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Some Industry statistics from Gambling Commission UK

Some Industry statistics from Gambling Commission UK
This post was made to introduce our users to the insight of gambling in the UK. Most of the information was taken from the Report "Industry Statistics April 2015 to March 2018" of the Gambling Commission.

You can download the full report at the official website of the Commission:
According to the Report, the Total Gross Gambling Yield (GGY) of the Great Britain gambling industry amounted of £14.4bn as for March 2018. Arcades dominated among other sectors (see the capture below)
Across GB, there were 10,808 gambling premises used by licensed operators in September 2018. This is a decrease of 266 (2.4%) since March 2018. The number of people working in the gambling industry was 107,940 and the largest increase was in the remote sector.
The article was compound with the help of Slotsdoc ( )
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Story Time: Silver short squeeze

How the Hunt Brothers Cornered the Silver Market and Then Lost it All

TL:DR: yes its long. Grab a beer.

Until his dying day in 2014, Nelson Bunker Hunt, who had once been the world’s wealthiest man, denied that he and his brother plotted to corner the global silver market.
Sure, back in 1980, Bunker, his younger brother Herbert, and other members of the Hunt clan owned roughly two-thirds of all the privately held silver on earth. But the historic stockpiling of bullion hadn’t been a ploy to manipulate the market, they and their sizable legal team would insist in the following years. Instead, it was a strategy to hedge against the voracious inflation of the 1970s—a monumental bet against the U.S. dollar.
Whatever the motive, it was a bet that went historically sour. The debt-fueled boom and bust of the global silver market not only decimated the Hunt fortune, but threatened to take down the U.S. financial system.
The panic of “Silver Thursday” took place over 35 years ago, but it still raises questions about the nature of financial manipulation. While many view the Hunt brothers as members of a long succession of white collar crooks, from Charles Ponzi to Bernie Madoff, others see the endearingly eccentric Texans as the victims of overstepping regulators and vindictive insiders who couldn’t stand the thought of being played by a couple of southern yokels.
In either case, the story of the Hunt brothers just goes to show how difficult it can be to distinguish illegal market manipulation from the old fashioned wheeling and dealing that make our markets work.
The Real-Life Ewings
Whatever their foibles, the Hunts make for an interesting cast of characters. Evidently CBS thought so; the family is rumored to be the basis for the Ewings, the fictional Texas oil dynasty of Dallas fame.
Sitting at the top of the family tree was H.L. Hunt, a man who allegedly purchased his first oil field with poker winnings and made a fortune drilling in east Texas. H.L. was a well-known oddball to boot, and his sons inherited many of their father’s quirks.
For one, there was the stinginess. Despite being the richest man on earth in the 1960s, Bunker Hunt (who went by his middle name), along with his younger brothers Herbert (first name William) and Lamar, cultivated an image as unpretentious good old boys. They drove old Cadillacs, flew coach, and when they eventually went to trial in New York City in 1988, they took the subway. As one Texas editor was quoted in the New York Times, Bunker Hunt was “the kind of guy who orders chicken-fried steak and Jello-O, spills some on his tie, and then goes out and buys all the silver in the world.”
Cheap suits aside, the Hunts were not without their ostentation. At the end of the 1970s, Bunker boasted a stable of over 500 horses and his little brother Lamar owned the Kansas City Chiefs. All six children of H.L.’s first marriage (the patriarch of the Hunt family had fifteen children by three women before he died in 1974) lived on estates befitting the scions of a Texas billionaire. These lifestyles were financed by trusts, but also risky investments in oil, real estate, and a host of commodities including sugar beets, soybeans, and, before long, silver.
The Hunt brothers also inherited their father’s political inclinations. A zealous anti-Communist, Bunker Hunt bankrolled conservative causes and was a prominent member of the John Birch Society, a group whose founder once speculated that Dwight Eisenhower was a “dedicated, conscious agent” of Soviet conspiracy. In November of 1963, Hunt sponsored a particularly ill-timed political campaign, which distributed pamphlets around Dallas condemning President Kennedy for alleged slights against the Constitution on the day that he was assassinated. JFK conspiracy theorists have been obsessed with Hunt ever since.
In fact, it was the Hunt brand of politics that partially explains what led Bunker and Herbert to start buying silver in 1973.
Hard Money
The 1970s were not kind to the U.S. dollar.
Years of wartime spending and unresponsive monetary policy pushed inflation upward throughout the late 1960s and early 1970s. Then, in October of 1973, war broke out in the Middle East and an oil embargo was declared against the United States. Inflation jumped above 10%. It would stay high throughout the decade, peaking in the aftermath of the Iranian Revolution at an annual average of 13.5% in 1980.
Over the same period of time, the global monetary system underwent a historic transformation. Since the first Roosevelt administration, the U.S. dollar had been pegged to the value of gold at a predictable rate of $35 per ounce. But in 1971, President Nixon, responding to inflationary pressures, suspended that relationship. For the first time in modern history, the paper dollar did not represent some fixed amount of tangible, precious metal sitting in a vault somewhere.
For conservative commodity traders like the Hunts, who blamed government spending for inflation and held grave reservations about the viability of fiat currency, the perceived stability of precious metal offered a financial safe harbor. It was illegal to trade gold in the early 1970s, so the Hunts turned to the next best thing.
Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics; chart by Priceonomics
As an investment, there was a lot to like about silver. The Hunts were not alone in fleeing to bullion amid all the inflation and geopolitical turbulence, so the price was ticking up. Plus, light-sensitive silver halide is a key component of photographic film. With the growth of the consumer photography market, new production from mines struggled to keep up with demand.
And so, in 1973, Bunker and Herbert bought over 35 million ounces of silver, most of which they flew to Switzerland in specifically designed airplanes guarded by armed Texas ranch hands. According to one source, the Hunt’s purchases were big enough to move the global market.
But silver was not the Hunts' only speculative venture in the 1970s. Nor was it the only one that got them into trouble with regulators.
Soy Before Silver
In 1977, the price of soybeans was rising fast. Trade restrictions on Brazil and growing demand from China made the legume a hot commodity, and both Bunker and Herbert decided to enter the futures market in April of that year.
A future is an agreement to buy or sell some quantity of a commodity at an agreed upon price at a later date. If someone contracts to buy soybeans in the future (they are said to take the “long” position), they will benefit if the price of soybeans rise, since they have locked in the lower price ahead of time. Likewise, if someone contracts to sell (that’s called the “short” position), they benefit if the price falls, since they have locked in the old, higher price.
While futures contracts can be used by soybean farmers and soy milk producers to guard against price swings, most futures are traded by people who wouldn’t necessarily know tofu from cream cheese. As a de facto insurance contract against market volatility, futures can be used to hedge other investments or simply to gamble on prices going up (by going long) or down (by going short).
When the Hunts decided to go long in the soybean futures market, they went very, very long. Between Bunker, Herbert, and the accounts of five of their children, the Hunts collectively purchased the right to buy one-third of the entire autumn soybean harvest of the United States.
To some, it appeared as if the Hunts were attempting to corner the soybean market.
In its simplest version, a corner occurs when someone buys up all (or at least, most) of the available quantity of a commodity. This creates an artificial shortage, which drives up the price, and allows the market manipulator to sell some of his stockpile at a higher profit.
Futures markets introduce some additional complexity to the cornerer’s scheme. Recall that when a trader takes a short position on a contract, he or she is pledging to sell a certain amount of product to the holder of the long position. But if the holder of the long position just so happens to be sitting on all the readily available supply of the commodity under contract, the short seller faces an unenviable choice: go scrounge up some of the very scarce product in order to “make delivery” or just pay the cornerer a hefty premium and nullify the deal entirely.
In this case, the cornerer is actually counting on the shorts to do the latter, says Craig Pirrong, professor of finance at the University of Houston. If too many short sellers find that it actually costs less to deliver the product, the market manipulator will be stuck with warehouses full of inventory. Finance experts refer to selling the all the excess supply after building a corner as “burying the corpse.”
“That is when the price collapses,” explains Pirrong. “But if the number of deliveries isn’t too high, the loss from selling at the low price after the corner is smaller than the profit from selling contracts at the high price.”
The Chicago Board of Trade trading floor. Photo credit: Jeremy Kemp
Even so, when the Commodity Futures Trading Commission found that a single family from Texas had contracted to buy a sizable portion of the 1977 soybean crop, they did not accuse the Hunts of outright market manipulation. Instead, noting that the Hunts had exceeded the 3 million bushel aggregate limit on soybean holdings by about 20 million, the CFTC noted that the Hunt’s “excessive holdings threaten disruption of the market and could cause serious injury to the American public.” The CFTC ordered the Hunts to sell and to pay a penalty of $500,000.
Though the Hunts made tens of millions of dollars on paper while soybean prices skyrocketed, it’s unclear whether they were able to cash out before the regulatory intervention. In any case, the Hunts were none too pleased with the decision.
“Apparently the CFTC is trying to repeal the law of supply and demand,” Bunker complained to the press.
Silver Thursday
Despite the run in with regulators, the Hunts were not dissuaded. Bunker and Herbert had eased up on silver after their initial big buy in 1973, but in the fall of 1979, they were back with a vengeance. By the end of the year, Bunker and Herbert owned 21 million ounces of physical silver each. They had even larger positions in the silver futures market: Bunker was long on 45 million ounces, while Herbert held contracts for 20 million. Their little brother Lamar also had a more “modest” position.
By the new year, with every dollar increase in the price of silver, the Hunts were making $100 million on paper. But unlike most investors, when their profitable futures contracts expired, they took delivery. As in 1973, they arranged to have the metal flown to Switzerland. Intentional or not, this helped create a shortage of the metal for industrial supply.
Naturally, the industrialists were unhappy. From a spot price of around $6 per ounce in early 1979, the price of silver shot up to $50.42 in January of 1980. In the same week, silver futures contracts were trading at $46.80. Film companies like Kodak saw costs go through the roof, while the British film producer, Ilford, was forced to lay off workers. Traditional bullion dealers, caught in a squeeze, cried foul to the commodity exchanges, and the New York jewelry house Tiffany & Co. took out a full page ad in the New York Times slamming the “unconscionable” Hunt brothers. They were right to single out the Hunts; in mid-January, they controlled 69% of all the silver futures contracts on the Commodity Exchange (COMEX) in New York.
Source: New York Times
But as the high prices persisted, new silver began to come out of the woodwork.
“In the U.S., people rifled their dresser drawers and sofa cushions to find dimes and quarters with silver content and had them melted down,” says Pirrong, from the University of Houston. “Silver is a classic part of a bride’s trousseau in India, and when prices got high, women sold silver out of their trousseaus.”
According to a Washington Post article published that March, the D.C. police warned residents of a rash of home burglaries targeting silver.
Unfortunately for the Hunts, all this new supply had a predictable effect. Rather than close out their contracts, short sellers suddenly found it was easier to get their hands on new supplies of silver and deliver.
“The main factor that has caused corners to fail [throughout history] is that the manipulator has underestimated how much will be delivered to him if he succeeds [at] raising the price to artificial levels,” says Pirrong. “Eventually, the Hunts ran out of money to pay for all the silver that was thrown at them.”
In financial terms, the brothers had a large corpse on their hands—and no way to bury it.
This proved to be an especially big problem, because it wasn’t just the Hunt fortune that was on the line. Of the $6.6 billion worth of silver the Hunts held at the top of the market, the brothers had “only” spent a little over $1 billion of their own money. The rest was borrowed from over 20 banks and brokerage houses.
At the same time, COMEX decided to crack down. On January 7, 1980, the exchange’s board of governors announced that it would cap the size of silver futures exposure to 3 million ounces. Those in excess of the cap (say, by the tens of millions) were given until the following month to bring themselves into compliance. But that was too long for the Chicago Board of Trade exchange, which suspended the issue of any new silver futures on January 21. Silver futures traders would only be allowed to square up old contracts.
Predictably, silver prices began to slide. As the various banks and other firms that had backed the Hunt bullion binge began to recognize the tenuousness of their financial position, they issued margin calls, asking the brothers to put up more money as collateral for their debts. The Hunts, unable to sell silver lest they trigger a panic, borrowed even more. By early March, futures contracts had fallen to the mid-$30 range.
Matters finally came to a head on March 25, when one of the Hunts’ largest backers, the Bache Group, asked for $100 million more in collateral. The brothers were out of cash, and Bache was unwilling to accept silver in its place, as it had been doing throughout the month. With the Hunts in default, Bache did the only thing it could to start recouping its losses: it start to unload silver.
On March 27, “Silver Thursday,” the silver futures market dropped by a third to $10.80. Just two months earlier, these contracts had been trading at four times that amount.
The Aftermath
After the oil bust of the early 1980s and a series of lawsuits polished off the remainder of the Hunt brothers’ once historic fortune, the two declared bankruptcy in 1988. Bunker, who had been worth an estimated $16 billion in the 1960s, emerged with under $10 million to his name. That’s not exactly chump change, but it wasn’t enough to maintain his 500-plus stable of horses,.
The Hunts almost dragged their lenders into bankruptcy too—and with them, a sizable chunk of the U.S. financial system. Over twenty financial institutions had extended over a billion dollars in credit to the Hunt brothers. The default and resulting collapse of silver prices blew holes in balance sheets across Wall Street. A privately orchestrated bailout loan from a number of banks allowed the brothers to start paying off their debts and keep their creditors afloat, but the markets and regulators were rattled.
Silver Spot Prices Per Ounce (January, 1979 - June, 1980)
Source: Trading Economics
In the words of then CFTC chief James Stone, the Hunts’ antics had threatened to punch a hole in the “financial fabric of the United States” like nothing had in decades. Writing about the entire episode a year later, Harper’s Magazine described Silver Thursday as “the first great panic since October 1929.”
The trouble was not over for the Hunts. In the following years, the brothers were dragged before Congressional hearings, got into a legal spat with their lenders, and were sued by a Peruvian mineral marketing company, which had suffered big losses in the crash. In 1988, a New York City jury found for the South American firm, levying a penalty of over $130 million against the Hunts and finding that they had deliberately conspired to corner the silver market.
Surprisingly, there is still some disagreement on that point.
Bunker Hunt attributed the whole affair to the political motives of COMEX insiders and regulators. Referring to himself later as “a favorite whipping boy” of an eastern financial establishment riddled with liberals and socialists, Bunker and his brother, Herbert, are still perceived as martyrs by some on the far-right.
“Political and financial insiders repeatedly changed the rules of the game,” wrote the New American. “There is little evidence to support the ‘corner the market’ narrative.”
Though the Hunt brothers clearly amassed a staggering amount of silver and silver derivatives at the end of the 1970s, it is impossible to prove definitively that market manipulation was in their hearts. Maybe, as the Hunts always claimed, they just really believed in the enduring value of silver.
Or maybe, as others have noted, the Hunt brothers had no idea what they were doing. Call it the stupidity defense.
“They’re terribly unsophisticated,” an anonymous associated was quoted as saying of the Hunts in a Chicago Tribune article from 1989. “They make all the mistakes most other people make,” said another.
p.s. credit to Ben Christopher

