.
  99. Baby: A green tiefling and once prominent member of the paladin order that was exiled after practicing necromancy. Baby then ran off to practice necromancy in peace. Overtime Baby grew tired of following his tenants and chose the life of an oathbreaker.
  100. Hirastar Miller: A half orc green knight who was born to a half orc soldier and a seamstress mother. Hirastar grew up between the cities and the outskirts of society which gave him an appreciation for nature and urban cities. Hirastar eventually became a paladin after swearing an oath to the paladin order. One day a plague began ravaging the country and Hirastar was called to serve as a doctor since he had already had medical knowledge. Hirastar donned a plague doctor attire and did the best he could to help. The sickness only got worse and eventually his city was raided and burned to the ground. Hirastar watched as the city he swore to protect crumbled to ash and made a promise to never take of his mask as a way to atone for his sins.
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D100 Paladins

Brave knights with tenants held onto so tightly they can shape reality itself to bend to their will. Paladins are paragons of what they stand for, whether it’s justice, chaos, nature, or creativity. They are virtues made flesh.
Contributors: u/Kandoras u/morvick u/Heygul u/LeonhartseeD u/ltOin u/Sundance91 u/hamlet_d u/Count_de_vill u/saucememer u/Semiurge u/Rhumald u/Vitamin_gun u/Felagund u/FireofUnknownOrigin u/hip-points u/whopoopedthebed u/TatsumakiKara u/cthulhu3141
  1. Stan Carvin: A young human that took an oath at a young age to protect others against fiends. Carvin can usually be found around taverns having a few drinks.
  2. Sonata Agrumand: A red tiefling woman that has a natural gift for music and a firm belief that art is important and should be defended. Sonata while in a paladin order is usually found around bards teaching and learning from them.
  3. Liberty: An Aarakocran oath of the crown paladin who just loves the country she’s from so much. She wears a full suit of plate armor with her country’s flag painted on the chest. She has memorized most important documents pertaining to her country by heart and can recite the national anthem backwards. When not wearing the full suit of armor she wears her country’s flag as a dress. Anyone Liberty sees disrespecting her country’s flag is met with extreme prejudice and force. The last person she saw burning her flag has still not been found. Liberty has a hatred for any small sized races claiming how “they’re so sneaky and conniving, the little freaks”.
  4. Gorath Smashaxe: A goliath raises by dwarves that swore to make the world stronger. Gorath has killed many so that the weak couldn’t continue to breed like a plague. Many have placed bounties on Goraths head. Gorath wears cheap splint mail and is covered in tattoos
  5. Dykralan Drakenbore: A red dragonborn that made an oath to become a judge. Dykralan has an unwavering faith in his nations legal system. Dykralan rarely fights but it’s well known that he is quite handy with a warhammer.
  6. Dovrel Michorite: A silver dragonborn that swore his life to protecting the temple a Bahamut. Dovrel enjoys the company of others and is always looking for another opponent to play chess with. He just finished a mystery novel and is dying to talk to someone about it.
  7. Arthur Ahavello: An elf that was knighted for slaying a horde of manticore that were ravaging a city. Arthur after falling in love and marrying the woman of his dreams made a vow to always protect her. When Arthur was 30 his wife was killed by assassins and now he wanders the planes searching for her killers so he can get closure. As a punishment for his transgressions Arthur had a wizard curse him so his sword is always attached to his hand.
  8. Lemron Etherfeld: A high elf professor that has a love for the arcane and made a promise to help each student of his to the best of his abilities. Lemron spends every moment he can planning lessons, working with students, and helping the school when he can.
  9. Kazumi Takeshi: A human that had spent his entire life training to be a warrior. His clan has a ritual where they take an oath of honor at age 13. Kazumi uses a magical greatsword passed down from generations. The magical capabilities of the sword are still unknown even to her.
  10. Jeffery Grayhammer: A dwarf that was born into a blacksmithing family and who swore to be the greatest blacksmith he could be.
  11. John Freedman: A human who was once a guard and had left because of the corruption in his ranks. John then became a masked vigilante serving justice to the wicked and protecting the innocent.
  12. Striding Moose: A Tabaxi that has his tribe slaughtered at a young age. Wandering with nowhere to go he began learning the arts of fighting and used his faith to remain calm in trying times. Later on in his life Striding Moose was ambushed by bandits, a masked man named John Freedman saved his life and he swore to protect John however he could.
  13. Gruumsh Klüvgor: An orc warrior that, after traveling the world realized that greed is the true root of suffering. Gruumsh then swore an oath of poverty and wanders from place to place giving his wealth from dungeon delving to the poor.
  14. Skalber: A Lizardfolk paladin that had been recruited by a group of powerful druidic paladins. Skalber doesn’t care about the oath, only getting the strength of the others, unfortunately skalber isn’t a very strong paladin and can barely cast spells since his apathy for his oath gives little for the weave to work with.
  15. Christina Halfblooded: During a war, an angel and a demon became stranded from both of their armies. Somehow they managed to get in a relationship that lasted just long enough for Christina to be born before it fell apart messily. Her parents fought so viciously over custody that their superiors had to enforce shared custody. The acrimony didn't go away, but eventually lead to her mother convincing her god to call Christina as a paladin while at the same time her father signed her up with a warlock pact with his own boss.
  16. Darnath The Houseless: Lieutenant in the destroyed order of the Silver Skulls, he is a vengeance paladin and known to be fanatical, but fiercely loyal. The banner he carries features the silvered skull of his most recently-deceased commander. When he himself dies, the old skull would have been buried and his skull would then be held high and proud over the troops who carried on without him. He dreams of restoring his order.
  17. Loucryn: Garry Shelton was a simple farmer before joining the paladin order as an absolver. Garry had made an oath of pacifism when joining and always had an aura of positivity until his friends were killed in cold blood and he viciously beat the attackers to death. After a reflection of his morals Garry had realized that most don’t deserve absolution and changed his name as a symbol for his newfound ideology. Loucryn now lives in a cave with his undead army occasionally coming down to kill someone he deems unworthy of living.
  18. Bartellius: In the war he served with his father's house and saw many terrible things. Mostly the horror was perpetrated by by his father's knights in the name of the king. After the war, to try and make some kind of amends, he took up holy orders and now protects the innocent in the land his former kingdom rules with an iron fist.
  19. Mark Vilbrovski: A muscular aarakocra that wears mostly red and has an unwavering belief that capital should be evenly distributed among all. Mark has held many raids against rich tycoons and corrupt mayors. Mark is an expert brewer and military strategist.
  20. John Frank: John Franks is an oath of treachery human paladin. Johns real name is Ronald Black and took an oath of treachery after hearing that his parents were getting a divorce at 13. Ronald realized how much he hated truth after that day. John sweats and stutters when he lies. John has a -5 on deception and stealth. John usually introduces himself by saying “hello my name is John and not Ronald Black why would I know someone named that?”
  21. Onieros Earthshield: Oath of the Ancients paladin and member of the Verdant Knights, an order of Paladins who protect ancient forests from both urbanization and those who would seek to steal the powers hidden there.
  22. Sajurn Falzatti: An oath of vengance Dragonborn. His settlement was destroyed by the Ancient black Wurm "Raxan, heart of Corrosion" who his people had broken free from two centuries before. He wears armor made of black dragonscale and every morning before beginning his day he recites the name of every person killed when Raxan attacked.
  23. Vanth Sandstone: Half elf Oath of the Crown. Head peacekeeper of the Desert city of Relana who Is said to have stood alone at the Gate of Dusk and repelled attackers for 4 days during a siege by the bandits of the Southern Wastes.
  24. Stygias: A human Oathbreaker who originally a knight named Tobias from a small farming community called Helm's Hollow. Had been pledged as a Paladin of Devotion but when called upon to put down a rebellion led by the woman he loved he snapped and broke his vows, standing beside her; acting as her right hand and personal executioner.
  25. Sylvithor Cormagna: An earth genasi and the first Watcher. Sylvithor has spent much of his life as a drunkard and a thief but overtime Sylvithor had grown to realize that his choices made the world worse. In an act of clarity Sylvithor took up adventuring so that monsters could be removed from their mortal coil, unable to harass innocent lives. Sylvithor made The Watchers as a defense against malicious invading forces from other realms.
  26. Linophry: A lantern fish Kuo'toa RangePaladin of Blipdoolpoolp. She eats the ones she kills to extend her short lifespan and expand her powers. She has a hippo called Sue as an animal companion and uses a poisoned Trident and net as her weapons.
  27. Tarhun Ophinstaff: Dragonborn Paladin devoted to the goddess of beauty, Sune. He wears shiny gold armor, with a heavy fur lined scarlet cloak. His gold and white-enamel tower shield bears the image of his god, and his long-sword shines brighter than any the realm has ever seen. He always has a smile upon his face, and devotes his life to protecting the beautiful things in life. Art, architecture, musical works, literature, and most importantly the gift of life. He will put his body on the line for anything he considers to add beauty to the world.
