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Quarantine Research Finding: There’s No Way an NBA Basketball Player Missed *Checks Notes* 35 Shots in a Row...

Quarantine Research Finding: There’s No Way an NBA Basketball Player Missed *Checks Notes* 35 Shots in a Row...
How have you been spending your quarantine time? Well, as a comedic sports statistics writer, I spent mine figuring out how to scrape every single play-by-play game data available on basketball reference which goes back to the 96-97 season - teased out a bunch of variables and ran some code to hunt for the player that suffered the worst shooting cold-streak in modern NBA history. You've heard of the hot hand, but let me tell you a grand ole tale about the cold hand. Buckle up - here we go.

How do you low-key miss 35 shots in a row as a professional basketball player in the National Basketball Association? This is the story of Kevin Burleson

Kevin Burleson (KB) played one year of NBA ball with the Charlotte Bobcats during the 2005-06 season. He came off the bench in all but one of his 39 active games averaging 8 minutes and 42 seconds of playing time and 2.3 shots per game. This comes to a total of 88 career shot attempts of which 35 in a row somehow failed to splash nylon. This is simply absurd. If we assume Burleson's true field goal percentage is a league average 45%, the odds of him missing 35 shots in a row in 88 attempts by chance is precisely 0.000004416598 percent; or 22,641,861:1. This is roughly 730 times LESS likely than getting a royal flush in a single hand of Texas Holdem.
Listen, you can't even go to LA Fitness and see 35 missed shots in a row. You probably think with odds like this the reality is that KB just wasn't good at basketball.
But was he really this bad? I mean, there's no way an NBA team whiffs this hard on a prospect, right? In looking back at his college career at Minnesota, Burleson averaged 37% from the field over his four years, which is not great, but also not Michael Scott territory so it appears this poor NBA hopeful really did just hit the Powerfailball before he had a chance to establish himself as a pro.
To put some more perspective on how rare missing 35 consecutive shots in the NBA is, think about this: Shaquille O'Neal - NBA history's most renowned bad free throw shooter - only missed 12 consecutive free throws across his career (at least since my data goes back to 1996). A lesser renowned but way worse free throw shooter, Ben Wallace, only ever managed to miss 13 free throws in a row.
At this point, you probably still don't even believe someone could miss 35 consecutive shots in a single game: and you'd be right. My play-by-play data only goes back to the 1996-97 season and Allen Iverson holds the record at 18 misses for a single game. But Burleson didn't achieve this historic feat in one game. He didn't just have an off night; he had an off 18 nights. Over a stretch of 32 Charlotte Bobcat games from January 14th to March 21st, Burleson was active and stepped on the court in 18 to miss all 31 shots he took. Add two missed shots from the game prior and two more the game after this 18-game streak to make 35 total misses in a row, including exactly six missed lay-ups. And nobody ever noticed.
Let's graph out how this all went down:
Notes: green = made shot; red = missed shot (ex: KB went 1/6 in game 0); blank = DNP
Here we have all 32 Charlotte Bobcat games in which Burleson's streak occurred. The green portion on the first bar on the left illustrates the lay-up he sunk before missing his final two shots of the game to start the streak. Any missing bar means he did not play that game and games he played but didn't shoot are marked as such. Finally, we see the game ending the spell (right-most bar) in which he missed his first two shots before ending his 35 shot misery by boldly shooting and miraculously draining a deep 1-foot layup.
Any decent graph should tell a story and I see quite the tale in the above simple graph of bars. Allow me a moment to paint my take on how I feel this all went down:
  • After missing two shots in game 1 and 2, coach decided six missed shots in a row might be remedied from a needed game 3 off.
  • This didn't help as KB missed his only attempt in each of the next three games before coach threw caution to the wind and allowed KB two attempts in game 7 and 8 of the streak.
  • After just one attempt in game 9, KB went on a bender with a rare four attempt effort in game 10 missing them all.
  • This didn't work either, so KB gave up hope and played in game 11 without attempting a shot. Coach Bernie Bickerstaff - yes, Bernie Bickerstaff, didn't appreciate the lack of effort so KB was benched in game 12 as punishment before defying coach Bickerstaff in game 13 by again taking zero field goal attempts.
  • This led to a another predictable benching in game 14. At this point, Bickerstaff and KB had a heart-to-heart to work out their beef. Whatever that conversation entailed, it led Bickerstaff to put his full trust in KB by rewarding him with his first and only NBA start of his career against a Toronto Raptors team that ended the season at 25-57. With the confidence boost he desperately needed, Burleson shot a career high six attempts from the field and went 0-6. The Raptors won the game.
  • Back to to the bench the following game, he missed another four shots before Bickerstaff, in a last ditch effort, employed an extensive load management strategy from games 17-27 in which Burleson either didn't play or wasn't allowed to shoot.
  • In game 28, Bickerstaff likely forgot who Burleson even was and put him him the game before being immediately reminded after KB missed his only shot.
  • Finally, after missing two shots in game 33, the misery ended on a statement 1-foot layup ending a streak that, quite possibly, Burleson himself was entirely unaware of.
I've already painted a picture describing how rare an NBA player missing 35 shots in a row is. Let's paint some more. By my count, there have been 1,490 NBA players since the 1996-97 season to attempt at least KB's 88 career shots. As you can guess, most of them have attempted many more than this. Here they all are graphed out with Burleson's 88 shots all the way on the right:

Data from 1996-97 to June 2020
Kobe Bryant's left-most sliver leads the way with over 30,000 shots while hundreds of others chucked at least 5,000. It only makes sense that high shot totals like Kobe et al make it much more statistically likely for random consecutive misses to occur. And all in all, a total of 4,870,628 shots were taken from this group. Only 88 of these shots belong to Kevin Burleson, and he's the only one that managed to miss 35 in a row.
Listen, thinking about a professional athlete spending a majority of his free living time practicing his craft hours a day, sacrificing family, friends, blood, sweat, and tears for the chance to make it in the NBA only to run into this slight cooler before getting cut and never playing NBA ball again just makes me sad. What really makes me wonder though is if Kevin Burleson is even aware himself that this ever occurred. I really hope he isn't and I hope he never stumbles across this silly article. But if he does, I want to end this story by standing up for him and making a case that he deserved a second chance.
Here me out. KB only played 340 combined minutes of NBA ball: equivalent to seven full games. And as strange as it might sound, he was fantastic at the free throw line, shooting 16/17 in his "career" - a higher percentage than even Ray Allen. And if we remove his 35-consecutive missed shots, KB maintained a 41 percent average from the field before the streak started and a league average 45 percent after.
Dicing the data before and after a cold-spell is certainly blatant selection bias, but I really do believe in my heart of hearts that Kevin Burleson deserved another chance in the NBA. It could happen too. As of June, 2020, Bernie Bickerstaff is currently working as an executive for the Cleveland Cavaliers and they've been a bottom feeder ever since LeBron's departure. Why not take a flyer on the guy and give him a second chance? Who cares if he's 41? Maybe Burleson just needed 14 years' worth of load management to recover from unloading brick after brick after benching after brick etc.
So pick up the phone and make something happen double B! Besides, if Burleson can be counted on for something, that call has a 35/35 chance of not dropping.
- El Jefe
twitter: @ statholesports

Proof I'm Not Full of Shit:

Jan 13th 2006, Bobcats vs the Bucks - KB went 1/6 in this game and if you look at the box score for the next 32 Bobcat games, you'll see him either not play or miss all his shots until the 33rd game via (as aforementioned) a deep 1-foot lay-up:
submitted by El_Jefe_Stathole to nba [link] [comments]

[Q] How to "test" an online poker game? - What data to collect quickly during play to check?

So for the last 3 weeks or so I have been playing "World Poker Club" I have never really played poker and esp Texas Holdem.
I have not paid for the ap or made any in ap purchases - and that is the root of my suspicion.
For about 2 weeks, play seemed pretty balanced - some days up, some down. into the 2nd week I was "improving" with a ranking score increasing and winning bonus chips.
After hitting a running pot of about 1.5M ( play money fo sure) --- it seems like the win percentage is now way off.
It seems that my first 2 (Hole) cards have a very low percentage of face cards ( again perception), and my pot started taking a beating. For example it is common to have 3 -4 total players, and I frequently go 10 to 12 hands without a winning hand ( even a small win -by looking at my cards vs the winner - even when folded). I understand that is more complicated than that depending on who folds - etc.
So as a basic test to my theory I tried to record the Hole cards only for 100 hands ( so this is 200 card samples) - I was surprised to get an average 7.62 vs the deck is 8 - so pretty close ( values are face value with J=11...A=14).
The game play is pretty quick, and trying to capture the Hole cards, ( & try to make a note if suited ) - as well as some data on actual outcomes was difficult. Not to mention you need a few sec to analyze the data to have any chance to play. ( part of the reason I wanted to test the hole cards first).
Of course - and also, the non-payers - like me could be playing straight up so the stats from a cards dealt in the hole is correct, and the new players and paying player get a slight ( or more than slight!) advantage.
So -- what would be a good methodology to test / prove that the game is favoring paying players?
submitted by geek66 to statistics [link] [comments]