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Story Time: Silver short squeeze

How the Hunt Brothers Cornered the Silver Market and Then Lost it All

TL:DR: yes its long. Grab a beer.

Until his dying day in 2014, Nelson Bunker Hunt, who had once been the world’s wealthiest man, denied that he and his brother plotted to corner the global silver market.
Sure, back in 1980, Bunker, his younger brother Herbert, and other members of the Hunt clan owned roughly two-thirds of all the privately held silver on earth. But the historic stockpiling of bullion hadn’t been a ploy to manipulate the market, they and their sizable legal team would insist in the following years. Instead, it was a strategy to hedge against the voracious inflation of the 1970s—a monumental bet against the U.S. dollar.
Whatever the motive, it was a bet that went historically sour. The debt-fueled boom and bust of the global silver market not only decimated the Hunt fortune, but threatened to take down the U.S. financial system.
The panic of “Silver Thursday” took place over 35 years ago, but it still raises questions about the nature of financial manipulation. While many view the Hunt brothers as members of a long succession of white collar crooks, from Charles Ponzi to Bernie Madoff, others see the endearingly eccentric Texans as the victims of overstepping regulators and vindictive insiders who couldn’t stand the thought of being played by a couple of southern yokels.
In either case, the story of the Hunt brothers just goes to show how difficult it can be to distinguish illegal market manipulation from the old fashioned wheeling and dealing that make our markets work.
The Real-Life Ewings
Whatever their foibles, the Hunts make for an interesting cast of characters. Evidently CBS thought so; the family is rumored to be the basis for the Ewings, the fictional Texas oil dynasty of Dallas fame.
Sitting at the top of the family tree was H.L. Hunt, a man who allegedly purchased his first oil field with poker winnings and made a fortune drilling in east Texas. H.L. was a well-known oddball to boot, and his sons inherited many of their father’s quirks.
For one, there was the stinginess. Despite being the richest man on earth in the 1960s, Bunker Hunt (who went by his middle name), along with his younger brothers Herbert (first name William) and Lamar, cultivated an image as unpretentious good old boys. They drove old Cadillacs, flew coach, and when they eventually went to trial in New York City in 1988, they took the subway. As one Texas editor was quoted in the New York Times, Bunker Hunt was “the kind of guy who orders chicken-fried steak and Jello-O, spills some on his tie, and then goes out and buys all the silver in the world.”
Cheap suits aside, the Hunts were not without their ostentation. At the end of the 1970s, Bunker boasted a stable of over 500 horses and his little brother Lamar owned the Kansas City Chiefs. All six children of H.L.’s first marriage (the patriarch of the Hunt family had fifteen children by three women before he died in 1974) lived on estates befitting the scions of a Texas billionaire. These lifestyles were financed by trusts, but also risky investments in oil, real estate, and a host of commodities including sugar beets, soybeans, and, before long, silver.
The Hunt brothers also inherited their father’s political inclinations. A zealous anti-Communist, Bunker Hunt bankrolled conservative causes and was a prominent member of the John Birch Society, a group whose founder once speculated that Dwight Eisenhower was a “dedicated, conscious agent” of Soviet conspiracy. In November of 1963, Hunt sponsored a particularly ill-timed political campaign, which distributed pamphlets around Dallas condemning President Kennedy for alleged slights against the Constitution on the day that he was assassinated. JFK conspiracy theorists have been obsessed with Hunt ever since.
In fact, it was the Hunt brand of politics that partially explains what led Bunker and Herbert to start buying silver in 1973.
Hard Money
The 1970s were not kind to the U.S. dollar.
Years of wartime spending and unresponsive monetary policy pushed inflation upward throughout the late 1960s and early 1970s. Then, in October of 1973, war broke out in the Middle East and an oil embargo was declared against the United States. Inflation jumped above 10%. It would stay high throughout the decade, peaking in the aftermath of the Iranian Revolution at an annual average of 13.5% in 1980.
Over the same period of time, the global monetary system underwent a historic transformation. Since the first Roosevelt administration, the U.S. dollar had been pegged to the value of gold at a predictable rate of $35 per ounce. But in 1971, President Nixon, responding to inflationary pressures, suspended that relationship. For the first time in modern history, the paper dollar did not represent some fixed amount of tangible, precious metal sitting in a vault somewhere.
For conservative commodity traders like the Hunts, who blamed government spending for inflation and held grave reservations about the viability of fiat currency, the perceived stability of precious metal offered a financial safe harbor. It was illegal to trade gold in the early 1970s, so the Hunts turned to the next best thing.
Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics; chart by Priceonomics
As an investment, there was a lot to like about silver. The Hunts were not alone in fleeing to bullion amid all the inflation and geopolitical turbulence, so the price was ticking up. Plus, light-sensitive silver halide is a key component of photographic film. With the growth of the consumer photography market, new production from mines struggled to keep up with demand.
And so, in 1973, Bunker and Herbert bought over 35 million ounces of silver, most of which they flew to Switzerland in specifically designed airplanes guarded by armed Texas ranch hands. According to one source, the Hunt’s purchases were big enough to move the global market.
But silver was not the Hunts' only speculative venture in the 1970s. Nor was it the only one that got them into trouble with regulators.
Soy Before Silver
In 1977, the price of soybeans was rising fast. Trade restrictions on Brazil and growing demand from China made the legume a hot commodity, and both Bunker and Herbert decided to enter the futures market in April of that year.
A future is an agreement to buy or sell some quantity of a commodity at an agreed upon price at a later date. If someone contracts to buy soybeans in the future (they are said to take the “long” position), they will benefit if the price of soybeans rise, since they have locked in the lower price ahead of time. Likewise, if someone contracts to sell (that’s called the “short” position), they benefit if the price falls, since they have locked in the old, higher price.
While futures contracts can be used by soybean farmers and soy milk producers to guard against price swings, most futures are traded by people who wouldn’t necessarily know tofu from cream cheese. As a de facto insurance contract against market volatility, futures can be used to hedge other investments or simply to gamble on prices going up (by going long) or down (by going short).
When the Hunts decided to go long in the soybean futures market, they went very, very long. Between Bunker, Herbert, and the accounts of five of their children, the Hunts collectively purchased the right to buy one-third of the entire autumn soybean harvest of the United States.
To some, it appeared as if the Hunts were attempting to corner the soybean market.
In its simplest version, a corner occurs when someone buys up all (or at least, most) of the available quantity of a commodity. This creates an artificial shortage, which drives up the price, and allows the market manipulator to sell some of his stockpile at a higher profit.
Futures markets introduce some additional complexity to the cornerer’s scheme. Recall that when a trader takes a short position on a contract, he or she is pledging to sell a certain amount of product to the holder of the long position. But if the holder of the long position just so happens to be sitting on all the readily available supply of the commodity under contract, the short seller faces an unenviable choice: go scrounge up some of the very scarce product in order to “make delivery” or just pay the cornerer a hefty premium and nullify the deal entirely.
In this case, the cornerer is actually counting on the shorts to do the latter, says Craig Pirrong, professor of finance at the University of Houston. If too many short sellers find that it actually costs less to deliver the product, the market manipulator will be stuck with warehouses full of inventory. Finance experts refer to selling the all the excess supply after building a corner as “burying the corpse.”
“That is when the price collapses,” explains Pirrong. “But if the number of deliveries isn’t too high, the loss from selling at the low price after the corner is smaller than the profit from selling contracts at the high price.”
The Chicago Board of Trade trading floor. Photo credit: Jeremy Kemp
Even so, when the Commodity Futures Trading Commission found that a single family from Texas had contracted to buy a sizable portion of the 1977 soybean crop, they did not accuse the Hunts of outright market manipulation. Instead, noting that the Hunts had exceeded the 3 million bushel aggregate limit on soybean holdings by about 20 million, the CFTC noted that the Hunt’s “excessive holdings threaten disruption of the market and could cause serious injury to the American public.” The CFTC ordered the Hunts to sell and to pay a penalty of $500,000.
Though the Hunts made tens of millions of dollars on paper while soybean prices skyrocketed, it’s unclear whether they were able to cash out before the regulatory intervention. In any case, the Hunts were none too pleased with the decision.
“Apparently the CFTC is trying to repeal the law of supply and demand,” Bunker complained to the press.
Silver Thursday
Despite the run in with regulators, the Hunts were not dissuaded. Bunker and Herbert had eased up on silver after their initial big buy in 1973, but in the fall of 1979, they were back with a vengeance. By the end of the year, Bunker and Herbert owned 21 million ounces of physical silver each. They had even larger positions in the silver futures market: Bunker was long on 45 million ounces, while Herbert held contracts for 20 million. Their little brother Lamar also had a more “modest” position.
By the new year, with every dollar increase in the price of silver, the Hunts were making $100 million on paper. But unlike most investors, when their profitable futures contracts expired, they took delivery. As in 1973, they arranged to have the metal flown to Switzerland. Intentional or not, this helped create a shortage of the metal for industrial supply.
Naturally, the industrialists were unhappy. From a spot price of around $6 per ounce in early 1979, the price of silver shot up to $50.42 in January of 1980. In the same week, silver futures contracts were trading at $46.80. Film companies like Kodak saw costs go through the roof, while the British film producer, Ilford, was forced to lay off workers. Traditional bullion dealers, caught in a squeeze, cried foul to the commodity exchanges, and the New York jewelry house Tiffany & Co. took out a full page ad in the New York Times slamming the “unconscionable” Hunt brothers. They were right to single out the Hunts; in mid-January, they controlled 69% of all the silver futures contracts on the Commodity Exchange (COMEX) in New York.
Source: New York Times
But as the high prices persisted, new silver began to come out of the woodwork.
“In the U.S., people rifled their dresser drawers and sofa cushions to find dimes and quarters with silver content and had them melted down,” says Pirrong, from the University of Houston. “Silver is a classic part of a bride’s trousseau in India, and when prices got high, women sold silver out of their trousseaus.”
According to a Washington Post article published that March, the D.C. police warned residents of a rash of home burglaries targeting silver.
Unfortunately for the Hunts, all this new supply had a predictable effect. Rather than close out their contracts, short sellers suddenly found it was easier to get their hands on new supplies of silver and deliver.
“The main factor that has caused corners to fail [throughout history] is that the manipulator has underestimated how much will be delivered to him if he succeeds [at] raising the price to artificial levels,” says Pirrong. “Eventually, the Hunts ran out of money to pay for all the silver that was thrown at them.”
In financial terms, the brothers had a large corpse on their hands—and no way to bury it.
This proved to be an especially big problem, because it wasn’t just the Hunt fortune that was on the line. Of the $6.6 billion worth of silver the Hunts held at the top of the market, the brothers had “only” spent a little over $1 billion of their own money. The rest was borrowed from over 20 banks and brokerage houses.
At the same time, COMEX decided to crack down. On January 7, 1980, the exchange’s board of governors announced that it would cap the size of silver futures exposure to 3 million ounces. Those in excess of the cap (say, by the tens of millions) were given until the following month to bring themselves into compliance. But that was too long for the Chicago Board of Trade exchange, which suspended the issue of any new silver futures on January 21. Silver futures traders would only be allowed to square up old contracts.
Predictably, silver prices began to slide. As the various banks and other firms that had backed the Hunt bullion binge began to recognize the tenuousness of their financial position, they issued margin calls, asking the brothers to put up more money as collateral for their debts. The Hunts, unable to sell silver lest they trigger a panic, borrowed even more. By early March, futures contracts had fallen to the mid-$30 range.
Matters finally came to a head on March 25, when one of the Hunts’ largest backers, the Bache Group, asked for $100 million more in collateral. The brothers were out of cash, and Bache was unwilling to accept silver in its place, as it had been doing throughout the month. With the Hunts in default, Bache did the only thing it could to start recouping its losses: it start to unload silver.
On March 27, “Silver Thursday,” the silver futures market dropped by a third to $10.80. Just two months earlier, these contracts had been trading at four times that amount.
The Aftermath
After the oil bust of the early 1980s and a series of lawsuits polished off the remainder of the Hunt brothers’ once historic fortune, the two declared bankruptcy in 1988. Bunker, who had been worth an estimated $16 billion in the 1960s, emerged with under $10 million to his name. That’s not exactly chump change, but it wasn’t enough to maintain his 500-plus stable of horses,.
The Hunts almost dragged their lenders into bankruptcy too—and with them, a sizable chunk of the U.S. financial system. Over twenty financial institutions had extended over a billion dollars in credit to the Hunt brothers. The default and resulting collapse of silver prices blew holes in balance sheets across Wall Street. A privately orchestrated bailout loan from a number of banks allowed the brothers to start paying off their debts and keep their creditors afloat, but the markets and regulators were rattled.
Silver Spot Prices Per Ounce (January, 1979 - June, 1980)
Source: Trading Economics
In the words of then CFTC chief James Stone, the Hunts’ antics had threatened to punch a hole in the “financial fabric of the United States” like nothing had in decades. Writing about the entire episode a year later, Harper’s Magazine described Silver Thursday as “the first great panic since October 1929.”
The trouble was not over for the Hunts. In the following years, the brothers were dragged before Congressional hearings, got into a legal spat with their lenders, and were sued by a Peruvian mineral marketing company, which had suffered big losses in the crash. In 1988, a New York City jury found for the South American firm, levying a penalty of over $130 million against the Hunts and finding that they had deliberately conspired to corner the silver market.
Surprisingly, there is still some disagreement on that point.
Bunker Hunt attributed the whole affair to the political motives of COMEX insiders and regulators. Referring to himself later as “a favorite whipping boy” of an eastern financial establishment riddled with liberals and socialists, Bunker and his brother, Herbert, are still perceived as martyrs by some on the far-right.
“Political and financial insiders repeatedly changed the rules of the game,” wrote the New American. “There is little evidence to support the ‘corner the market’ narrative.”
Though the Hunt brothers clearly amassed a staggering amount of silver and silver derivatives at the end of the 1970s, it is impossible to prove definitively that market manipulation was in their hearts. Maybe, as the Hunts always claimed, they just really believed in the enduring value of silver.
Or maybe, as others have noted, the Hunt brothers had no idea what they were doing. Call it the stupidity defense.
“They’re terribly unsophisticated,” an anonymous associated was quoted as saying of the Hunts in a Chicago Tribune article from 1989. “They make all the mistakes most other people make,” said another.
p.s. credit to Ben Christopher
submitted by ivanbayoukhi to Wallstreetsilver [link] [comments]