  28. Pickerynerp: A gnome paladin who views herself as a part of the court of nature. She will go out of her way to protect an animal in need. She will defend the defenseless creatures agains the evil incursions of civlization who would exploit the wilderness. More than willing to work with those towns that are symbiotic with the natural world.
  29. Garm Orc-crusher: Missing an eye, he holds his head with steely resolve. He comes form a long line of proud dwarven defenders. Though scarred and battletorn, he will fight to death to stop evil that would invade his homelands. Unknown to most, when he retires to his austere bunker, he writes whimsical poetry about mushrooms and small cavern creatures with grand adventures.
  30. Balthazar Vertonix: A silver dragonborn, former paladin of Bahamut until he succumbed to Tiamat's temptations while vainly fighting her forces, becoming an oathbreaker. Balthazar enjoys playing the organ when he isn’t doing horrid acts for Tiamat.
  31. Ghidroh Ichnisan: A bronze Dragonborn who was an innocent child at first, but was tempted by the church of Bane (or a similar tyrrany god) and swore an Oath of Conquest.
  32. Seven Thunders: A giant from a long line of giants employed by the Church as cathedral-builders. He bears a shield as big as a ship’s hull, and is under strict oaths not to kill, or allow another to kill. Seven Thunders is a very effective builder and tension diffuser.
  33. Dame Fran: An elf with dirty teeth and thinning hair. Enslaved by the enchantment of a dark faerie with a palace at the heart of a forest. She is bound to a deal she made kill trespassers and kidnap interesting guests. She tries her best to warn others off.
  34. Grant-Sanctuary Valschmitt: Officially retired and believes she does more good now in rags with a shiv than she ever did in shining armour. Beloved by the downtrodden. Grant wages a one-woman war against criminals and corrupt officials.
  35. Sir Yzai: A Kobold serving the King of the land as an Oath of the Crown Paladin. They are from a long line of Silver Kobolds, all of whom take on the last name Yzai when sworn in as Paladins under the service of the King. The Royal Family made a deal with the Silver dragon they worship, Yzai the Calm, many moons ago, and while short lived, the Silver Kobolds they provide are fiercely loyal.
  36. Mortis Corvax: A slivered shard of the primordial force that embodies plague, waste, death, and decay, Mortis Corvax is an anti-paladin locked in a cycle of undeath and demise. His oath is to pestilence, scourge, and famine, and when he is defeated, he lies dormant in death until his time to rise comes again. He wears a suit of armor crafted from human bone and bloodied sinew, casts magic from his Lantern of Souls, and wields a spear that infects any wound it leaves. With his lantern, he can inflict fast acting plagues, raise their victims, and control the rats that come to feast on the remains. Every disease has its cure, however, and no matter how many times he returns, or where his path takes him, a hero will rise from their people to mirror his darkness with light.
  37. Abel Wingward: An aasimar who was born into the world with his brother Cain as devoted fiend slayers. Abel killed his first fiend at 6 and with his long sword killed many demons. When his brother betrayed his tribe his new task was to bring him back, hopefully alive.
  38. Cain Wingward: An aasimar who was born in the world with his brother Abel as devoted fiend slayers. Cain has overtime grew jealous of his brother and turned to sin. Cain realized how fun life is when the rules are an afterthought and joined the demons becoming an oathbreaker. Cain knows Abel is coming for him and is well prepared.
  39. Lilith: A very muscular drider who has over 1,000 spiders as pets. Lilith has the belief that the drow are weaker, inferior drider and plans to destroy their civilization. Lilith has partnered with many elven communities but both parties know their arrangements are temporary. Many know Lilith as The Duchess of spiders or The Conquerer of The Underdark.
  40. Groq Blüdkillr: Groq grew up in a family of barbarians that loved nothing more than violence. Groq wasn’t allowed to participate since she was a woman so she would train in secret and left her tribe at 16, killing four tribesman that wouldn’t let her leave in the process. Groq had developed a philosophy while traveling, the weak die and the strong survive. This message was reinforced constantly. Groq then made tenants for her philosophy. First, weakness is a sin, sencond, the weak can become strong with time and effort, third, when one sees weakness in themselves it is their moral obligation to overcome it, fourth, the greatest sign of weakness is when one feels the need to oppress the weak simply because they’re weak. Groq made a small organization that kills tyrants. Those who rule over others with an iron fist are a target and should be very scared.
  41. Misty of The Mountains: She really just wants to stay in her market town and help all the children, but there's always some goddamn thing making her put on plate mail and go off and take on some larger threat. Maybe if for just ONCE the town elders could help her out with the orphans? But no, she gets back from shoving a demon back through a portal and some highborn twat has embezzled the school uniforms fund.
  42. Donovan Steel: A quiet blue tiefling that has taken up work as a bodyguard for caravans and travelers. Donovan has taken a sworn oath that he will do his best to get his clients safely to where they need to go. Donovan has been known to decline payments after his work is complete if he feels as if he could have done better. Many times Donovan has nearly been killed defending a client. The only client he lost were a halfling couple. He paid for their funeral and had their names tattooed on his left bicep so he would never forget.
  43. Lloyd The Alchemist: The son of metalworkers, Lloyd was a budding alchemist and healer from a young age. Moved by his nation's cry for service, he joined the army the desire to defend the rights of all people. He was promptly sent to defend a frozen wasteland for a year, then to a colonial subject fighting insurrection where his alchemical skills found use as "foliage" removal. After witnessing the horrors of war, culminating with his return home on a casualty vessel as the sole survivor, he refused to return to the military. Granted reprieve by a governor due to his record of service, Lloyd joined the paladin order with a deep dedication toward help those in need and combating the abominations, chemical or otherwise, that plague the world.
  44. Vladimir Ivonov: Once a prominent figure in The Paladin Order that had a goal to destroy all undead. During a fight Vladimir was bitten by a vampire and overtime he had succumbed to vampirism. Strangely enough Vladimir still kept his oath of killing undead and does so more effectively now more than ever, even if he is less empathetic and takes joy in feasting on the blood of the innocent.
  45. Felopar Gra’afala: A high elf narcissist that became a paladin and took the oath of heroism. Felopar has done many heroic feats to better his image and with his trusty longsword will kill any manor beast for the safety of the innocent! (And to look good in front of others).
  46. Swift Wind: A Tabaxi that had left the thieves guild because of the leadership being overbearing. Swift Wind found the black guard later and became a paladin of treachery. Swift Wind rarely fights others, he uses his magic and skills instead to steal from others and run away. Swift Wind has accumulated a ludicrous amount of wealth from his thieving tactics.
  47. Ulduhn, Ogre paladin of Redemption: An ogre that would kill adventurers and take their things until one day he fought a band of adventurers and was defeated, his body left floating down a river. When he drifted, delirious and gravely wounded, into a nearby town, a doctor took him in and treated his injuries. During his recovery, he had vivid hallucinations of a goddess telling him that he had been chosen for some higher purpose. Whether truly gifted by the divine or fueled by the passion of his own devotion, he has taken up a shield and massive sword and covered himself in crude armor plating to defend his cause and root out evil in the world.
  48. Snack Knight: A human (possibly) wearing full plate armor and a metal mask all coated in yellow with a red cape. No one knows who Snack Knight was before he took up the duty of defending the honor and sacred nature of junk food. Snack Knight always has a bag of potato chips on his person and will offer them to the hungry and abandoned so they may experience the comfort of a food that can be eaten whenever.
  49. Hunter: A warforged that was designed to hunt. Hunter doesn’t hunt for enjoyment, food, or for money, Hunter hunts simply because he does. When Hunter finds prey and kills them he goes to a firbolg tribe that invited him in and he gives the spoils of his work to them. The firbolgs see Hunter as a wonderful and polite person. Hunter uses his paladin spellcasting in his work though he doesn’t know why he can cast spells at all.
  50. Tempusnatus: A half orc hell knight who at a young age made a sacred vow to the war god Tempus to wage war forever. Tempusnatus moves from place to place participating in many battles. Tempusnatus may just be the single most battle hardened individual known to anyone as he has attended over 10,000 battles in his lifetime.
  51. Oakley: An ent that was raised by druids and when he was finally a grown trees he took a pilgrimage the the paladin order to make an official oath In front of the green knight order. Oakley lives in the Forrest with his tribe and acts as a deterrence for anyone who wishes to hurt the forest. People usually think twice when a 15 foot tall tree clad in steel armor and a greatsword the size of a minotaur.
  52. Melthor Bretherweight: A large muscular human that left his life as a prince to have fun killing monsters and drinking booze. Melthor eventually met The Watchers and gladly joined because a life of killing evils from beyond the material realm sounds really cool. As a Watcher Melthor doesn’t take the most lawful approach but he gets the job done.
  53. Freddie Lightfoot: A halfling from a small village who always was very cheerful and felt like many thought less of him because of his size. Freddie eventually thought it would be a good idea to show the taller folk that just because he’s small doesn’t mean he can’t be a hero so he made an oath to challenge himself every day and overtime Freddie had done many heroic deeds, even killing a lich.
  54. Freyan Bartorath: A triton who always felt very attached to nature. At a young age Freyan made an oath to protect the coral reef she lives near. Freyan despite doing her best is failing and needs more help.
  55. Kerilon: An air genasi that swore an oath of vengeance against the person who nearly killed him. Kerilon found the man and after two weeks of torment Kerilon put the rogue out of his misery. Kerilon now helps others with their vengeance if he feels their cause is righteous enough.
  56. Henry Davercash: A human oath of vengeance paladin that is hunting down a dwarf named Firgold. Henry believes for gold stole all of his families money. Henry isn’t seen often because he’s usually out adventuring and searching for Firgold. Henry is mistaken in thinking Firgold had stole anything from him because a high caster had used modify memory to change Henry’s memory into wanting to kill an enemy of the state. Henry wears scalemail that has a crest of a lion breathing fire on it.
  57. Firgold Ironstrom: A dwarven oath of vengeance paladin that wants a man named Henry Davercash dead because he keeps hearing about how he’s speaking ill of him around taverns. Firgold had once stole a priceless painting so he could get the funds for more weapons and armor. Firgold wears a set of finely crafted splint.
  58. Detiomer: A gith oath of devotion paladin that is used by the guild as an interrogationist along with his partner Kelly. Detiomer believes in truth and justice above all. Detiomer wears plate armor and expensive silks. Detiomer has a +10 to insight.
  59. Xylfox: A goblin that took an oath to protect his tribe. Xylfox wears plate armor with a flag of a nation he isn’t from and a shield from a different empire as well. Xylfox gets all of his equipment from the people he kills that try to invade, especially taking from halflings and gnomes since their armor and clothes fit him.
  60. Yglrial: An oath of redemption drow that was once a prominent thieve and killer now changed after hurting someone he loved unknowingly. Yglrial is willing to help anyone trying to better themselves but he also has a short temper. Yglrial wears chain mail with a purple tint.
  61. Horatio Lamonte: A Loxadon Oath of Vengeance Paladin of the Cursed Order. They have charged themselves with seeking out and utilizing all cursed magical items, to prevent others from being harmed by them. This order bestows a cursed item to attune to upon their acceptance into the order. Horatio's cursed equipment is the Shield of Missile Attraction.
  62. Captain Redbeard: A dwarf with a long flowing beard, an eyepatch, and a large pirates hat. Captain Redbeard used to be the most ruthless pirate in the seas but after a long reflection in captivity Redbeard took an oath of redemption so that he could better himself as well as absolve others in due time when he has forgiven himself. With his parrot Dolly they now travel from place to place trying to better themselves.
  63. Sings With The Dawn: A Tabaxi minstrel that began adventuring to find a purpose. Dawn is known to be a bit of a show off and smooth talker. Dawn had only recently considered paladin life as an option and has but his best foot forward to pursue that life as best as he can.
  64. Pyverus: A water genasi built much stronger than his peers wearing full plate mail made from a bronze alloy. Pyverus was born to a family of religious clerics that pushed Pyverus into being a cleric of the seas. Pyverus not wanting to be pressured and just in general having a sustain for authority left and began worshipping a god of fire who he later believes told him to conquer for him. Pyverus was more than happy to expand his ownership over the land with his blade and overtime amassed a small cult of worshippers to help his horrific task of burning and conquering with glee. Pyverus takes his oath very seriously and has been known to deal out extreme punishments to those who threaten his rule.
  65. Cynthia Drovorick: A silver dragonborn that made an oath after being ordained to keep order in the world. Cynthia doesn’t normally fight and instead prefers to use her words. Cynthia is an approachable personality and gives advice to those who need it.
  66. Heimfell Grogmaker: A stout dwarf wearing full plate armor with an apron above it. Heimfell has two great passions in his life, ale and meat. Heimfell made an oath to find the most delicious barbecue and ale known to man and save the recipe to share with all who want a good pint with their dinner.
  67. Fwish: A small kenku wearing a postman’s uniform and leather armor. Fwish had sworn a promise to the god of messengers that he would make every delivery on time. Fwish has been a postman for twenty years and still has never been late on a delivery. Fwish has a total movement speed of 50 feet and can fly 60 feet. Fwish puts punctuality and good service above all.
  68. Bill: A warforged made by a wizard to help in his research. When Bills master was killed in an orc raid his last directive was to protect his daughter Elizabeth. Bill has been protecting Elizabeth for a year now and Elizabeth is now 9.
  69. Valery Brightsceld: An aasimar wearing pure gold plate mail and a battle axe forged by an ancient artificer. Valery made an oath to protect love. Valery has married many couples and killed many enemies of love. Valery is now hunting for a lich that specifically takes the souls of creatures in love.
  70. Grant Thornbury: A red tiefling who had joined the blackguard after discovering their existence and the power that comes with being in their ranks. Grant is an expert in poisons, deceit, and underhanded fighting. Grant wears black ceremonial robes under his armor and worships the god of murder. Grants moral code is practically nonexistent and has no remorse for his actions.
  71. Sir Spencer: Spencer is a human and high ranking knight of Trenidan. Spencer uses a sword handed down to each family member for five generations. Sir Spencer when first taking his oath of the crown was enthusiastic about his position in life but now his magic is waking from his lack of interest in the protecting cities corrupt government.
  72. Rufus: A golden retriever that loves his family with all of his heart. Rufus is special in the sense that he is a paladin and can cast spells. Rufus has saved many lives through healing people of diseases and blood loss through cure wounds.
  73. Hel: A changeling woman who was once a thief but after being left to die by her former allies and barely escaping a forest with her life she realized the people she associates with weren’t the people she needed to be around. Hel later saw the effects of what trickery does to others and swore never to lie again. Later Hel has met The Watchers and joined their ranks as the first changeling in The Watchers. Hel wears very shiny plate mail and doesn’t change her appearance from her blue skin and pure black eyes.
  74. Enzo The Merciless: A goliath that was born into a tribe of paladins and did a ceremony for Enzo at a young age for his oath. When Enzo was 18 a force compelled his to go south. To this day Enzo refuses to talk about what happened south but a year later Enzo returned to see his mountain tribe slaughtered. Enzo rebuked his old creed in favor of a new more violent promise. Enzo would kill all responsible for his tribes demise. Very few see Enzo but those who do usually tell tales of a large beastlike man that no longer looked like a goliath.
  75. Nicholas Stephenson: 12-year-old Conquest Paladin who believes the Angel's have selected him for a divine mission to take back the Holy Lands. Nicholas one day hopes to become fearless like his father.
  76. Lochflogger: A half orc war chief that had beaten and killed many for enjoyment. One day while feasting on a married couple Lochflogger saw an angel who had absolved him of his sins. Lovhflogger with his new religious clarity became a paladin to absolve others. Lochflogger despite being a paladin still has a bloodlust that he tries his best to ignore.
  77. Argus Mastbearer: A dwarf that wears all black splint with a spiked mace. Argus made an oath to protect the dead when he started his fist day as an undertaker. Argus trays necromancers with extreme prejudice and refuses to let anyone in his graveyard at night. In the day Argus enjoys drinking and gambling in his favorite inn the sloshed cat.
  78. Sky: A blue tiefling that had fallen into the underdark at a young age. Sky had to fend for himself in this strange new land but later on he found a small haven of bioluminescent mushrooms. The place was so beautiful. Over the years Sky would make a promise to defend his new home from threats. Sky is a gentle and kind soul who enjoys gardening and reading.
  79. H’loparadin Vivelon: A high elf who had joined the army of Scoldan. When Tor had declared war against Scoldan H’loparadin made an oath to fight in this war until it’s over. The war has been waging for a century now and H’loparadin has become a general that still fights in the front lines. H’loparadin takes his job very seriously.
  80. Kendrick Fireslicer: A red headed mountain dwarf that worships the goddess of commerce. I’m the beginning of his life Kendrick was a delinquent who would drink too much and wreak havoc on the town until he was exiled for destroying a statue in The Temple of The Forge. Kendrick on his travels met a merchant named Greg that taught him of the merchant goddess. Kendrick never made an official oath but his adamance in helping those in need makes him just as much of a paladin as anyone in the paladin order.
  81. Zachary Gormush Jr: A half orc that pledged to rid the world of oozes. Zachary isn’t very bright and has a deep hatred for oozes because he thinks one ate his dog. Zachary delves into dungeon after dungeon killing oozes and making friends along the way. Zachary has a halfling friend named Lathander he met that is teaching him the ways of a monk. Zachary stands towering over Lathander at 6’6 and Lathander at 2’11.