Why modern society is still strongly neofeudal.

The media is one of the Five Eyes (Orwell's Nineteen Eighty Four) of the state, or should we say the predatory capitalist elite and their corporate legal entities veiling their legal persons; and feudalism is alive and well expressed in more colour than ever - advertising and marketing, consolidation of power (purchasing of smaller corporations, producing monstrous shady entities like Tencent), incredibly hawkish startups like Fiverr, UbeLyft, Cameo where the company in question barely even does anything; the right wing "think tanks" that sing the hymn of freemarket fundamentalism, the Nobel Peace Prize that Obama absurdly won (Nobel Prize - mentioned in that Living Color song), the odd yet uncontested way that some TV shows put in more right wing guests than left (BBCQT inviting establishment stooges like Kate Andrews (IEA / Adam Smith Institute) and Isabel Oakeshott), the open neofeudal style by which bosses can fire staff and make up a reason without it necessarily being taken to court (the UK govt played with removing funding for wrongful dismissal cases), the initial turning down of the proposed uk law to make homes fit for human habitation (now finally here for 2020); the general trend of corporations shoving all the risk on the consumer and leaning as much as possible on socialized support thanks to the calculating thinkers working for corporations; the fact that truly left-leaning (not liberal) narrative is never referenced on space-age TV, the likes of which span hundreds of potential channels continuously each day; the fact that we are over 50 years into space-age technology and yet everything beyond computer hardware is firmly chokeheld by private interests seeking to impose an alien power over others for personal gain; the fact that everyone is affected by the way that the popular crowd is drawn to celebrity influence (neofeudalism by any other name, and the cult of personality); the fact that jobs are gated by even subtle presumptive aspects like your accent in what we call in the UK the "glass ceiling"; the irresponsible flooding and underinvesting of the job market by governments that can only see as far as their kickback pay packet; the extent to which music and video game media can be financially elevated without legal restraint (unlike gambling which is at least in the formal/technical sense regulated); the attitudes from product pushers being that they should be immune to criticism or shake it off at every turn, under the river of praise from MBTI Sensing-Perceiving types (artwork and memes and mythos mind a la suspense of disbelief rather than logos thought a la conscious self-awareness and critical evaluation) and by "online reputation management"; the open overt acceptance of power being held over everyone by corporate overlords in the movie industry, video game industry and so on - are we to include then the academic and scientific establishments, and the education institution?; the way that the rich siphoning up wealth from the poor divested communities in greater and greater speed ("money is a means to get wealth - not the wealth itself" —Akala) inherently and invariably means they are accruing more power to embarrass the poor when they encounter them and encumber them systemically and indirectly and take on more sex acts with greater choice by selection (the free market); the fact that the powerful go psychologically and sociologically unchallenged by the common people each day; the fact that figures like this "Jeff Bezos makes 2219 dollars in one second which is double what the average person makes in one week. In one minute Mr. Bezos makes 2219x60=133140 dollars. In one hour Mr. Bezos makes 133140x60=7998400 dollars)." go unconsidered and unchecked and unresearched by most; the fact that there are no interactive programming tools to trace, map and prove the linkage between wealth disparity and all social ills; the lack of people like Jaque Fresco in our world (If memory serves right he had a sit down with the power elite, who would have promptly denied him anything truly leftist in vision); the implicit neofeudal psychological programming that IS advertising; the borrowing and corrupting of natural world semantic meanings for selfish neofeudal aims and means; the direct pipeline from education to military and the mandatory military service which still exists in some countries; the fact that returning a product inherently throws the customer (slave) into suspicion by the seller (master - legal power holder); the very idea of a court system ran by the state and not a jury of 3rd party independent people; the lack of a "fairness and welfare supervisor" in every workplace and the presence of "compliance officer"s; the very "free market" in free market fundamentalism which inevitably and invariably defers to which/whoever market force has the most power (today - money - working capital); the fact that being poor and working in a low pay job literally makes you poorer as you work (in real terms); the predatory and inexcusable nature of gambling; the predatory and inexcusable principle of landlords making money off other poorer humans (it should be the state which intervenes if the state is truly a good state, which we can surmise every government is implicitly claiming of itself by holding power); the lack of naming and shaming of social ills like the Nestle CEO who said water access shouldn't be a human right (God I fucking hate Snopes); the trends of people trying to make money off other people via various scams and the likes of BlackHatWorld and WarriorForum, which are innately neofeudalistic in their function, pointing to a giant pyramid scheme that drags along with the rest of modern capitalism; the innate respect given to media moguls and politicians when they are nothing special; the disrespect and disrepute given to the left wing health services of every nation; the blind acceptance of imposing imagery, themes and connotations left dirtying our minds which we call advertisements; the implicit fraud in denying people growing their own food indoors; that concepts like treason do not for most people extend to The People as an interest group; the incredibly rare use of the justification "For the public interest" and "For the public record"; the fact that the French Revolution is not associated for us in school as the birth of the first human rights (surely a non-feudal society would have no qualms or problems with teaching this truth of human history and progress); being frank about racism being too hot for school; the fact kids are now accessing hardcore pornography but not radical and sometimes dangerous ideologies and thinking; the intellectual and spiritual poverty of our age, and the lack of conscious awareness of what we are doing to ourselves with our time and the mental contents surrounding us (a wise man once said.. you will become what you surround yourself with); the mess of the Internet operated by the modern robber-barons of advertising and web traffic conversion and "upselling"; the open betrayal of the people by governments which can be exposed even in form of statistics and hard truths and evidences; the great silence of modern "intellectuals" and losers like self-help gurus (THE MODERN COURT JESTERS), who couldn't begin to address choice quotes of the great intellectual giants of human history; the platforming of celebrities and people with certain types of contours over their face that are pleasing to look at from every angle, over those humans who are better in substance, expertise, spirituality, etc.; the preservation of neofeudal lord roles in the workplace (the boss), the home (the landlord), the Internet (the website owner or advertisers), the land, parks and golf courses (the land holder or owner), and even the family (the wealth-holder parent(s) you are dependent upon); the appeal to authority; the way a poor person under free market fundamentalism must always choose the product most poorly produced i.e. the most likely to break or malfunction and cause them to lose more money, generally kept within reasonable losses or sunk costs as per investment brokers' "portfolios"; the way that moral and ethical wrong cannot by most people be pinned on day traders, Goldman Sachs starving poor people etc. by the inherent flow of the market, which will always favor the most production of immaterial and material wealth by abstraction. (In other words - although we can't fully know and intuit what will be best to produce in any given scenario, we can actually fundamentally and systemically rule out what will be bad and harmful for society - but not for the market which is the concern of free market fundamentalists); the rise of unpaid internships (strongly neofeudal i.e. the local "lord", the company owner, is "giving you an opportunity" and that's how they see it); the propaganda of war producing poor peoples' children dying for the rich few who control the military-industrial complex and massive amounts of money flowing around for rich interests, e.g. soldiers firing missiles that individually cost more than they earn per year, of course ultimately tied up as a capitalistic move/plot/bid to win more cheap oil; the way that companies are literally designed to offer minimal guarantees, insurances or protections for their workers yet they are keen to take with them each working day most of the material gain produced by each worker (remember I said corporations lean on society?); the protection of "limited liability" companies to lose money, versus the individual people who are enslaved by means of debt they cannot easily erase (this bleeds into a general distrust of the independent person compared to the corporate entity, when the people actually are in earnest and wanting to help one another, except for the psychopathic in society who can be known and traced by their behaviour and early signs in school); the fact that healthcare is not free in all countries despite the common people CONSTANTLY working to uphold the corporate masters and the endlessly rich, some of whom donate money to Internet streamers for a laugh at the shock; the mathematical intuitive rational incompetence of the science establishment, which seems to have no backbone when it comes to neofeudalism and major social issues and ills (they don't even speak up against gambling! WHAT THE FUCK IS THE SCIENTIFIC ESTABLISHMENT DOING AND WHY DO WE NOT PUBLICALLY SHAME THEM AS FRAUDULENT PUBLIC INTELLECTUALS - FOR THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND THE PUBLIC GOOD?) and rather, they seem to be the lapdogs of the elite, continuing to produce inventions which can easily be taken advantage of by the right wing interests - tear gas and rubber bullets for example; the lack of public awareness of state interference in a negative way; the arrival of private police forces; the hierarchy of control of the Internet based on what they call "authority sites" - prioritized by search engines.
(I apologize for the formatting but this was a train of thought.)
submitted by trueseeker2 to DebateCommunism [link] [comments]

Why modern society is still strongly neofeudal.