  82. Zachary Gormush Sr: A human and father of Zachary Gormush Jr. Zach knowing how stupid his son is made a sacred oath to the god of navigation that he will find his son out of fear that his son would be dead on his adventures, possibly by drinking a bottle of poison that he thought was a potion. Zachary feels like this is his fault because he lied to his son about what happened to his dog. His mother ran away with his dog with no intention of coming back. Zachary is 5’6 and wears full plate from his days as a sergeant.
  83. Richter Bass: A human that runs The Frostwild Post, a newspaper that prides itself on accuracy. Richter has a firm belief that The Frostwild Post has to remain the best paper in the material plane. Richter has done many nefarious things to keep his paper making money.
  84. Saprose Everhoff: An earth genasi that has a divine job to protect the elements. With Saproses gift of the storms he fights to defend the primordial elements against unnatural threats.
  85. Vorthalax: A golden dragonborn that loves chaos. Vorthalax swore that he would cause disorder and mayhem wherever he roams. Vorthalax has a shield that speaks to him and when a creature attempts to read Vorthalax’s mind they will only hear loud and incoherent yelling.
  86. Warden Astarath: A triton prison warden that made a sacred oath to prevent prisoners from escaping. Astarath has help many public executions in front of prisoners to strike fear onto anyone who thinks of escaping. Astarath always wears a gold and black helm in front of the prisoners so they can’t see his face.
  87. Zyth: A lizardfolk who adamantly refuses to die. Zyth had once met a samurai that taught him tricks to ignore pain and continue fighting. Zyth wears a kimono under his heavy armor. Zyth has just recently climbed his way out of hell and he is certainly not going back there without a fight.
  88. Xyrich Milanotio: A half elf alchemist that made a promise to the gods that he will turn urine into gold. Xyrich is so confident that he will do this task that he dedicated his entire life to finding what he called the golden secret. When Xyrich was 400 he did the unthinkable. He turned himself into a lich so he could work and try new methods of alchemy forever, or at least until he finishes his quest for the golden secret.
  89. Robin Carringway: A woman who loves to read. Robin is an intelligent woman that believes In knowledge above all. Robin swore to never stop learning and has upheld her promise for a decade. When Robin heard rumors of a library that has near unlimited knowledge and secrets not yet discovered she embarked on a journey to find it and crush anything that gets in the way of her destiny.
  90. Kraver Pteramars: A loyal member of The Church of The Father. When an artifact called The War Sword of The Father which was forged by the god of dwarves and made out of the bones of a dead god of war. The sword has powers no mortal should wield and Kraver swore to the church that he would return the sword and kill the thieves responsible.
  91. Soratice Jones: A half elf that swore his life to the church 8 years ago. Recently the church wants more power over the country and so Soratice uses his magic and charisma to politically sway the opinions of the people. Soratice and the church have begun asking for tithes and Soratice has been using his stature to intimidate those who criticize the church.
  92. Guard: A clay golem made only a few months ago. Guard was made with one task, defend the wizards tower. Eventually Guard became so adamant about his job his fists began to constantly emit light. The wizards in the tower have experimented on Guard to see why he is special enough to be a paladin while their other creations are not.
  93. Aulanril Cathilia: A high elf woman and founder of The Family of The Emerald Rose, a new order that has barely any members. Aulandril made the order to protect the world against corruption. Their purpose is to crush those who want to harm the beauty inherent in everything. The Family of The Emerald Rose patch is a green flower with red thorns on a yellow shield.
  94. Everlead Hav’lia: A high elf who is from The Family of The Emerald Rose. Everlead had to leave home at the young age of six because a horde of orcs has attached his village. With nowhere else to go Everlead joined The Family of The Emerald Rose in the hopes that he would be given food and shelter. Over the years Everlead grew fiercely loyal to his new family and would do anything for its members.
  95. Cyprus Rovera: A high elf and member of The Family of The Emerald Rose. Cyprus had joined the order after his time in the military because he still felt the need to help others. Cyprus is the orders head chef and makes a phenomenal stew.
  96. Tim Brown: A horse salesmen that lives inside of the city capital of Sandkin where the headquarters of the paladin order resides. Tim is quite old and can’t fight with the paladin order but he sells many horses to them. Tim Brown has been made an honorary paladin for all the work he has done providing horses to help the war against undead.
  97. The Red Horseman: Very little is known of The Red Horseman. Some say they’re a scourge made on the land by demons, others say they sold his heart to a god for more power, many see them as a myth. The Red Horsemen dons full plate armor that resembles a devil completely in red and a mask of an oni scratched from battle scarring. The Red Horseman seems to only kill travelers at night while passing travelers who rest before the moon comes out. The Red Horseman is immune to fire damage and has a greatsword that’s heat can be felt from ten feet away.
  98. Trivinan Zagiacarath: A triton from the cold northern waters of the Frostwild. Trivinan was born in a barbarian tribe where the strong survive. Trivinan being born into a hostile world quickly adapted and became the tribes hunter. When Trivinan was sixteen the elders told him to go on a journey into the world and find a place to conquer, this being a tradition that a young man must conquer land before he becomes a true man. While scouting for a place to bury the flag of his people in Trivinan was washed away by a storm. waking up on a beach on the mainland Trivinan took a solemn oath to find his people and lead a great conquest of the places he travels to.
  99. Baby: A green tiefling and once prominent member of the paladin order that was exiled after practicing necromancy. Baby then ran off to practice necromancy in peace. Overtime Baby grew tired of following his tenants and chose the life of an oathbreaker.
  100. Hirastar Miller: A half orc green knight who was born to a half orc soldier and a seamstress mother. Hirastar grew up between the cities and the outskirts of society which gave him an appreciation for nature and urban cities. Hirastar eventually became a paladin after swearing an oath to the paladin order. One day a plague began ravaging the country and Hirastar was called to serve as a doctor since he had already had medical knowledge. Hirastar donned a plague doctor attire and did the best he could to help. The sickness only got worse and eventually his city was raided and burned to the ground. Hirastar watched as the city he swore to protect crumbled to ash and made a promise to never take of his mask as a way to atone for his sins.
submitted by DEADPYNE to d100 [link] [comments]

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Bookmakers Not On Gamstop

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The bookmakers on this site are not licensed by the UK Gambling Commission, therefore they are not obligated to operate by the strict UK government guidelines. Instead, they are regulated by the gambling authorities like MGA (Malta Gambling Authority) or the Isle of Man Gambling Supervision Commission.
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Since bookmakers in the UK cannot operate unless licensed by the UK Gambling Commission, this will have a huge impact on the gambling industry. Gamstop was originally created so that players could take control of their gambling habits.
Once you have signed up to Gamstop and excluded yourself from gambling activity, the gambling companies you are registered to will automatically be notified and then close all accounts related to your name and prevent you from signing back in. Furthermore, as of April 2020, the UK Gambling Commission have places restrictions on players depositing on credit cards, an setting deposit limit amounts which cannot be exceeded in a specific time frame.
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Gambling companies under the UK Gambling Commission such as; WilliamHill, Coral, Betway, to name a few are restricted to offer new customers no deposit offers or attractive bonuses to join their sites.
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Bookmakers not on Gamstop are not licensed by the UK Gambling Commission, therefore they are not obligated to operate by the strict UK government guidelines. Instead, they are regulated by the gambling authorities like MGA (Malta Gambling Authority) or the Isle of Man Gambling Supervision Commission.
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Bookmakers not on Gamstop can offer great offers and bonuses to play on their sites as they do not come under the strict rules of the UK Gambling Commission. These bonuses can be very attractive and rewarding, such as no deposit offers or lucrative matched deposits. Many UK players enjoy the freedom and high bonuses bookmakers not on Gamstop have to offer for joining their site.
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Bookmakers Not on Multi-Operator Self Exclusion Scheme (MOSES)

Bookmakers Not on Multi-Operator Self Exclusion Scheme (MOSES):>
What is Multi-Operator Self Exclusion Scheme (MOSES)?
Multi-Operator Self Exclusion Scheme (MOSES) is a self-exclusion scheme introduced in April 2020 by the UK government that allows players to block themselves from any gambling activity. Due to the pressures placed on UK bookmakers by the UK Gambling Commission, they are restricted to what bonuses they can offer new customers.
Since bookmakers in the UK cannot operate unless licensed by the UK Gambling Commission, this will have a huge impact on the gambling industry. Gamstop was originally created so that players could take control of their gambling habits.
Once you have signed up to the Multi-Operator Self Exclusion Scheme (MOSES) and excluded yourself from gambling activity, the gambling companies you are registered to will automatically be notified and then close all accounts related to your name and prevent you from signing back in. Furthermore, as of April 2020, the UK Gambling Commission have places restrictions on players depositing on credit cards, an setting deposit limit amounts which cannot be exceeded in a specific time frame.