The media is one of the Five Eyes (Orwell's Nineteen Eighty Four) of the state, or should we say the predatory capitalist elite and their corporate legal entities veiling their legal persons; and feudalism is alive and well expressed in more colour than ever - advertising and marketing, consolidation of power (purchasing of smaller corporations, producing monstrous shady entities like Tencent), incredibly hawkish startups like Fiverr, UbeLyft, Cameo where the company in question barely even does anything; the right wing "think tanks" that sing the hymn of freemarket fundamentalism, the Nobel Peace Prize that Obama absurdly won (Nobel Prize - mentioned in that Living Color song), the odd yet uncontested way that some TV shows put in more right wing guests than left (BBCQT inviting establishment stooges like Kate Andrews (IEA / Adam Smith Institute) and Isabel Oakeshott), the open neofeudal style by which bosses can fire staff and make up a reason without it necessarily being taken to court (the UK govt played with removing funding for wrongful dismissal cases), the initial turning down of the proposed uk law to make homes fit for human habitation (now finally here for 2020); the general trend of corporations shoving all the risk on the consumer and leaning as much as possible on socialized support thanks to the calculating thinkers working for corporations; the fact that truly left-leaning (not liberal) narrative is never referenced on space-age TV, the likes of which span hundreds of potential channels continuously each day; the fact that we are over 50 years into space-age technology and yet everything beyond computer hardware is firmly chokeheld by private interests seeking to impose an alien power over others for personal gain; the fact that everyone is affected by the way that the popular crowd is drawn to celebrity influence (neofeudalism by any other name, and the cult of personality); the fact that jobs are gated by even subtle presumptive aspects like your accent in what we call in the UK the "glass ceiling"; the irresponsible flooding and underinvesting of the job market by governments that can only see as far as their kickback pay packet; the extent to which music and video game media can be financially elevated without legal restraint (unlike gambling which is at least in the formal/technical sense regulated); the attitudes from product pushers being that they should be immune to criticism or shake it off at every turn, under the river of praise from MBTI Sensing-Perceiving types (artwork and memes and mythos mind a la suspense of disbelief rather than logos thought a la conscious self-awareness and critical evaluation) and by "online reputation management"; the open overt acceptance of power being held over everyone by corporate overlords in the movie industry, video game industry and so on - are we to include then the academic and scientific establishments, and the education institution?; the way that the rich siphoning up wealth from the poor divested communities in greater and greater speed ("money is a means to get wealth - not the wealth itself" —Akala) inherently and invariably means they are accruing more power to embarrass the poor when they encounter them and encumber them systemically and indirectly and take on more sex acts with greater choice by selection (the free market); the fact that the powerful go psychologically and sociologically unchallenged by the common people each day; the fact that figures like this "Jeff Bezos makes 2219 dollars in one second which is double what the average person makes in one week. In one minute Mr. Bezos makes 2219x60=133140 dollars. In one hour Mr. Bezos makes 133140x60=7998400 dollars)." go unconsidered and unchecked and unresearched by most; the fact that there are no interactive programming tools to trace, map and prove the linkage between wealth disparity and all social ills; the lack of people like Jaque Fresco in our world (If memory serves right he had a sit down with the power elite, who would have promptly denied him anything truly leftist in vision); the implicit neofeudal psychological programming that IS advertising; the borrowing and corrupting of natural world semantic meanings for selfish neofeudal aims and means; the direct pipeline from education to military and the mandatory military service which still exists in some countries; the fact that returning a product inherently throws the customer (slave) into suspicion by the seller (master - legal power holder); the very idea of a court system ran by the state and not a jury of 3rd party independent people; the lack of a "fairness and welfare supervisor" in every workplace and the presence of "compliance officer"s; the very "free market" in free market fundamentalism which inevitably and invariably defers to which/whoever market force has the most power (today - money - working capital); the fact that being poor and working in a low pay job literally makes you poorer as you work (in real terms); the predatory and inexcusable nature of gambling; the predatory and inexcusable principle of landlords making money off other poorer humans (it should be the state which intervenes if the state is truly a good state, which we can surmise every government is implicitly claiming of itself by holding power); the lack of naming and shaming of social ills like the Nestle CEO who said water access shouldn't be a human right (God I fucking hate Snopes); the trends of people trying to make money off other people via various scams and the likes of BlackHatWorld and WarriorForum, which are innately neofeudalistic in their function, pointing to a giant pyramid scheme that drags along with the rest of modern capitalism; the innate respect given to media moguls and politicians when they are nothing special; the disrespect and disrepute given to the left wing health services of every nation; the blind acceptance of imposing imagery, themes and connotations left dirtying our minds which we call advertisements; the implicit fraud in denying people growing their own food indoors; that concepts like treason do not for most people extend to The People as an interest group; the incredibly rare use of the justification "For the public interest" and "For the public record"; the fact that the French Revolution is not associated for us in school as the birth of the first human rights (surely a non-feudal society would have no qualms or problems with teaching this truth of human history and progress); being frank about racism being too hot for school; the fact kids are now accessing hardcore pornography but not radical and sometimes dangerous ideologies and thinking; the intellectual and spiritual poverty of our age, and the lack of conscious awareness of what we are doing to ourselves with our time and the mental contents surrounding us (a wise man once said.. you will become what you surround yourself with); the mess of the Internet operated by the modern robber-barons of advertising and web traffic conversion and "upselling"; the open betrayal of the people by governments which can be exposed even in form of statistics and hard truths and evidences; the great silence of modern "intellectuals" and losers like self-help gurus (THE MODERN COURT JESTERS), who couldn't begin to address choice quotes of the great intellectual giants of human history; the platforming of celebrities and people with certain types of contours over their face that are pleasing to look at from every angle, over those humans who are better in substance, expertise, spirituality, etc.; the preservation of neofeudal lord roles in the workplace (the boss), the home (the landlord), the Internet (the website owner or advertisers), the land, parks and golf courses (the land holder or owner), and even the family (the wealth-holder parent(s) you are dependent upon); the appeal to authority; the way a poor person under free market fundamentalism must always choose the product most poorly produced i.e. the most likely to break or malfunction and cause them to lose more money, generally kept within reasonable losses or sunk costs as per investment brokers' "portfolios"; the way that moral and ethical wrong cannot by most people be pinned on day traders, Goldman Sachs starving poor people etc. by the inherent flow of the market, which will always favor the most production of immaterial and material wealth by abstraction. (In other words - although we can't fully know and intuit what will be best to produce in any given scenario, we can actually fundamentally and systemically rule out what will be bad and harmful for society - but not for the market which is the concern of free market fundamentalists); the rise of unpaid internships (strongly neofeudal i.e. the local "lord", the company owner, is "giving you an opportunity" and that's how they see it); the propaganda of war producing poor peoples' children dying for the rich few who control the military-industrial complex and massive amounts of money flowing around for rich interests, e.g. soldiers firing missiles that individually cost more than they earn per year, of course ultimately tied up as a capitalistic move/plot/bid to win more cheap oil; the way that companies are literally designed to offer minimal guarantees, insurances or protections for their workers yet they are keen to take with them each working day most of the material gain produced by each worker (remember I said corporations lean on society?); the protection of "limited liability" companies to lose money, versus the individual people who are enslaved by means of debt they cannot easily erase (this bleeds into a general distrust of the independent person compared to the corporate entity, when the people actually are in earnest and wanting to help one another, except for the psychopathic in society who can be known and traced by their behaviour and early signs in school); the fact that healthcare is not free in all countries despite the common people CONSTANTLY working to uphold the corporate masters and the endlessly rich, some of whom donate money to Internet streamers for a laugh at the shock; the mathematical intuitive rational incompetence of the science establishment, which seems to have no backbone when it comes to neofeudalism and major social issues and ills (they don't even speak up against gambling! WHAT THE FUCK IS THE SCIENTIFIC ESTABLISHMENT DOING AND WHY DO WE NOT PUBLICALLY SHAME THEM AS FRAUDULENT PUBLIC INTELLECTUALS - FOR THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND THE PUBLIC GOOD?) and rather, they seem to be the lapdogs of the elite, continuing to produce inventions which can easily be taken advantage of by the right wing interests - tear gas and rubber bullets for example; the lack of public awareness of state interference in a negative way; the arrival of private police forces; the hierarchy of control of the Internet based on what they call "authority sites" - prioritized by search engines.
(I apologize for the formatting but this was a train of thought.)
submitted by trueseeker2 to sendinthetanks [link] [comments]

Newcastle Upon Tyne, Newcastle University Drop-Out, Collaborated With Blockchain Giants to Bring Online Gambling on a Decentralized Platform

Newcastle Upon Tyne, Newcastle University Drop-Out, Collaborated With Blockchain Giants to Bring Online Gambling on a Decentralized Platform
Global,Newcastle University drop-out withdrew from his course in January 2014 to explore different industries and sectors worldwide. After facing trust issues in different business sectors, experiencing massive depths and losses. He indulged with blockchain technology and researched the colossal potential of decentralized applications. His inspiration was his mentor, Mr.Graham Morgan, at Newcastle University and another technology-based entity, BLOCKCHAIN. Amber Kumar, who was pursuing Msc in computer game engineering, experienced an epiphany about the ongoing healthcare, travel, gambling, and financeindustry's major problem.
Knowing the benefit of blockchain technology and how effective it is for the world, a system way too autonomous and decentralized maintains transparency in records, be it transactional, asset, identity, as needed.
When asked to justify blockchain's transparency- He said, "It gives assured control over data and privacy as it makes use of smart contracts that are not prone to human interference, thus preventing cybercrime, hacking, password leaks, and data thefts."
2014, the year when he started researching blockchain technology and eventually formed WSCF Global.
Next, his profound thoughts led to the amalgamation of blockchain and online gaming resulting in Supraorbs.
'The secret of getting ahead is getting started' (Mark Twain). Indeed Amber is on his way to growth and success, for he took his journey with blockchain technology ahead. WSCF Global, with the collaboration of US partners and Russian partners (who have 12 years of experience in the finance industry), boosted the cryptocurrency market. DHF (Decentralized Hedge Fund) was the product of their collaboration, giving its users an average of 10% per month. It is an independent platform that is run by AI programmed for financial management and growth. It has produced 132.42% cumulative profit this year.
Supraobs is a decentralized cryptocurrency asset investment platform combined with online casino games for the most-efficient financial growth on the Ethereum decentralized financial DeFi ecosystem. The DeFi model helps to exclude the role of mediator.
Supraorbs is an Ethereum DeFi ecosystem that helps players to own their data and investment. It Will help players deposit their cryptocurrency to gain ORBT, and with its access, players can be engaged in online gambling experiences and withdraw their winning amount anytime.
Supraorbs is powered by blockchain technology, AI, and casino gamification, providing users the advantage of earning an average maximum interest rate by just investing in these decentralized platforms. For the upliftment and financial growth of the homeless, needy, and poor people, many opportunities are lingering. It is an online gambling solution for UK and US gambling users. Statistics have revealed that online gambling is a booming sector within the EU, with gross gaming revenue(GGR) expected to reach 29.3 billion euros in 2022. Still, it is centralized and is taking people to bankruptcy depths.
Supraorbs will overcome all these blues by producing a transparent and independent ecosystem where users will eventually face victory.
Online gambling platform awaits all its worthy users to be a part of it.