Due to the pressures placed on UK gambling companies by the UK Gambling Commission, this has had a significant affect on what offers and bonuses the gambling companies can now offer. The gambling industry has taken a devastating affect on enticing more customers to play on their sites.
Gambling companies under the UK Gambling Commission such as; WilliamHill, Coral, Betway, to name a few are restricted to offer new customers no deposit offers or attractive bonuses to join their sites.
Benefits of Bookmakers Not on Multi-Operator Self Exclusion Scheme (MOSES)
Bookmakers not on Multi-Operator Self Exclusion Scheme (MOSES) are not licensed by the UK Gambling Commission, therefore they are not obligated to operate by the strict UK government guidelines. Instead, they are regulated by the gambling authorities like MGA (Malta Gambling Authority) or the Isle of Man Gambling Supervision Commission.
So what does this mean?
Bookmakers not on Multi-Operator Self Exclusion Scheme (MOSES) can offer great offers and bonuses to play on their sites as they do not come under the strict rules of the UK Gambling Commission. These bonuses can be very attractive and rewarding, such as no deposit offers or lucrative matched deposits. Many UK players enjoy the freedom and high bonuses bookmakers not on Gamstop have to offer for joining their site.
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91 NPCs that are in an adventuring guild.

Contributors: u/spectrumpositive u/IndridColdwave u/rule-the-galaxy42 u/felagund u/anysnackwilldo u/insxrt_usxrnamx u/OpAwesome u/remixologist u/gwendallgrey u/minorex123
  1. Jack of swords- a fighter rogue that went mad after a gambling incident leaving him penniless. Jack has since honed his skills in cards and has a +10 in all card based gambling as well as the ability to reroll a check once a day. He wears a robe of what appears to be a tattered silk and a crown made of paper. Jack also has a special deck of cards with the faces of former kings and queens on them.
  2. Terisia- a fairly high level rogue cleric that always wears a plague doctor suit. Further inspection would reveal she is a green dragonborn but the robes and mask cover up her scales. She has a high medicine and runs a hospital wing in the adventurers guild. She keeps to her work and very rarely converses with others. Attempts to converse with Terisia will usually result to her insulting the player and saying that she has better things to do.
  3. Rakesh- an earth genasi druid that works on a separate hospital wing from Terisia. Rakesh is a very humble old man who loves tea and works on less serious injuries. If given enough time to know the player Rakesh will pull off a flower growing from his stone and offer it to the player. The flower gives 2d4 health and removes one curse effect of the players choice.
  4. Evets- an elven sorcerer who was cursed to only speak backwards. Oddly enough the only language Evets can speak normally is deep speech. Evets knows 7 different languages and wears a nice green velvety cloak and appears to be 22 but is actually 370.
  5. Sorrow- a warlock tiefling that's usually in the bar drinking. His friends call him Sal and his favorite drink in whiskey. When he's not at the bar he's out adventuring to get more coin for booze. Sorrow is pretty friendly if a little annoying when he's drunk. He's an expert in acrana especially illusion magic.
  6. Wallace- Wallace is a mountain dwarf fighter that loves to Smith. Wallace is the guilds head blacksmith and makes the finest armors. If Wallace is given an ale or two he'll talk about where he came from. He was originally a cleric but left to join a barbarian tribe then left the barbarians to live a more druidic lifestyle until he realized how boring it was. After dropping out of a wizard school and later banned from the city said school was in he took up adventuring and blacksmithing which he's done ever since. Wallace is also secretly the leader of an assassins guild called the redshade guild disguised as a fruit stand. Wallace accepts anyone no matter their moral compass if they survive initiation but ironically has a distaste for rogues. "A real assassin nay goes out with a pansy hood n flimsy butter knife, we're supposed to look civilian and not draw attention and these blokes are practically walkin with an I'm a killer sign on their backs, bloody unprofessional is what it is".
  7. The ice sorceress- the founder of the adventurers guild. After she retired 3 centuries ago she left to be in a mountain at the very center of the north pole. She's an immortal Aasimar who has killed an uncountable amount of beasts, dragons, monstrosities, etc. Her real name is lost to time. Any adventurers who find her are rewarded with knowledge and magic items.
  8. Arthur Hearthridge- a successful human bard and lute player of "The Sweep". Arthur has a +17 in performance. Arthur wears a minstrel uniform and is willing to teach others how to play the lute if offered enough gold.
  9. Gorbin- a successful hill dwarf bard that's the drums player of "The Sweep". Gorbin has a +14 in performance. Gorbin wears sunglasses and a set of common clothes. Gorbin will teach any dwarf to play drums for free.
  10. Blitzthündr- a successful goliath bard that's the saxophone player of "The Sweeps". Blitzthündr has a +18 in performance. Blitzthündr wears a navy blue blazer with a black tie and a white silk pocket square. Blitzthündr will only teach people the sax if they have proven to respect the art. "The Sweeps" play outside of the guild At 9 in the morning and 7 in the afternoon every day.
  11. Stix- a goblin wizard that has no legs. Stix lost his legs to an orc that raided his cave and left him to die. Stix doesn't remember how he was saved but knows he was saved by an old wizard named Witcheron and became his apprentice. When stix has to fight he transforms into a hobgoblin with 40 feet of movement.
  12. Guranath- a Triton warlock. Garanath sold his soul to a kraken and since then he's been using the power given to him to punish thieves. 5 years ago Guranath began hiding in waters outside of the guild destroying any ships that come by. Guranath is a very touchy subject among the guild because his ability to stay within the guild is in question because of his morally gray ethics of destroying any and all ships that are near his waters.
  13. Velatroy- a sorcerer high elf wearing nobles clothing and only eats the finest food. Velatroy will only talk to other sorcerers and elves, everyone else is considered inferior and calls them "underlings".
  14. Chet stronghammer- Chet is a wizard goliath and a self described man of fashion. Cheat wears a pink barrette, a teal suit and robes with a dark blue ascot. Chet loves to paint and knit. Chet is also gay and proud of it, occasionally wearing a rainbow suit and ascot. Chet began adventuring after his parents threatened to kill him and his boyfriend (now ex boyfriend) If they stayed.
  15. John Frank- John Franks is an oath of treachery human paladin. Johns real name is Ronald Black and took an oath of treachery after hearing that his parents were getting a divorce at 13. Ronald realized how much he hated truth after that day. John sweats and stutters when he lies. John has a -5 on deception and stealth. John usually introduces himself by saying “hello my name is John and not Ronald Black why would I know someone named that?”
  16. Ranger Park the park ranger- Park is an elven ranger that works at a national park. He took up adventuring because his park was always seeing unnatural monstrosities wandering in and the adventurers guild pays for them to be killed as well as his boss nearly doubling his salary. Ranger Park wears his workers uniform everywhere which has a small patch of the National Park logo on the left forearm.
  17. Sparky- Sparky is a white beagle and the guilds official mascot. Sparky is much like any dog except he is resistant to all damage and has 7 times the hit points of an average dog. These magical properties have come from the abundance of magical dog collars, food, chew toys, and water given to him as well as a pure sense of loyalty to the guild.
  18. Seigri "Cookie" Firebelcher- A half-Orc Wizard obsessed with creating the worlds spiciest, yet enjoyable, meals. He can be found in the guild's kitchen constantly cooking up firey pots of curries and stews with strange ingredients. He uses magic to enhance the flavor, as well as quell any unsavory results from his cooking. If the players are willing to listen to his energetic ramblings on niche ingredients and rare meats, he will offer them taste tests of his latest concoctions. The effects of his magical dishes vary but will generally grant a small buff or hindrance such as -1 damage from fire attacks or cause flames to erupt from the ingestors ears.
  19. Rufeng the Tinker- A fiesty Halfling Artificier with a penchant for pranks. Constructs odd clockwork contraptions to aid the guild in niche projects. Doesn't take kindly to having her "tinker time" interrupted, sometimes turning her latest creation loose on any unwelcomed visitors. When ready, she proudly shows off her latest creations to the guild by unleashing them and enjoying the results. With enough effort, she would become willing to create custom items for the players if she believes any are worthy of her time (as targets of pranks or otherwise).
  20. Pact- A young mannequin like Tiefling Light Cleric of many gods. Keeps all manner of runes, holy symbols, and religious iconography of the lands various religions about their person. Has no discernable featers of sex or distinct physical features beyond monotone grey skin with thick charcoal lines around each joint. Their horns are featureless, and their eyes yellow with no pupils. Their demeanor is mild, responding to all situations with unnerving calm and care. Each night, they write a report on their dreams of each of the gods' calls to help the guild divine potential threats and boons.
  21. Hyacinth the Great - a powerful elven wizard in gilded robes, he recently lost his left arm in a battle with a dragon. He is extremely powerful but because of his injury he’s unable to perform the somatic components for most of his spells. He’s in search of an artificer who can construct a new metal arm for him so that he can cast spells once again.
  22. Bree Voxis (short for Breeze)- an air genasi Path of the Storm Herald Barbarian. She’s a tall woman with all the personality of a coastal storm- quiet and comforting, sunny and warm, but quick to change moods and become stormy and angry. The sea and storm are her natural habitat, and she will protect her friends and the natural world with her last breath to make up for not being able to protect her tribe. Very naive as to the world at large though, since she grew up isolated with her tribe. Has a rivalry with Guranath.
  23. Chicken Suzie- an itinerant alchemist. She's not a chicken, nor a coward, though nobody's going to mistake her for a front-line fighter. Nice gal, good product, a bit pricey but reliable. Her caravan shows up in real odd places. So named because there's always a cauldron of what she calls "chicken soup" bubbling away. It's real good.
  24. Vanessa - half elven girl of youthful appereance. Her neigbours casted her out because she kept talking to animals. In the wilderness, she met a dryad who told her how to tap into nature's forces. It is whispered, that she actually merged her soul with the dryad. Be it whatever case, she definitely has two distinct personalities and when unleashed upon enemy all of nature's fury she is capable of. Given her experience as 6th level druid you might do well to not anger her, for she does not play fair, or nice.
  25. Desiderio (Des) - an elderly tiefling wizard who specializes in conjuration magic. He’s retired from adventuring after many years of traveling the land, so he takes care of the library in the guild. A grandfatherly-type figure, who’s always happy to give advice, a favorite book to read, or speak about his own adventures. Exclusively drinks tea. Has a weasel familiar named Roy, who has a bit of a temper on him. Desiderio also has a cute little garden out back where he grows a variety of plants, but he is very protective over them, and dislikes anyone in said garden without his permission.
  26. Tack- A human fighter wearing chain and half-plate, a pike and a handaxe. Known and named for the fact that he always has some snacks on his person as well as his mild-manneredness which make him a sought after party member.
  27. Alutran- a dwarven fighter that wears the traditional robes of a monster hunter clan. Alutran always has at least 8 bottles of holy water and 100 silver crossbow bolts. Alutran when asked will talk about how he has killed vampires, ghosts, mummy lords, and many other undead creatures.
  28. Paulina- a monk kenku that lost her vocal chords as a young child. Paulina wears standard monk robes. Paulina is the current title holder of 4 bar fighting championships. One would assume as a monk her fighting style incorporates grace and skill but in reality she rushes at opponents and claws them while pecking them in a frenzy.
  29. Boomer- a gnome cleric of madness who wears large poorly made glasses and has a hunchback. Boomers coat appears to be stitched from several discarded coats and has multiple burn marks on them. Boomer refuses to give any information about the god he worships and claims he worships “the boom” (referring to bombs). Boomer spends most of his time making bombs and experimenting with bombs. Boomer has schizophrenia and unlike most who suffer from schizophrenia Boomer is violent. Boomer has a 1 in 10 chance to attack the party on sight inside his room, laboratory, or somewhere outside. Boomer sells many of his creations. Boomer makes a wide variety of bombs for many uses from elemental bombs like fire and acid bombs, utility bombs like smoke bombs, protection from good and evil bombs, or holy water bombs, and bombs with raw explosive force.
  30. Orm - a figure dressed in half plate, wearing helmet. Nobody is really sure who, or what is hiding under the layers of clothing, armor, and of course, the helmet. No one is really sure of his name, or even voice, since it never speaks. He just goes into the adventurers guild, takes a quest from the noticeboard, and goes off. Sometimes he silently drinks his beer, with his facemask opened only enough for the mug to fit under. Everybody knows this peculiar character as Orm, as that's the rune he has etched into their left shoulder guard.
  31. Weller Nosebitter - a jovial young dwarf, that enjoys the heat of battle, but enjoys gambling and good ale even more, which is the reason he is more often then not without money. No matter what mission you take him in, he is childishly gleeful, for being an adventurer always been his dream career. Weller keeps his promises, no matter the cost.
  32. Fancy wavebreaker- a wizard tortle wearing a monocle, a tuxedo with a rose boutonnière and matching pocket square, and a large top hat. Wavebreaker spends most his time in his magnificent mansion spell and only adventurers anymore in dire circumstances. Fancy Wavebreaker owns tons of trophies from things he had killed on his travels including an owlbear coat, a liches finger, and a black dragon head mounted on his wall.
  33. Grips- a high elf rogue wearing a dark hood and usually seen in taverns. Grips got his name from a box he carries filled with severed hands that he controls. If asked how he controls them he says he does it with charm. Grips uses these hands to help in his thievery.
  34. Ga- a barbarian aarakocra that has green feathers and wears only a loincloth. Ga says very little but when he does speak it’s in a very low and powerful voice. Ga was once a professional wrestler before becoming an adventurer. You can find Ga in tavern fights and killing goblins all across the world. He hopes one day to find the fabled Paulina in one of the bars he fights in.
  35. Liberty- an Aarakocran oath of the crown paladin who just loves the country she’s from so much. She wears a full suit of plate armor with her country’s flag painted on the chest. She has memorized most important documents pertaining to her country by heart and can recite the national anthem backwards. When not wearing the full suit of armor she wears her country’s flag as a dress. Anyone Liberty sees disrespecting her country’s flag is met with extreme prejudice and force. The last person she saw burning her flag has still not been found. Liberty has a hatred for any small sized races claiming how “they’re so sneaky and conniving, the little freaks”.
  36. Samantha Scarlet- a storm sorcerer drider and sea captain of The Harlot. Samatha will only respond to Miss Scarlet or Captain Scarlet. Scarlet wears her captains uniform at all times. Scarlet was banished from her original home in the underdark at a young age after they had seen her storm magic which displeased Lolith. Scarlet was later found by Ms.Scarlet (an elf) and Mr.Scarlet (a human). They had raised Scarlet along with her brother Tiberius. Scarlet is a great storyteller and will tell you a few tales for some spiced rum. Tiberius became a mildly successful author and artist and is secretly jealous of Scarlet because he thinks their parents always loved her more. Once every year they all have a family reunion on their parents birthday which they both share.
  37. Dashing rabbit- a rogue tabaxi that wears leather and boots of elvenkind. Dashing rabbit has an obsession for shiny things.
  38. Cyprus- a druid human that everyone calls insane. He talks about small ghosts all around the world and how he went through trials to get a dragon of silver that he rides across the sea. He wears tattered commoners clothes and is always shaking. The truth is while nobody believes Cyprus the ghosts he sees are actually there and can only be seen by circle of dreams druids with truesight and he does have an adult silver dragon mount.
  39. Miss Psyphasia- a spore druid high elf wearing a tye dye dress and jewelry all across her body some of which are magical. Miss Psyphasia has an interest in psychadelics and is the leading source for any drug trip experience. Miss Psyphasia has a group of people who wear similar robes and follow her every word. Miss Psyphasia is an advocate for peace and love for everyone.
  40. Thor- a blue draconic thunder sorcerer tortle that looks different from other tortles and appears to be in his 40s. If asked or succeed a DC 15 investigation check the party will find that Thors father is a dragonborn and his mother is a tortle making him a very rare subrace of tortle (a dracotortle). Dracotortles breath a scalding steam breath much like a dragon turtle. Thor spent a lot of his adolescence and early adulthood as a pirate and bounty hunter. Thor has many stories of working as a pirate and has even been a first mate for the infamous Captain Scarlet. Thor also talks about how he killed a dragon turtle and has a piece of its tooth to prove it. Thor speaks common, aquan, draconic, elven, and primordial.
  41. Derek Brolinka- A halfling barbarian that was the toughest and strongest halfling in his village, and left home as an adventurer to discover that he was a big fish in a small pond. He definitely has a case of "small man" syndrome, and if he encounters someone particularly tough then he's determined to prove that he is tougher. Quite well built for a halfling, he generally walks around shirtless to display the lion's head tattoo on his chest.
  42. Sir Reginald Carver Jr- a human monk fighter that had come from a poor upbringing but was taught class from a rich man that took Reginald under his wing. Sir Reginald was taught the ways of a gentleman like horseback riding, dragon chess, and mens fashion. Sir Reginald at age 17 took up boxing and became a small legend among the towns he would box in even besting an ogre in the art of pugilism. After traveling the world for a little under a decade Sir Reginald has also gained a proficiency in 3 tool kits, one language on top of his 4 already known languages, and the violin. On his travels Sir Reginald had also come across a monk monetary and trained with them for 3 of the years he had traveled. Over time Sir Reginald made his own martial art incorporating the animosity of a pugilist and the grace of a monk which he called "The Way of The Tavern Ruffian". Sir Reginald spends much of his time now with Fancy Wavebreaker playing golf, horseback riding, and the occasional fisticuffs with a ne'er-do-well. Sir Reginald wears exclusively suits, a pair of dress shoes, opera gloves, a green emerald ring with a silver band which he got after winning enough rough and tumbles, and a pocket square of which he has over 200 kinds of. Sir Reginald will usually take off his suit before a tussle if he has the time. Sir Reginald always says "A true gent goes nowhere without his wits, his pride, and a finely stitched pocket square". If Reginald likes someone enough he will order them a custom silk and polyester blend elven stitched pocket square with their initials on it. The pocket square is magical and can cast mend or presdigitation once a day.