About Supraorbs
The fusion of blockchain and online gaming produced Supraorbs. It is a decentralized and autonomous platform. Specially designed for gamers, people who are into betting and casinos. It is a game-changer for casino industries, which will profit the players without risking their essential details. The players have control over their data and thereby maintain the privacy of the records.
Cybercrimes such as frauds, data thefts, hacking, and password leaks are thus prohibited.
Supraorbs uses ORBT tokens that can be exchanged with any cryptocurrency or vice versa. Besides, a gamer can earn huge profits with complete data security and control.
Thus, Supraorbs is the need of the modern digitized society.
About WSCF Global
WSCF Global is a platform where you can find solutions to your problems technically. It is a demand-for-a-digital-world that functions as a decentralized democracy. WSCF is a community that helps businesses to upsurge at a competitive level by providing knowledge of the latest tools and technologies at the best costs. Business growth occurs through one's resources. Harmony and prosperity are the critical factors of WSCF, where authority and control are not centralized. Thus, it connects and links people to maintain transparency for public welfare.
Blockchain Technology provides transparency through a hyperledger that sequentially contains records, be it transactional records, contracts, assets, or identities, and protects people from counterfeit or second-hand products. Data is within the control of the respective consumer. There is no mediator or any fear of hacking and cracking. Helps in tracking the product's shipping by monitoring its location.
With digitization, the market is prone to the risk of forgery and fraud to a great extent, and to eliminate it, one must support a community like WSCF that revolutionizes the world to be a better place to live.
Contact: WSCF Global
Visit us at:
Email: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
Phone: +911357961342
submitted by officialwscf to u/officialwscf [link] [comments]

I'm gonna pop off for a second. ZERO of these cucks care ANYTHING for you or your grandma, how do I know? Because they never complained about the gambling industry.

That's JUST the suicides. Not the drugs, prostitution, organized crime, alcohol, cigarettes, job problems, domestic problems, credit card interest, or whatever else people could be doing with their lives. It's just the suicides.
Gambling was illegal in 48 states for over 100 years, but in the last ten years has risen almost perpendicularly. Ask anyone who works at a gas station or convenience store, daily lottery drawings and scratch-off tickets are almost a $100B industry - with some states legalizing lotteries as recently as January of 2020. Sports betting is almost as large, formally estimated at $85B.
Casinos, together with strip clubs and the other forms of gambling listed above, are open and operating right now in states that continue to (illegally) force churches and businesses to shut down. By the way.
submitted by JIVEprinting to CoronavirusCirclejerk [link] [comments]

The Coronavirus Book is Closed

(MSS) I've posted a thread with this title before. And again.
The Festival of Saturnalia is beginning as of now ( "Saturn" = 317 primes ) [ 12/17 @ 3/17 ]
Saturnalia was an ancient Roman festival and holiday in honour of the god Saturn, held on 17 December of the Julian calendar and later expanded with festivities through to 23 December. The holiday was celebrated with a sacrifice at the Temple of Saturn, in the Roman Forum, and a public banquet, followed by private gift-giving, (a) continual partying, and a carnival atmosphere that overturned Roman social norms: gambling was permitted, and masters provided table service for their slaves as it was seen as a time of liberty for both slaves and freedmen alike. A common custom was the election of a "King of the Saturnalia", who would give orders to people, which were to be followed and preside over the merrymaking. The gifts exchanged were usually gag gifts or small figurines made of wax or pottery known as sigillaria. The poet Catullus called it "the best of days".
Saturnalia was the Roman equivalent to the earlier Greek holiday of Kronia,
Kronia ( Cronus ) @ KRN @ CRN @ Corona @ Crown @ CRN @ Carnival
Saturn, 'The Lord of the Rings':
I will not be posting new threads for the next few days.
I leave the Thespians of the World Stage to play their mocking games with the slaves (for a time).
  • "Know table service" = 2020 jewish-latin-agrippa
  • ... ( "Wear the mask" = 2020 squares )
To whomever takes up the role of temporary Saturnalian king - I wish you a good reign.
  • "King of the Saturnalia" = 777 jewish-latin-agrippa
  • ... ( "Numeric Ritual" = 777 jewish-latin-agrippa )
  • ... .. ( "The Coronavirus Vaccine" = 777 primes )
The temporary Saturnalian King takes the reins of the harness from...
  • "King Arthur of Atlantis" = 777 primes
... for the period of the festival.
I shall sit and hearken.
  • "King Arthur" = "Spectator" = 2001 squares
  • ... ( "Alphabetizer" = 2001 squares )
  • "Joe Biden, King of the Saturnalia" = 1492 jewish-latin-agrippa | 2047 trigonal
Great Conjunction, vs. (* *)
'Ring of Gold'
EDIT - PS. I've just noticed (the font it really tiny) that I have a number of unanswered reddit chat pings. I do not use reddit chat - it requires enabling too many javascripts I would prefer to leave disabled, in order that it works properly. Send PM's rather, if you must.
Even though...
  • "Chat" = 474 squares
  • "Numerology" = 474 primes ; ) ( 1000 + 1021 = 2021 )
EDIT - next day (an article from yesterday already listed on the saturnalia page linked above):
Vaccines Are Here. We Have to Talk About Side Effects
Disinformation could thwart distribution before government messages have a chance to push back. Debunking might turn out to be everyone’s job.
  • "Coronavirus Debunking" = 2021 trigonal
The golden ratio is 1.618...
  • "The Debunking" = 1,618 squares
  • .. ( "The Coronavirus Trick" = 1,618 jewish-latin-agrippa )
Go forth and debunk, Coronavirus apostates! Go forth and thwart distribution! Debunking the vaccine is everyone's job now.
'Government Messages' govern.mind.messages mind.control.massages
'Government Messages' = 221 alphabetic ( "The Needle" = 221 primes ) [ 2021 ] (*)
'Government Messages' = 707 primes ( "Power" = "Glory" = "Regency" = 77 alphabetic )
Government Message @ Message that Governs ( "Christ" = 77 alphabetic )
  • "Messiah Governs" = 555 primes
  • ... ( "You will obey" = 555 primes ) (*)
  • ... .. [ "Deny Coronavirus" = 666 primes ]
  • ... .. .. [ "The Fake Coronavirus" = 666 primes ]
  • ... .. .. [ "Placebo Coronavirus" = 666 primes ] (*)
  • ... .. .. .. [ [ "The Coronavirus Vaccine" = 777 primes ] ]
  • ... .. .. .. [ [ "Sick Joke" = "To Cure the Flu" = 777 primes ] ] (*)
The Greek Isopsephy of the name 'Jesus' is 888.
  • "Government Authority" = 888 primes (*)
I see a usurpation, perhaps.
Vaccines Are Here. We Have to Talk About Side Effects
  • 'Vaccines Are Here" = "Unprecedented" = 1954 squares
  • ... ( the year The Fellowship of the Ring was published ) (*)
  • .
  • "Vaccines Are Here" = 73 reduced
  • .. ( "Perfect" = "Number" = 73 alphabetic ) (*)
  • ... .. ( "The Number" = "The Immune" = 333 primes )
  • .. ... .. ( "The Religion" = "A Blood Sacrifice" = 333 jewish-latin-agrippa ) (*)
  • .. ... .. ... .. .. ( "Domination" = 333 jewish-latin-agrippa ) (*)
  • .
  • "Vaccines Are Here" = 73 reduced
  • .. ( "Perfect" = "Number" = 73 alphabetic )
  • .. .. ... .. ( "Number" = 616 trigonal ) (*)
  • ... .. ( "Perfect Number" = 616 jewish-latin-agrippa ) (*)
  • ... .. [ "Ritual Sacrifice" = 616 jewish-latin-agrippa | 73 reduced ]
  • .
  • "A=1: Vaccines Are Here" = 777 english-extended (*)
  • .. ( "The Coronavirus Vaccine" = 777 primes ) (*)
  • .
  • "Vaccine is here" = "In Prison" = 360 primes ( "The Glory" = 360 primes ) (*)
Side effects ? They admit one side of your face might slide away uncontrollably, like Two-face in the Batman movies (a rather Dramatic symbol).
Side @ Sidhe @ Aos sidhe (Elven drama @ Elven trauma) (*)
Side Effects @ Sidhe Effects @ Siddhis ('the powers') (*) (*)
The Elves give themselves a bad name.... or the Orcs are playing at Elven mockery.
  • "A=1: The Cult Leader" = 2020 squares ( "Exorcist" = 2001 squares )
That is...
  • "The Cult of the Letter" = 223 alphabetic | 1,555 english-extended
  • .... .. ( "Coronavirus Novel" = 223 alphabetic )
  • .... .. ( "Coronavirus Story" = 2023 jewish-latin-agrippa )
  • ... .. .. ( "The One Cure-All" = 2023 squares ) (*) (*)
  • "It is the Cure-All" = 1331 trigonal | 511 primes (*) (*)
  • ... ( "The Writings" = 1331 trigonal ) ( "Saturn" = 511 jewish-latin-agrippa )
Brazilian supreme court decides all Brazilians are required to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Those who fail to prove they have been vaccinated may have their rights, such as welfare payments, public school enrolment or entry to certain places, curtailed.
And so it goes.
  • "Citizen," = 666 jewish-latin-agrippa [ ie. beast ]
  • .. "You are being hunted" = 1,666 trigonal
  • ... .. .. ( "Ritual code" = 1,666 squares ) [ curtailed @ cur-tailed @ dog-tailed @ wag the dog ]
To be, or not to be...
  • "Vaccinated against COVID-19" = "To know the proof" = 644 primes (*)
  • "Vaccinated against COVID-19" = 216 alphabetic (6x6x6 = 216)
  • "Mathematics of the Circle" = 216 alphabetic | 666 jewish-latin-agrippa )
  • "Mathematics of the Circle" = 3022 squares | 1,619 trigonal (*) (*)
  • .... ( )
You don't need state-given rights, if you can say...
  • "I am Sovereign" = 2021 squares
Tell your friends and family:
  • "You will take off the mask" = 2021 jewish-latin-agrippa (*)
  • "Coronavirus Debunking" = 2021 trigonal
  • ... ( "A Coronavirus Debunking" = 1611 english-extended )
The schooling dumbs you down, the 'certain places' are traps, and the welfare payments are dependencies. Who is so presumptuous as to tell you your 'rights'?
The 'social contracts' are being rewritten, Mr. and Mrs. Faust. Will you sign?
Q: ?
"A: Social Contracts" = 555 primes | 911 english-extended
Run to the Hills, my friends (or prepare to take over the world, and to feast on politicians).
'Blessings Upon the Throne of Tyranny'
'I am Sovereign'
  • "The Saturn Artifact" = 666 primes ( "Cube of Saturn" = 777 jewish-latin-agrippa ) (*) (*)
Fear is the Mind-Killer.
Corona @ Crown (the ruling virus)
Noting the english-extended cypher is very tightly related to the latin-agrippa - differing in only the numeric assignments of a few letters - thus, with skill one can construct quite long spells that achieve the same value in both, such as this:
  • "The One Crown to Rule All" = 1,777 english-extended | 1,777 jewish-latin-agrippa (*)
  • .. ( "The Coronavirus Must Win" = 1010 primes | 100 in reduction ) (*)
  • ... .. ( "Revelation" = "Covid-nineteen" = 1010 jewish-latin-agrippa ) [ 1010 + 1010 = 2020 ]
  • "Crown Crone" = "The Eternal Alphabet" = "The Absolute" = 911 english-extended (*)
EDIT - the 19th of december:
COVID-19: New coronavirus strain spreading faster than previous variant, UK government scientists warn ministers
Q: ?
"A Coronavirus Strain" = 777 primes ( "The Coronavirus Vaccine" = 777 primes )
With a reputation as the 'pharmacy of the world,' India is geared to mass-produce COVID-19 vaccines
  • "Corona" = 224 jewish-latin-agrippa
  • "Disease" = 224 english-extended
  • .. ( "Mass-produce COVID-19 vaccines" = 2240 jewish-latin-agrippa ) [ zero @ circle @ corona ]
  • "The Pharmacy of the World" = "The Coronavirus Vaccine" = 777 primes
Ambience: Imperial Chinese Concubine's Palace
EDIT - a little later on the 19th:
Let's-a go
Miyamoto leads fans through Super Nintendo World—and it looks incredible
Nintendo, Universal Studios went all out to deliver a Nintendo fan destination.
  • "Super Nintendo World" = 1,777 jewish-latin-agrippa (nine-ten @ nine-teen ) [ looks @ school ]
. .. ... .... ..... You're welcome ( "Miyamoto" = "The Born King" = "The Alphabet Code" = 369 primes )
After the conjunction, and with the great debunking under way, in 2021, ..
  • "Society" = 911 trigonal
.... is witness to....
  • "The sudden disappearance of covid-nineteen" = 2001 english-extended
The 'virus' (as it is perceived by the ignorant masses) appears to evaporate, like World Trade Centers do in September. The majority of the scientific footsoldiers are shocked, amazed, confused and relieved. The politicians pretend to be shocked, amazed, confused, and relieved. Like the ending scene of The Happening, nature suddenly relents upon humanity, and mankind is spared further antagonistic affronts by the medical industrial complex.
  • "Miraculous Cures" = 1,777 trigonal
  • ... ( "To Cure the Flu" = 777 jewish-latin-agrippa )
In time, the truth of the allegorical charade becomes clear to all, and the population of the world are simultaneously appalled and relieved.
  • "Sick Joke" = "Numeric Ritual" = "Cryptic Riddle" = 777 jewish-latin-agrippa
  • ... .. .. ( "To Understand a Code" = 777 jewish-latin-agrippa )
Appalled that they had fallen for such a transparent stage play, yet relieved that the final curtain has fallen; appalled as to what it all meant, yet relieved of their burden of isolation. All are exceeding curious as to the future direction of the new status quo - for while they were distracted by the soaring Covid case numbers, Tiger Kings on TV, and endless Zoo Meetings, it comes to be known that A Final World Empire was established suddenly and seemingly without fan-fair, beneath their very feet and all around them, and they had hardly noticed (the Covid stageplay being itself the announcement, though most did not understand this at the time).
It goes without saying, that after virus relents, there is "a grand celebration" = 2021 squares
Everyone takes off their masks, collects them in giant heaps in their village squares, and burns them.
  • "Telepathy Phone Number" = "The Telepathic Frequency" = 777 primes ( "A=1: Join with me" )
Geometry of History ( "Entirely Obvious" = 2020 english-extended ): (*)
  • "I teach you" = 776 jewish-latin-agrippa
The teacher teaches. The unlearned learn. The learned know.
  • "Know I teach you" = 1776 jewish-latin-agrippa
  • "I teach, you know" = 1776 jewish-latin-agrippa
  • ... ( "The English Alphabetic Order" = 1776 trignal ) (*) (*)
  • "I teach 'A=1', you know" = 555 primes | 1918 english-extended
  • "I teach you the security" = 1776 jewish-latin-agrippa
  • "I teach you a subject" = 1777 jewish-latin-agrippa
  • ... ( "The coronavirus vaccine" = 777 primes ) (A1A:2020)
  • "What is in a name?" = 1234 latin-agrippa ( "The Number of the Rose" = 1234 eng-ext )
AAA :: 316 . 127 . 359 . 134 . 1896 . 2053 . 2043 . 1191 . 1015 . 2707 . 5098
A1A :: 156 . 57 . 249 . 96 . 936 . 1092 . 742 . 681 . 492 . 1307 . 2458
'The Green'
submitted by Orpherischt to GeometersOfHistory [link] [comments]

Gambling Market Size, Business Share | Growth Rate 2020 Demand Status, Revenue by Global Regions Forecast to 2025 Report by Industry

Gambling Market Size, Business Share | Growth Rate 2020 Demand Status, Revenue by Global Regions Forecast to 2025 Report by Industry
"Final Report will add the analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on this industry."
Global “Gambling Market” share report highlights various trends and dynamics, new and innovative technology, and mergers & acquisitions that are expected to make a positive impact on the overall industry. Gambling market has been studied in terms of applications, specifications, and quality, which makes a positive impact on the growth of the businesses. The pandemic of Coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected every aspect of life globally and this report covers the current COVID-19 impact on the Gambling market growth.
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Global Gambling Market research report growth rates and the market value based on market dynamics, growth factors. The complete knowledge is based on the latest innovations in the industry, opportunities, and trends. In addition to SWOT analysis by key suppliers, the report contains a comprehensive market analysis and major player’s landscape.
The report also includes detailed information about the market players that are operating in the market. Some of the major industry players that are listed in the report include:
  • Betsson Group
  • Casino di Campione
  • Galaxy Entertainment Group
  • Camelot Group
  • Paddy Power Betfair
  • Betclic
  • The Casino at the Empire
  • Casino Estoril
  • MGM Resorts
  • 888 Holdings
  • Casino de Monte Carlo
  • Resorts World Birmingham
  • New York State Lottery
To Understand How Covid-19 Impact Is Covered in This Report -
A detailed examination is done on each of the segments and is provided in the Gambling market report. Based on the performance of the Gambling market in various regions, a detailed study of the Gambling market is also analyzed and covered in the study.
Gambling Market Segmentation by Types:
  • Lottery
  • Betting
  • Casino
  • Others
Gambling Market Segmentation by Applications:
  • Offline
  • Online
Questions Related to the Gambling Market Report:
  • Which regional market is covered in terms of market share and size?
  • Who are the most-established players in the global Gambling market landscape?
  • What are the different strategies used by players to market their products during the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • How are emerging market players expanding their presence in the Gambling market?
  • What is the result of the SWOT analysis included in the report?
Inquire or Share Your Questions If Any Before the Purchasing This Report -
Geographically, the detailed analysis of consumption, revenue, market share, and growth rate, historic and forecast (2015-2025) of the following regions are covered:
  • North America
  • Europe
  • Asia-Pacific
  • Middle East & Africa
  • South America
The Gambling Market Report Provides:
  • An overview of the market
  • Comprehensive analysis of the market
  • Analyses of recent developments in the market
  • Events in the market scenario in the past few years
  • Emerging market segments and regional markets
  • Segmentation of market by regional level with types and applications
  • Historical, current, and estimated market size in terms of value and volume
  • Competitive analysis, with company overview, products, revenue, and strategies.
  • An impartial assessment of the market
  • Strategic recommendations to help companies increase their market presence
Purchase this Report (Price 3500 USD for a Single-User License) -
Detailed TOC of Global Gambling Market Research Report with Opportunities and Strategies to Boost Growth- COVID-19 Impact and Recovery
1 Market Overview 1.1 Product Definition and Market Characteristics 1.2 Global Gambling Market Size 1.3 Market Segmentation 1.4 Global Macroeconomic Analysis 1.5 SWOT Analysis
2. Market Dynamics 2.1 Market Drivers 2.2 Market Constraints and Challenges 2.3 Emerging Gambling Market Trends 2.4 Impact of COVID-19 2.4.1 Short-term Impact 2.4.2 Long-term Impact
3 Associated Industry Assessment 3.1 Supply Chain Analysis 3.2 Industry Active Participants 3.2.1 Suppliers of Raw Materials 3.2.2 Key Distributors/Retailers 3.3 Alternative Analysis 3.4 The Impact of Covid-19 From the Perspective of Industry Chain
4 Market Competitive Landscape 4.1 Industry Leading Players 4.2 Industry News 4.2.1 Key Product Launch News 4.2.2 M&A and Expansion Plans
5 Analysis of Leading Companies 5.1 Company 1 5.1.1 Company Profile 5.1.2 Business Overview 5.1.3 Gambling Sales, Revenue, Average Selling Price and Gross Margin (2015-2020) 5.1.4 Gambling Products Introduction 5.2 Company 2 5.2.1 Company Profile 5.2.2 Business Overview 5.2.3 Gambling Sales, Revenue, Average Selling Price and Gross Margin (2015-2020) 5.2.4 Gambling Products Introduction
6 Market Analysis and Forecast, By Product Types 6.1 Global Gambling Sales, Revenue and Market Share by Types (2015-2020) 6.2 Global Gambling Market Forecast by Types (2020-2025) 6.3 Global Gambling Sales, Price and Growth Rate by Types (2015-2020) 6.4 Global Gambling Market Revenue and Sales Forecast, by Types (2020-2025)
7 Market Analysis and Forecast, By Applications 7.1 Global Gambling Sales, Revenue and Market Share by Applications (2015-2020) 7.2 Global Gambling Market Forecast by Applications (2020-2025) 7.3 Global Revenue, Sales and Growth Rate by Applications (2015-2020) 7.4 Global Gambling Market Revenue and Sales Forecast, by Applications (2020-2025)
8 Market Analysis and Forecast, By Regions 8.1 Global Gambling Sales by Regions (2015-2020) 8.2 Global Gambling Market Revenue by Regions (2015-2020) 8.3 Global Gambling Market Forecast by Regions (2020-2025)
For Detailed TOC -
Contact Us:
Name: Ajay More
Phone: US +14242530807/ UK +44 20 3239 8187
Email: [email protected]
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Bromobutyl Rubber Market by Key Insights 2020, Top Industry Trend, Size and Growth Factors, Segmentation by Key Regions and Future Scope Forecast till 2026 | Industry
Metal-Bonded Carbon Market Analysis with Impact of Covid-19 on Industry Size 2020 | Future Growth and Challenges by Manufacturers and Marketing Strategy Forecast to 2026 | Industry
Home Fragrances Market - Trends, Revenue, Segmentation 2020 COVID19 Impact Analysis, Demand by Business Growth, Top Key Players Update, and Research Methodology by Forecast to 2025
Sports Supplement Market Size and Share Analysis 2020: with Covid-19 Impact on Global Business Growth, Forthcoming Developments Forecast to 2026 | Industry
submitted by Erica_Das to u/Erica_Das [link] [comments]

Something seriously needs to be done about gambling ads

I’m not sure if this is something that is talked about a lot, but given that I personally haven’t heard anyone talk about this I’m assuming it isn’t.
I don’t know about other countries, but in the UK the gambling industry is at an estimated worth of £14.3bn, and each year £1.2bn is wasted away through gambling.
To me, this is more than enough for gambling to be considered a big problem. Of course, I don’t imagine gambling will ever become illegal in the UK due to all the complications that would arise, but I believe a big step in reducing this huge figure is by ceasing the marketing of gambling as was done to cigarettes a number of years ago.
If you watch TV at all, it’s more than likely that you’ve seen a gambling ad. There’s one during almost every commercial break, and some programmes are even sponsored by gambling companies. They almost always stick out as being vibrantly colourful and light hearted. Here is a particularly egregious example, stating that ‘Everyone wins, every day’ at the end of the video.
Even with the ‘When the fun stops stop’ slogan shown briefly at the end of these ads, they are all blatantly manipulative and filled with the empty promises of money and happiness that get as close to false advertising as humanly possible. It is really no wonder so many people fall into the trap when gambling is portrayed in such a romanticised way.
Anyway, I just had to rant about this since I’m not sure there’s very much I can physically do about it. I’m not expecting much of a response but if you did take the time to read this let me know what you think.
submitted by johnc2001 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

Pore Strips for Teeth Market Size Analysis by SWOT Analysis, Competitive Landscape 2020 Top Key Players, Global Share, Revenue and Growth Analysis till 2026 | Industry