  43. Bahr Akkan- A lizardfolk rogue who specializes in poisons. Has daggers and a blowgun. Only eats his food raw and wriggling so he can be sure it’s not poisoned. Adventures because a demon influenced his tribe to kill him so he left.
  44. Rat- a fighter goblin with a golden voice and compassion for others. Rat is very friendly and open but when he's drunk his goblin dialect comes back and he goes back into his greedy ways. Rat has an amulet that summons a giant scorpion that he rides into battle names pepper.
  45. Angel- a drow warlock that sold her soul and name to the raven queen. Angel doesn't remember her old name or old life because she gave away her right to know those things when she gave her soul for power. She holds up a sad and dark demeanor because she's secretly terrified of social interaction. Every night she writes in a small black diary but she tells everyone else that book is for who's next to kill. Her weapon of choice is a scythe and she wears a black hood with black lipstick.
  46. Philcrostyl- a bard half elf that runs a barber shop and is an honorary member of the adventurers guild because he gives haircuts to many high ranking members of the guild. Philcrostyl isn't a very good fighter and isn't the best at casting spells but he can give someone a very pristine haircut for a reasonable price. He even has ways of making hair grow on tortles and dragonborn.
  47. William Cooper III- A human ranger that was born into the aristocracy, and discovered his family was involved in summoning demons and raising the dead and other dark magic rituals. So he renounced his birthright and his fortune and retreated to live in seclusion in the forest. His extended isolation created a sense of unhinged paranoia, and now he tends to suspect most people he meets of being part of an organized conspiracy along with his family to summon demons to the material plane that will take over the world. He's at the Adventurer's Guild because he's trying to find other people who agree with his theories.
  48. Pop Sam- a small barbarian dwarf that makes soda. Sam is willing to sell his sodas and tonics to anyone with enough coin. Unlike most dwarves Sam doesn't drink booze, he swore off alcohol after he was kicked out of a city. Sam's sodas haven't been too successful yet but the business is slowly growing. Sam's most popular drinks are his grape berry soda and the wise mans tonic. Be careful, Sam has a temper.
  49. Leo- a halfling circle of the shepherd druid that is always surrounded by animals. Leo doesn't talk much and always liked animals more than people. Leo has a small stubble, wears druidic robes as well as a crown of vines and twigs.
  50. Falker- a warlock kenku that sold his soul to a devil for more power. Over the years Falker had become incredibly powerful through the use of his infernal magic and impeccable fortitude. Falker had gained so much of his devils favor he was gifted with a voice box and can speak normally as if he were human. Falker has a ring that lets him speak and understand any language of his choice for 8 hours and is usable twice per long rest. Falker had risen through the ranks of the guild with his power to banish creatures to dimensions of unimaginable horrors. Falker is currently 2 centuries old but looks like he's merely 25. Falker retired 50 years ago and is only called back into adventuring for the guild when the threat is great enough.
  51. The blind man- a yuan ti monk that was once a soldier and lost his eyes in a war against orcs. After being thought of as dead to his entire battalion he was buried. Wolves had dug him up out of his grave and in some act if the gods was nit mauled. Since that day he wad known as the blind man. The blind man traveled far until he found a monk monetary where they let him in to train. The blind man was taught the art of the quivering palm and later found a new way to see the world, tremorsense. The blind man went on to fight in many battles and later even learned how to sense someone's body heat from 15 feet away. The blind man is now incredibly old but still has his fighting prowess. The blind man has a +23 to perception and cannot be ambushed.
  52. Brycon- a cleric air genasi that wants to find a way to get unlimited magic. He's slowly gone mad over the years searching for an answer or sign from his god but to no avail. Brycon has been working with theories and machines for 15 years to find an unlimited magic source. Brycon wears whatever he wakes up in or can find discarded in dumpsters.
  53. Mistra- a wizard water genasi and the leader of the adventurers guild underwater sect. Mistra wears a fine dress made from expensive triton materials that feels like madder silk. Mistra can see the future and has a pair of glasses that give foggy glimpses of the past of anyone being seen by the wearer. Mistra was once very poor but managed to join a prestigious triton wizard school for no cost because of her intelligence. After graduating she pursued adventuring and spellcasting. Eventually becoming one of the most infamous wizards in the feywild. Legends say Mistra had disintegrated a primordial in the feywild as large as a mountain and spanned a mile long. Mistra denies this however she did disintegrate a primordial that spanned 700 feet. Mistra is very stoic and speaks with a calm power most kings can't match.
  54. Benjamin Pierce- an old human ranger with his bloodhound Butch. Butch is blind and deaf in one ear. After all the fighting, drinking, and wandering old age had finally caught up with Ben and Butch. The guild offers many accommodations to Ben and Butch for their many years of service to them including a no expense room and 3 free meals a day as well as daily health check ups. Ben doesn’t talk much but if you ask he’ll tell you a few things he did with Butch back in the old days. Once a day at sundown Ben and Butch go to the cemetery and Ben places a flower on an unmarked grave. If asked he’ll explain how that’s his wife’s grave. Ben loves her but he’s always been against necromancy and thinks the dead should stay dead.
  55. Dionaese- a high elf warlock wizard that spends all his time in the guild library reading books. Dionaese had called upon a powerful deity that wanted nothing but knowledge and Dionaese had offered to give the godlike entity knowledge in turn he would get more knowledge as well. The the deity agreed and Dionaese was thrilled to gain knowledge beyond all the imbeciles in the guild. Dionaese can read approximately 70 pages of a book in a minute and can read three books at once. Dionaese usually grabs three books and wanders into a timeless demiplane and reads them all. Dionaese has done numerous calculations and believes he has read 6.3 percent of the books in the guilds library. Dionaese has learned many things from the plethora of books he has read including 7 languages, 9 tool proficiencies, 3 skill proficiencies, and an instrument. Dionaese wears wizards robes on top of commoners clothes.
  56. Fiona Windler- a human bard wearing a black dress. Fiona plays the lute and plays very sad songs in the tavern. Fiona had lost her husband to illness and makes sad songs so everyone can feel as bad as her.
  57. Henry Davercash- a human oath of vengeance paladin that is hunting down a dwarf named Firgold. Henry believes for gold stole all of his families money. Henry isn’t seen often because he’s usually out adventuring and searching for Firgold. Henry is mistaken in thinking Firgold had stole anything from him because a high caster had used modify memory to change Henry’s memory into wanting to kill an enemy of the state. Henry wears scalemail
  58. Firgold Ironstrom- a dwarven oath of vengeance paladin that wants a man named Henry Davercash dead because he keeps hearing about how he’s speaking ill of him around taverns. Firgold had once stole a priceless painting so he could get the funds for more weapons and armor. Firgold wears splint.
  59. Yglrial- an oath of redemption drow that was once a prominent thieve and killer now changed after hurting someone he loved unknowingly. Yglrial is willing to help anyone trying to better themselves but he also has a short temper. Yglrial wears chain mail.
  60. Tubs- a green Dragonborn cleric that loves food. Tubs is very fat weighing 430lbs. Tubs worships a god of greed and does the bare minimum of adventuring to stay in the guild. Many guild members don’t like tubs for his laziness but he is very efficient at killing goblins and orcs so the guild tolerates him.
  61. Gurgarosh- a half orc fighter and tattoo artist. Gurgarosh has been a tattoo artist ever since he was a child in his tribe where he would paint on the warriors arms and chest symbols of their gods. Gurgarosh wears dress pants and nothing else to show off his bumptious tattoos. Gurgarosh has a blue dragon coiling down his left arm, a kraken on his stomach, a tribal symbol down his right arm, dominoes near his chest, and many other tattoos covering his skin. Gurgarosh loves his work and loves adventurers for all the stories they tell. Gurgarosh also sells drugs but nothing that isn't organic.
  62. Rangor- a wizard githyanki that wears robes of an abjuration school that give +3 armor. Rangor specializes in warding spells and protective spells. Rangor was hired by guards to use his magic to protect castles. Rangor eventually took up adventuring for more excitement. Rangor now uses his magic to protect the adventurers guild.
  63. Pepper- a bloodhunter halfling that wears a black hood. Pepper can read thoughts and is trying to find his missing son. Pepper joined the adventurers guild so he could get the coin to find him.
  64. Detiomer- a gith oath of devotion paladin that is used by the guild as an interrogationist along with his partner Kelly. Detiomer believes in truth and justice above all. Detiomer wears plate armor. Detiomer has a +10 to insight.