"Final Report will add the analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on this industry."
This comprehensive study provides a forecast and analysis of the global “Pore Strips for Teeth Market”. The report unfolds rare and distinguished intelligence regarding the market dynamics including drivers, threats, restraints, and opportunities present in the Pore Strips for Teeth industry. The report sheds light on suppliers to end-users, along with several macro-economic indicators. The research propounds crucial insights regarding the growth trajectory of the Pore Strips for Teeth market.
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About Pore Strips for Teeth Market:
Global Pore Strips for Teeth Market: Competitive Analysis
This section of the report identifies various key manufacturers of the market. It helps the reader understand the strategies and collaborations that players are focusing on combat competition in the market. The comprehensive report provides a significant microscopic look at the market. The reader can identify the footprints of the manufacturers by knowing about the global revenue of manufacturers, the global price of manufacturers, and sales by manufacturers during the forecast period of 2015 to 2019.
To Understand How Covid-19 Impact Is Covered in This Report -
Top Manufacturers Covered in The Pore Strips for Teeth Market Report:
On the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share, and growth rate of Pore Strips for Teeth Market types split into:
On the basis on the end users/applications, this report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, sales volume, market share and growth rate of Pore Strips for Teeth Market applications, includes:
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Regions Covered in Pore Strips for Teeth Market Report:
What Our Pore Strips for Teeth Market Report Offers:
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Detailed TOC of Global Pore Strips for Teeth Market Trends, Status and Forecast 2020-2026
1 Pore Strips for Teeth Market Overview
1.1 Product Overview and Scope of Pore Strips for Teeth
1.2 Segment by Type
1.2.1 Global Sales Growth Rate Comparison by Type (2021-2026)
1.2.2 Type 1
1.2.3 Type 2
1.3 Segment by Application
1.3.1 Sales Comparison by Application: 2020 VS 2026
1.3.2 Application 1
1.3.3 Application 2
1.4 Global Market Size Estimates and Pore Strips for Teeth Market Forecasts
1.4.1 Global Revenue 2015-2026
1.4.2 Global Sales 2015-2026
1.4.3 Pore Strips for Teeth Market Size by Region: 2020 Versus 2026
2 Global Pore Strips for Teeth Market Competition by Manufacturers
2.1 Global Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2015-2020)
2.2 Global Revenue Share by Manufacturers (2015-2020)
2.3 Global Average Price by Manufacturers (2015-2020)
2.4 Manufacturers Pore Strips for Teeth Manufacturing Sites, Area Served, Product Type
2.5 Market Competitive Situation and Trends
2.5.1 Pore Strips for Teeth Market Concentration Rate
2.5.2 Global Top 5 and Top 10 Players Market Share by Revenue
2.5.3 Pore Strips for Teeth Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3)
2.6 Manufacturers Mergers and Acquisitions, Expansion Plans
2.7 Primary Interviews with Key Pore Strips for Teeth Players (Opinion Leaders)
3 Pore Strips for Teeth Retrospective Market Scenario by Region
3.1 Global Pore Strips for Teeth Retrospective Market Scenario in Sales by Region: 2015-2020
3.2 Global Pore Strips for Teeth Retrospective Market Scenario in Revenue by Region: 2015-2020
3.3 North America Market Facts and Figures by Country
3.3.1 North America Sales by Country
3.3.2 North America Sales by Country
3.4 Europe Pore Strips for Teeth Facts and Figures by Country
3.4.1 Europe Sales by Country
3.4.2 Europe Sales by Country
3.5 Asia Pacific Market Facts and Figures by Region
3.6 Latin America Market Facts and Figures by Country
3.7 Middle East and Africa Market Facts and Figures by Country
4 Global Pore Strips for Teeth Historic Market Analysis by Type
4.1 Global Sales Market Share by Type (2015-2020)
4.2 Global Revenue Market Share by Type (2015-2020)
4.3 Global Price Market Share by Type (2015-2020)
4.4 Global Market Share by Price Tier (2015-2020)
5 Global Pore Strips for Teeth Historic Market Analysis by Application
5.1 Global Sales Market Share by Application (2015-2020)
5.2 Global Revenue Market Share by Application (2015-2020)
5.3 Global Price by Application (2015-2020)
6 Company Profiles and Key Figures in Pore Strips for Teeth Business
6.1 Manufacture 1
6.1.1 Corporation Information
6.1.2 Manufacture 1 Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue
6.1.3 Manufacture 1 Pore Strips for Teeth Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)
6.1.4 Manufacture 1 Products Offered
6.1.5 Manufacture 1 Recent Development
6.2 Manufacture 2
6.2.1 Manufacture 2 Pore Strips for Teeth Production Sites and Area Served
6.2.2 Manufacture 2 Description, Business Overview and Total Revenue
6.2.3 Manufacture 2 Pore Strips for Teeth Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020)
6.2.4 Manufacture 2 Products Offered
6.2.5 Manufacture 2 Recent Development
7 Pore Strips for Teeth Manufacturing Cost Analysis
7.1 Pore Strips for Teeth Key Raw Materials Analysis
7.1.1 Key Raw Materials
7.1.2 Key Raw Materials Price Trend
7.1.3 Key Suppliers of Raw Materials
7.2 Proportion of Manufacturing Cost Structure
7.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Pore Strips for Teeth
7.4 Pore Strips for Teeth Industrial Chain Analysis
8 Marketing Channel, Distributors and Customers
8.1 Marketing Channel
8.2 Pore Strips for Teeth Distributors List
8.3 Pore Strips for Teeth Customers
9 Market Dynamics
9.1 Pore Strips for Teeth Market Trends
9.2 Opportunities and Drivers
9.3 Challenges
9.4 Porter's Five Forces Analysis
10 Global Market Forecast
10.1 Global Pore Strips for Teeth Market Estimates and Projections by Type
10.1.1 Global Forecasted Sales of Pore Strips for Teeth by Type (2021-2026)
10.1.2 Global Forecasted Revenue of Pore Strips for Teeth by Type (2021-2026)
10.2 Market Estimates and Projections by Application
10.2.1 Global Forecasted Sales of Pore Strips for Teeth by Application (2021-2026)
10.2.2 Global Forecasted Revenue of Pore Strips for Teeth by Application (2021-2026)
10.3 Market Estimates and Projections by Region
10.3.1 Global Forecasted Sales of Pore Strips for Teeth by Region (2021-2026)
10.3.2 Global Forecasted Revenue of Pore Strips for Teeth by Region (2021-2026)
10.4 North America Pore Strips for Teeth Estimates and Projections (2021-2026)
10.5 Europe Pore Strips for Teeth Estimates and Projections (2021-2026)
10.6 Asia Pacific Estimates and Projections (2021-2026)
10.7 Latin America Estimates and Projections (2021-2026)
10.8 Middle East and Africa Estimates and Projections (2021-2026)
11 Research Finding and Conclusion
12 Methodology and Data Source
12.1 Methodology/Research Approach
12.1.1 Research Programs/Design
12.1.2 Market Size Estimation
12.1.3 Market Breakdown and Data Triangulation
12.2 Data Source
12.2.1 Secondary Sources
12.2.2 Primary Sources
For Detailed TOC -
Contact Us:
Name: Ajay More
Phone: US +14242530807/ UK +44 20 3239 8187
Email: [email protected]
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Paper Finishing Machines Market - Covid-19 Outlook and Impact Analysis 2021: Industry Overview by Latest Trends, Growth Strategy, Explosive Factors of Size and Share Forecast to 2025
Clean-up Gel Permeation Chromatography Market Revenue, Business Growth 2020: Demand and Applications, Business Statistics, Competitors Strategy, Size, Share Forecast to 2026 | Industry
Fountain Machines Market Growing Business Factors 2020: | Latest Opportunities, Technological Advancements, COVID-19 Impact on Industry Size and Share Forecast to 2025
Sustainable Corn Oil Market - Trends, Revenue, Segmentation 2020 COVID19 Impact Analysis, Demand by Business Growth, Top Key Players Update, and Research Methodology by Forecast to 2025
Plastic & Biopolymer Antimicrobial Packaging Market Size and Growth Forecast 2020 to 2026 | Future Trends, Historical Analysis, Business Statistics and Regional Revenue of Manufacturers with Share Analysis - Industry
Flameless Explosion Vents Market 2020: Global Industry Size, Future Plans of Leading Manufacturers, Growth Key Factors, and Share Forecast to 2026 | Industry
Digital Enhanced Cordless Telephone Market Growth Rate and Business Share 2020: Global Industry Current Trends, Top Companies, Sales and Drivers Analysis Research Report to 2026 | Industry
submitted by Erica_Das to u/Erica_Das [link] [comments]

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Support at Guts Casino is provided via live chat that is genuinely available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. There is no phone number published on the site but you can fill out a form with your phone number and support will call you, which saves you money on your phone bill. If you prefer to use email support, you can expect an answer within a few hours. I tested the live chat support when compiling this review and had a support rep addressing my question within a minute. Overall I was as impressed with the support at Guts as I was by the quick withdrawals.
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Guts discloses that its protection of player funds meets what the UK Gambling Commission categorises as a none level of protection, formerly termed less accurately as "basic". This is the minimum category on the UKGC scale and realistically means that there is no protection of your funds from being used to pay the debts of the casino to other creditors should it ever go out of business.
If there is a downer at this casino, it is the continued inclusion of games in its library from suppliers that we at Casino Listings deem as extremely suspect, if not outright crooked. For example, we have proven that progressive jackpot games from Betsoft do not pay out fairly at all times, and the supplier has its Alderney license cancelled in the past. In the case of Pragmatic Play, formerly known as TopGame, there was the time some of their games were missing wild symbols critical to paying to top combinations, numerous complaints about slow-paying and other dubious conduct of their in-house casino brands, and the still-unsolved mystery of what happened to their progressive jackpot funds that disappeared when the company rebranded. Both of these suppliers' games are still available at Guts, which is a shame to see, and we urge players to avoid these games no matter where they play because we do not trust in their fairness at all.
Guts has a favourable bonus policy for its customers. The main benefit of these bonuses is the ability for you to forfeit the bonus and withdraw early without having to complete a huge wagering requirement if you have a big win while wagering your cash deposit first. The casino also offers a load of promotions that give players "free" spins. But unlike the majority of casinos we see these days, the "free" spins really are free and all winnings from these spins may be immediately cashed out without any kind of wagering requirement. I have found that since joining I have regularly received an email with such offers most weeks.
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Guts Casino is a very good casino that gets most aspects of its operation right. Players can enjoy a lot of high-quality games, and the site runs without any lags or delays. The support people are well-trained and ready to help at any time, and the early withdrawal allowance on bonuses and the free spins without wagering requirements are far better deals than most bonuses these days. That said, the lack of protection for player funds from creditors and the continued use of games from a couple of dodgy suppliers mean that this casino is not perfect. The importance of those things varies from person to person though and putting those aside, this is a high-quality casino with a good track record.
submitted by freespinsmobile to u/freespinsmobile [link] [comments]

Claiming and Using the Bet365 Free Bet

Claiming and Using the Bet365 Free Bet
Due to the increased popularity of betting sites, it is no wonder there is great competition. Bookmakers want to attract as many punters as possible and to succeed, they offer bonuses, a sleek website, additional features, diverse sports markets, and more. Some even combine casino games with sports betting, to satisfy all needs. Bet365 free bet and Paddy Power sign up offer are worth considering due to various reasons. They are different and there are some terms and conditions to follow, but the main idea is that you can bet with extra money in your account.

What Is Bet365 Free Bet

New customers take advantage of Bet365 free bet, because the bonus is aimed at them. The minimum deposit is £5, and the bookmaker will match it. The bonus is known as bet credits, and you need to place a qualifying bet of the same time to settle. The platform does feature some amazing aspects, and there are many pros, such as the impressive collection of markets and competitive odds, the live streaming and in-play options, and the mobile application that is easy to install and use at any time.
In order to claim the bonus, it is necessary to make a deposit first of all and the maximum you can get is £100. Opening an account is required, but the process is quite easy. You can use the same information for the website and for the mobile application, such as a valid email address, a password and some personal data to validate your account. Once you become a member, you have access to other features and a variety of sporting markets, which means you will always find something interesting and an even to bet on. There are multiple payment methods as well, and the card holder has to match the name registered on the account.

Why Claim the Paddy Power Sign up Offer?

Paddy Power is one of the most well-known names in the sports betting industry. Some of the reasons that make it so popular include welcome bonuses and the variety of products. The Paddy Power sign up offer is available for new members upon registration and in order to claim it, a few steps are required: • Visit the official website • Select the product for which you want to receive the offer • In every product section you will be able to see the Promotions button and the banners as well, because they are well highlighted • Click on the Claim Now button and begin the registration process • Validate the account and become eligible for the sign-up bonus
The risk-free bet of £20 is highly appreciated and not many sportsbooks offer it. Of course, there are certain terms and conditions that have to be respected, and the offer is available for new members from UK and Ireland. During the registration it is necessary to enter the promo code and to make an eligible deposit, make sure to use PayPal or credit and debit cards. The risk-free bonus means that you can place an initial bet of £20 and in case you lose, the amount will be added to your balance. It is a very good start in the online betting world, and you can use it on any sport available on the website.
When you hear about online betting you certainly hear about Bet365, being one of the most reputable names in the industry. It gained more and more popularity along the years and now people from all over the world take advantage of its features. When you consider the Bet365 free bet, the competitive odds, the wide selection of offers and promotions, live streaming on mobile and computer, it is no wonder why. Every punter finds something they like on the platform and the good news is that there are so many possibilities out there.
Not only you can claim the Bet365 free bet, but you can live stream sports from around the world. You can use the bonus on whatever sport you want and once you discover the markets and odds, you will not get enough of the features. In order to watch the live streaming, you have to log in, or place a bet within the last 24 hours to watch football, tennis, basketball, snooker, and more. For horse racing, there are also past videos in the archive, and you can go through the selection if you want to know the progress of a certain racer.
Once you claim the Bet365 free bet , you will remain on the platform for its usability. The website is sleek and clean, easy to navigate through. the sport selection is visible in a column and the prices and scores are shown in yellow. The mobile application is mostly the same and it is highly convenient to place bets on your phone, from any location. This way, you don’t depend on a bookmaker and you can make your own choices, using statistics and luck. The most important aspect is that the sportsbook is licensed by the UK Gambling Commission. Customer service is always available and there is even a live chat function.

Who Enjoys the Paddy Power Offers
Sport bettors and casino players can take advantage of Paddy Power sign up offer and they have many opportunities at their disposal. There is a casino bonus in fact, in case you are more likely to spend time in that section. The regular bonus is of £40 and even 20 free spins and the live casino bonus consists of 10 Golden Chips to play the Live Roulette.
It is important to select a bookmaker that is licensed, reputable, has many markets to choose from and bonuses. The good news is that you can easily find out the Paddy Power sign up offer and claim it, especially if you visit a website that rates sportsbooks and points out the most trusted ones.
If you like the idea of betting on sports and playing casino games, then Paddy Power is the right choice, especially since you can test out the platform with the Paddy Power sign up offer.
submitted by DanielMasonn to u/DanielMasonn [link] [comments]

You are so lucky to be born in America...

Hi all - recently was having a discussion with an American who was cursing out the country. It made me irrationally angry, I couldn't explain it, but I exploded. Also for people who are burning the flag...
Sure, the United States isn't perfect, but it's given my family and I everything we have in life. A little background - my parents escaped a warn-torn country in Europe when I was an infant, and brought my sister and I over to America. We were refugees with practically nothing. While growing up, I lived a very modest lifestyle, never being able to indulge in anything extravagant. However, the one thing my parents instilled in my brain was that if I worked hard, I could achieve anything I wanted to in this country. I've always had a great work ethic, but I dreamt big, knowing that America could make my wildest dreams come true. Long story short, I was able to attend an Ivy League institution, get a job making 6 figures directly out of college, as well as pursue my passions on the side (travel, photography, modeling, and music), among countless others. But I'm not done yet, not even close. I was also given the liberty to participate in really fun activities throughout the years such as ALMOST being a contestant on jeopardy (still salty about this :) ), driving cross-country to see the wonderful, diverse landscape of the US, taking monthly road trips to Atlantic City to partake in some friendly gambling, etc.
Point is - if my parents had stayed in their home country at the time (which is perfectly safe today), I wouldn't have been able to achieve any of my dreams. There's something very special about America that other countries don't have, and I can't exactly pinpoint it, but other countries just force you to believe that you're going to live a non-special life. That phrasing probably came out wrong, but it's hard to put into words. And for reference, I've lived in 6 different developed nations, hold three citizenships, and have traveled to more than 40 countries in my lifetime. My family is also very dispersed throughout different parts of Europe. I love my extended family to death, but again, they live very mediocre lives in their respective countries. Sure, they get by, but the opportunity is unmatched when compared to America.
Earlier this year, I was getting back from a friend's housewarming and called an Uber home. The guy starts chatting me up and has a heavy accent. So naturally, I inquire about his origins. He's from Barcelona. I ask about what brought him to America, if he intends to stay, etc. He just lays it out for me saying that he came because he's a dreamer, he's got big aspirations that couldn't be filled in Spain, and he hopes to become an American someday. He also mentioned how nearly every film / TV show they watch in Europe is set in NYC / LA / Chicago / Miami, so naturally most of his friends dreamed of one day visiting these glamorous cities. Him and his friends had been dreaming about moving here since he was 5 years old. He was in the process of bringing over his wife as well (I could tell that his words were a bit shaky when he spoke about her). I told him that everything would be okay, and briefed him on my life story - humble beginnings to dreams coming true.
Another anecdotal story - when I was at a restaurant in London, these chaps came up to me (hearing my accent) and badgered me about what America was like, how it's their dream to visit one day, any recommendations, etc. That's when it really hit me - the whole world knows everything about what's going on with America (the economy, politics, technological advances, etc.), but how many people know this much about other countries? Not much I presume.
Also think about how the US is a world leader in most industries... just to name a few examples:
With all of that being said - sure, we do have our problems, America is not perfect, but no country is. With a country of our size, coming to a common consensus on most issues is nearly impossible (especially when compared to a country such as Iceland, where the population is 0.01% of America). But that doesn't take away from the point that people take for granted how lucky they are to hold the American passport. My relatives and international friends all want to move to America after they visit and realize how much more opportunity and optimism there is here. The stereotypes they hear In Europe ("All Americans are fat and stupid") typically all end up being completely untrue. Also, please keep in mind that people ALL OVER THE WORLD want to move to this country. They dream of one day achieving that feat in life. I know because my family was in that exact same boat 20 years ago.
It hurts me deep-down knowing how hard my parents tried to immigrate to America and give my sister and I the American dream. Once it happened, they knew they'd made it in life. As soon as I got my college acceptance letter, they knew it was all worth it. As soon as I landed my first real job, they knew that their sacrifices had paid off. As soon as I received my MBA acceptance phone call, they couldn't deny that America is by far the best country in the world. Every Thanksgiving and Christmas, my family and I gather around the dinner table and attribute everything we have to good ole Murica.
submitted by tryna5019 to MURICA [link] [comments]


Confrontation: Coronavirus VS Gambling business
For many years, the authorities of almost all countries of the world have been fighting a nervous battle with the gambling business. Underground casinos are opening everywhere and the authorities are again throwing all their forces into the fight against betting.
But then it appears: Super Coronovirus! This whole situation is like a fairy tale about a Golden egg, which everyone tried to break, but only the mouse did it. In a few months, the Coronavirus infection managed to do what the Supreme rulers of humanity took decades to do – it "killed" the gambling business!
But is this really the case? Are there no more places in the world where you can drink a glass of whiskey and bet a couple of bucks on zero?
The editorial of has prepared an analytical material for you, about which branches of the gambling business were most affected by the Coronavirus.
Land-based casinos
The first and most powerful impact of the Coronavirus was on land-based stationary casinos.
In the face of an epidemiological threat, people tried to leave their homes and stay in public places as little as possible.
The famous Las Vegas, which worked smoothly during the first and Second world war, turned into a Ghost town in a matter of months. Its casinos closed for the first time since 1963, the year President Kennedy was assassinated. According to the latest statistics, the total losses of Las Vegas casinos amounted to more than 5.5 billion dollars.
Czech Republic
Although the Czech Republic had the fewest cases of Coronavirus infection, King's Casino, which is a venue for major international poker events, had to cancel all tournaments and close for a period of quarantine. According to official data, the casino's losses amounted to about 5.5 million dollars.
The famous Concord Card Casino, which was supposed to be 25 years old this year, was closed due to the inability to pay taxes to the state. The main specialty of this casino was poker, but in early March, the institution declared bankruptcy. The main reason is the lack of clients due to the Coronavirus epidemic.
Owners of land-based casinos are recommended to start developing the online component of their gambling houses as soon as possible so that the Coronovirus does not completely sink their business.
Online casino against Coronavirus
But the online casino, on the contrary, is experiencing its best times. In a situation when almost the entire world was in prison, many of the boredom began to "spend" honestly earned coins in the casino. In this regard, our editorial staff has prepared for you the TOP 3 online casinos that not only earned money during the epidemic, but also managed to bring their brand to the world level.
Rox Casino
A casino that everyone already knew about, but they learned even better during the Coronavirus period. According to unofficial data (after all, who will tell us the truth) on the excitement of their customers, Rox managed to earn about 4 million dollars. And this is almost 13% more than the casino's income before the Coronavirus epidemic.
All British Casino
The most famous British online casino, with which, according to rumors, Prince Harry liked to spend his free time during the pandemic, managed to increase its revenue by up to 24%. And this is despite the fact that gambling is illegal and the UK government has introduced strict regulatory measures regarding online gambling and betting. The high attendance of this platform has brought All British Casino to a new level and attracted customers from all over the world.
And while real Las Vegas endures its worst times, virtual Vegas is on top of the glory. In the face of fierce competition and in order to attract the maximum number of new customers and keep the old ones, a welcome bonus of 5000$ was introduced. Either a gift from the company, or boredom, but the number of players for the period from January to may increased by 40%. And where new players - there is profit!
Sports reference: offline or online?
The sphere of sports betting has suffered the most. The fact is that the absence of Grand sporting events such as the world Cup, the UEFA Champions League, the League of Europe, the Wimbledon tennis tournament and many other competitions were either canceled or postponed indefinitely.
According to the analytical company Standard & Poor's, the betting market fell by almost 37%. This has never happened before!
For example, in the UK, the demand among both beginners and professional bettors for betting shops that specialize in sports has decreased by 41%, and this is despite the fact that the demand for online casinos is growing on the contrary.
In addition, during the quarantine period, offices are prohibited from using topics such as Coronavirus and self-isolation for advertising purposes.
"And if there is no sport, then there is no point in betting" - you might think. But it wasn't there! Global companies such as 1xBet began offering their clients an alternative-Belarusian football. As you know, there is no Coronavirus in the Republic of Belarus – so the President of the country said. This means that there are no reasons for changes in the gambling services market. In this regard, many ratting corporations offer their clients to bet on the Top League and the football championship in Belarus. This is certainly not the European Cup, but in the context of a pandemic, you do not have to choose very much.
The second birth of e-Sports
E-Sport has become an excellent alternative to standard sports betting.
According to the latest analytical data, e-Sports betting activity looks something like this:
● 73% - FIFA cyber football
● 21% - Counter-Strike
● 5% - Dota2;
● 1% - Other games;
And as for the world e-Sports Championships, no one canceled them. This means that e-Sport is one of the few industries where avid players carry their money in the hope of getting an adrenaline rush and earning a couple of hundred dollars. For example, the FIFA cyber football world Cup and the NBA 2K20 cyberbasketball tournament are waiting for us. Thus, e-sports, whose popularity has grown rapidly in recent years, as well as betting on e-sports have received an additional impetus to even greater development.
Alternative betting
However, bookmakers are well aware that you can not deprive their customers of the pleasure of gambling and offer alternative ways of betting.
So, for example, you can bet not only on
local social events in your country, such as when the football season resumes, or the League of Europe. However, the most popular bet was on Coronovirus. Betters around the world are betting on when the pandemic will end, whether the borders of States will open, and whether there will be a second wave of the epidemic.
Thus, it is safe to say that no sphere of life, no economic or social sector could resist the Coronovirus. But as far as gambling business is concerned, everything is ambiguous. Actually, everything is like in betting: someone wins, such as online casinos, and someone suffers losses, such as sport ratting. But we believe that sport betting will return as the Phoenix bird as soon as all sporting events resume.
submitted by hawertin to u/hawertin [link] [comments]

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Gambling industry statistics are published twice a year (in May and November) and provide the latest information on each industry sector we regulate, which includes online gambling services offered to customers in Great Britain. The statistics come from the data provided by licence holders through their regulatory returns. The gambling industry employed 98,174 people in the UK in 2019; Almost a third of all Brits played the National Lottery in 2019; 47% of UK residents took part in some kind of gambling in the last month. The annual spending for addressing gambling addiction in the UK is £1.2 billion. The gambling industry is growing in the United Kingdom (UK). The goss gambling yield (GGY) in Great Britain increased from roughly 8.4 billion British pounds in 2011 to approximately 14.4 billion... That means around 1.6 billion people worldwide gamble and 4.2 billion gamble at least once every year. When it comes to online gambling and demographic statistics, a UK study concludes that 17% of... Gambling industry statistics are published twice a year (in May and November) and provide the latest information on each sector regulated by the Gambling Commission. The latest statistics cover the... Industry statistics If you have a question about your gambling, or the gambling of someone close to you, our FAQs from gambling consumers during lockdown may provide valuable information. Try the new Gambling Commission website we're working on, and give us feedback. The UK gambling industry is fuelled by approximately 24 million adult gamblers. Of all these bettors, 10.5 million, which is close to half, bet online. Recent statistics indicate that just over 45% of UK residents gamble in some way each month. The average player bets £2.57 per week or just over £133 annually. The Gambling industry contributes over £11 billion to the United Kingdom, and that’s a figure – as has been shown in this piece on UK gambling statistics – that has risen steadily since the start of the decade. The gambling industry in total is worth £14.3 billion and employs 98,174 people across the UK as of September 2019. This is down from £14.5 billion and 106,000 employees in March the same year, a change driven by more gambling taking place online than on-premises.

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