  65. Kelly- a halfling rogue that gets paid by the guild for detective work and takes her job seriously. Kelly wears glasses, a leather coat, and a working class hat. Kelly has a +16 to investigation and a +12 to insight. She's recently tried yo quit smoking cigarettes. Its been 2 weeks without Kelly lighting a cigarette.
  66. Tim- a minataur barbarian that is responsible for guarding the dungeon underneath the guild. Tim goes on break at noon and then Rangor takes over. Tim likes booze and is a nice person.
  67. Parry Ironcracker- a barbarian gnome and self proclaimed strongest munchkin. Parry grew up in a rough neighborhood and had to fight his way out. Parry doesn't fight with grace but with are power. Parry can lift as if he were a large creature. Parry won't let anyone insult him without breaking a bone or two. Parry has a tattoo of an oni on his chest and a hammer on his shoulder. Parry doesn't like monks and says "fighting is for warriors not dancers".
  68. Strives- a human wizard that decides the difficulty of each quest. He uses a crystal ball, scrying, and many other magical means to learn more information about how challenging the trial will be. Strives doesn't talk to many people and buries himself in his work. Strives wears commoners clothes.
  69. Hilga- A Druid warlock of unknown origins. Hilda’s skin is entirely bark from all of the dark rituals and patron favors she’s accumulated over her long lifespan. Rumors have spread tat hilga is a gag that eats children but she only wants people to leave her land alone. Hilga helps the adventurers guild through granting safe passage through her forest and swamps.
  70. Parsley- A half elf ranger and follower of Miss Psyphasia. Parsley wears the robes given to her by Miss Psyphasia. Parsley is a vegetarian and loves animals. Parsley runs the guilds stables and has many mounts for sale and some complementary depending on the rank of the guild members asking. Parsley only sells beast mounts and the occasional owlbear.
  71. Ultra Power Force Green Warrior- the green member of the Ultra Power Force Team and holder of the cave bears mark. The green member is a green draconic sorcerer monk that wears the green Ultra suit. The green warrior is the joker of the group. The warriors are mysterious and nobody knows their real identities.
  72. Ultra Power Force Blue Warrior- the blue member of the Ultra Power Force Team and holder of the polar bears mark. The blue member is a blue draconic sorcerer wizard that wears the blue Ultra suit. The blue warrior is the smart one of the group. The warriors are mysterious and nobody knows their real identities.
  73. Ultra Power Force Black Warrior- the black member of the Ultra Power Force Team and holder of the black bears mark. The black member is a black draconic sorcerer paladin that wears the black Ultra suit. The black warrior is the feminine one of the group. The warriors are mysterious and nobody knows their real identities.
  74. Ultra Power Force Red Warrior- the Red member of the Ultra Power Force Team and holder of the owlbears mark. The red member is a red draconic sorcerer fighter that wears the red Ultra suit. The red warrior is the leader of The Ultra Power Force Warriors. The warriors are mysterious and nobody knows their real identities
  75. Bob- originally named 202223, bob is a warforged that wants to be human. Bob wears common clothes and is a grave robber. Unlike most grave robbers Bob doesn’t steal valuables, he steals skin and body parts that he graphs onto himself to be more human. Bob looks like a flesh golem and is hideous. Bob became an adventurer to get more human parts.
  76. Calcon steadyhammer- a dwarf wizard and bartender. Calcon was once an adventurer but retired after a storm giant injured him. After his spinal injuries Calcon was offered a position in the guilds council and Calcon accepted. Calcon now spends his days in his tavern and occasionally in the guild to say hello to new members. Calcon has made a spell he calls Calcons fine aged cloud. Calcons fine aged cloud takes any alcohol and turns it into a miniature cloud that rains an aged version of the alcohol used in the material component.
  77. Pyreborn- A half orc phoenix sorcerer that is always on fire. Pyreborn is immune to fire damage and likes his flames. The flames cannot be doused and will only go away if Pyreborn Is asleep or incapacitated. Pyreborn isn't allowed in the guilds buildings but he is a well known member in the guild. Pyreborn has advantage on intimidation while on fire.
  78. Abraham Lightbrand- an aasimar bard that can play the flute and the tuba. Abraham is a pacifist and refuses any violent confrontation however was very persuasive to the members of the guild that he wad let in as an adventurer. Abraham has completed numerous quests without hurting anyone through use of diplomacy. Abraham has a +7 to all charisma based skills and because of a magical flute a +10 to persuasion. The magical flute was handed down to Abraham and is a family heirloom. The magical flute gives a +3 to persuasion and emits a 20 for radius that gives everyone except the one attunes to it a -2 to wisdom and disadvantage on any wisdom skills or saving throws.
  79. Sal Newman- a lawyer and adventurer. Sal went into business school and the magic school of abjuration. Sal will defend you from hoards of goblins and your assets from insurance fraud. Sal is the official lawyer for the guild. Sal always wears a business suit and tie.
  80. Talia Spinterhold- a bard ranger drider that runs a shop that makes fine silks and other very rare fabrics. Her shop is Spinterhold seams and she is a firm believer in doing things with your hands. Talia joined the adventurers guild because the quests they offer usually involve large beasts and monstrosities which she can incorporate in her fabrics. Talia has made a masterpiece silk dress shirt. The shirt isn’t magical but if worn in the right outfit will give the wearer +2 charisma.
  81. Malery Podgewood- a human fighter that hates everyone and everything. Nobody likes Malery and everyone has a “Malery” story. While everyone may not like Malery it’s hard to claim that she isn’t a capable fighter. Malery has killed many monsters and completed many quests making her a high ranking guild member.
  82. Gerberic Brelstwer- Gerberic used to be an elf. His family was killed by a necromancer and, in his quest to kill said necromancer, he was turned into a vampire by one of the necromancer's vampiric thralls. By willpower and hatred for the undead he resisted the control. In the last few years he has become a paladin, legally registered with the city and now works to clear undead out, and although few guild members trust him he strives to aid them where they need aid.
  83. St Michael- St Michael is an angel and demon hunter who had joined the guild as a way to support them in killing demons. St Michael is the messenger between the guild and Celestia.
  84. Chef- Chef is a warforged that was found by Ben and Butch and recruited to be apart of the guild. Chef is a head cook in the guild branch, a fighting coach, and a tutor for those looking to learn how to speak draconic. Chefs specialty is a cockatrice meatloaf with garlic mashed potatoes.
  85. Gruumsh the giant soul- a giant soul sorcerer orc that had used his influence over the other orcs to build a more lawful town. After a while Gruumsh decided to join the guild and used his army of orcs to hunt down monsters and protect other towns. At 60 Gruumsh had dreams of an apocalyptic event and the only way to stop it would be for him to slumber for centuries until he was needed. Gruumsh had woken up a year ago except instead of being an orc he awoke to see himself as a huge giant made of stone and crystals. Gruumsh has the stat block of a stone giant with a +5 in all stats except dexterity and a -10 in dexterity as well as having twice the hit points as a regular stone giant and a 23 armor class. Gruumsh also have all the spells and spell slots of a lvl 10 sorcerer. Gruumsh is willing to help adventurers and explain how something evil will arise soon.
  86. The Sandman- a philosopher and wizard who draws runes on beaches. The runes he draws are powerful and almost artistic in their design, and always serve to make the world just a little less mundane. He's a hedonist at heart, and his designs all reflect some fleeting aspect of life and the nature of self-conscience. Nobody knows the sandman’s true identity except for high ranking guild members. he has been seen helping out with guild related business.
  87. Varquill and Ballaro- Varquill is a gold Dragonborn fighter who was an orphan that never knew his parents. After seeing all the trouble and pain that the slums caused to his friends Varquill took up adventuring. Varquill faces many challenges but never quit and became a very competent adventurer. After a hunt for a beholder Varquill found a lonely red wyrm. The wyrm didn’t have a bamboo so Varquill named him Ballaro. Varquill has been teaching Ballaro the ways of righteousness, benevolence, and kindness ever sincere the two are inseparable.
  88. Pices- a triton black dragon sorcerer that loves acid and poison. Pices wears a scalemail suit painted black. Prices joined the adventurers guild so he could gain access to the guild laboratory where he could experiment with all the rats and pigs he wants.
  89. Graah- a half orc barbarian that only speaks in angry screams, grunts, or unintelligible shouts. Graah was born with a mental disability and can’t understand any languages. Graah has a 6 intelligence but despite that he has proved to be a valuable guild member.
  90. Matera- an arcana cleric that worships the goddess of magic and wears ceremonial robes at all times. Matera prays for 10 hours a day and is called on by the guild for any information on guild member whereabouts. Matera leads members of her church in prayer and has an assistant named Marvin.
  91. Marvin Tellerfold- a halfling arcana cleric and assistant to Matera. Marvin will do whatever Matera tells him to partially because it’s his job but also because he believes Matera is only second to an actual deity.
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