Sabacc as Combat

So I came up with something that my players really love. Tried it on Discord and it worked out well, too. I had players interested in playing gamblers, and at first they were discouraged because it was just sort of opposed checks of Perception and Deception, representing bluffing and so forth, with the result just sort of “announced.”
Perhaps it was my failure as a narrator, but things weren’t going so well in the gambling end. They wanted something that felt like a drama driven by gambling, like the movies “Maverick” and “Rounders.” (They all play cards IRL) I felt like I needed a little more structure, at least for myself as a GM, so that I could carry them through it narratively. Here’s what I’ve come up with so far and they’re LOVING IT.
Before I say this, I should just say it’s a start, and I welcome any feedback. Also, all groups are different, so this might only come across as unnecessary to some, but I stress, all groups are different and it has worked for us:
In order for this to work, someone must have a winning hand, and someone must have a losing hand, and all other players must have “in-between hands.” In order to do this, the GM has to do one quick thing to prepare the sabacc game. Instead of the tedious ordeal of telling everyone what cards they have (suits and values and such), the GM simply rolls a percentage die, and assigns everyone hands based on numerical value—the higher the number rolled, the better a PC or NPC’s hand. Simple.
Let your players know that a “bad hand” is 1-30, an “okay hand” is 31-60, and a “good hand” is 70-100. The GM writes down what each PC has on a slip of paper and hands it out, face down to each player (For example, you just write “bad”, “okay,” or “good”, not the actual numerical value). That way, the PCs at the table don’t know what kind of hands their friends have, and if the player has a “good hand” they won’t know if someone has a better “good hand.” They just know about how good their own hand is, in the greater game of sabacc. (This represents having a full house, but not knowing if someone has a straight flush, as it were.)
Then, of course, the GM secretly writes down what kind of hands each of the NPCs have (for this, I recommend not having more than three NPCs playing the game, and two NPCs seems to be ideal).
A GAMBLING CHARACTER’S TURN It’s similar to combat. You get one Maneuver, which does not typically require a skill check…
…and maybe take a SECOND Maneuver by suffering 1 Strain, perhaps by sipping a strong alcoholic beverage to gather your courage, or just because you are stressed from trying to do too much in one round while keeping your head in the game…
And now you begin your rounds of gameplay, just like combat.
IMPORTANT RULE: At the end of each round, all players who have not folded MUST put in either 100 credits, 1,000 credits, or whatever (your choice on the stakes), in order to stay in. And they must, of course, ante up at the beginning of each round.
Here are your Maneuvers.
Raise: The player can simply raise the amount in the Pot, to pretty much whatever they can afford.
Chit-chat: Make small talk while gambling, making it seem nonchalant. Because there is sometimes a lot of talk around the table, and other times quiet because people are trying to concentrate in peace, you get this one Maneuver to try and squeeze in some questions without being annoying to the NPCs, or before someone else starts talking to dealing cards. Perhaps you ask one of the NPCs when a shipment of illegal spice is set to come in, or try and subtly tell a fellow PC what sort of hand you’ve got, so you two can coordinate and team up against the other NPCs. If you choose to chat up an NPC, you can either use Charm on an opposed roll to win friends, which grants you a boost die on all Deception, Skullduggery, and Perception rolls until the end of your next turn (because you’ve got the bead on how these players think and move), or let the GM roll a percentage die: on a 1-10, one of the NPCs lets something vital slip through casual conversation. (EXAMPLE: “I don’t know if Jabba’s gonna be happy about what Sasha did to his majordomo. Could be trouble…”)
Ask For Another Card: This can be done only twice per game of cards. Any player can do it, PC or NPC (this is like the flop, turn, and river in Texas Holdem). Everyone is “dealt” a new card (narratively), so the GM has to re-roll the percentage die again, determining what everyone’s new hand ranking is by adding whatever he rolled to their previous “hand values.” To be clear, in this weird game of sabacc, a person can use the below “Call” action to end all gameplay and betting, forgoing the right to an extra card, and simply hope they win…but the longer they keep NPCs and other PCs talking, the more the betting goes up. (As stated, at the end of each round, extra credits are always added to the Pot) TIP: The reason you might ask for another card is because your current hand sucks.
Call: End the betting and reveal all cards to see who has the highest hand. Whoever has the highest hand (as previously recorded by the GM) is the winner.
Fold: Simply fold and bow out of this round of cards. You do not get back the money you’ve already bet.
…and now you get one Action.
Bluff: Send out (false) vibes that other NPCs pick up on, making them think you have cards that you don’t, or don’t have cards that you do. Perform a Deception check, using this method: Take the average Perception rank of all NPCs, that’s your Difficulty dice pool. For each NPC you are trying to bluff, upgrade a Difficulty die. On a success, you bluff your targeted opponent(s), and they each suffer 1 setback die on any gauging rolls until the end of the PC’s next round. Which brings us to…
Gauge: Using this action, any Player Character who makes a successful Perception check is able to tell which players have a strong hand and who has a weak hand, and recovers 1 point of strain (because he can now relax a bit, now that he knows who has what cards).
Put a Skifter Into Play: In old canon, a “skifter” was a fake sabacc card that could change values to whatever you wanted. So, in this action, you surreptitiously place a skifter into your hand, replacing another card, using a Skullduggery check to make sure you are not seen. On a success, you not only do it, but you now have the winning hand! You just have to wait until next round to gain a maneuver and use the Call maneuver to end the game and win! The Skullduggery check is this: However many NPCs there are, that’s the number of Difficulty dice—then, for every strain you have suffered so far, that’s how many Difficulty dice are upgraded (reflecting the level of stress and/or alcohol you are under, etc.).
Stack the Deck: This can be done only at the end of a game of cards. You offer to be the one to re-shuffle the cards and deal. On a successful Skullduggery check, you stack the deck to your liking, giving the winning hand next round to whomever you want, and the worst hand to whomever you want, as well. The Skullduggery check is done the same as “Put a Skifter Into Play.” If you fail with NO THREATS, you merely fail to do it. If you fail WITH THREATS, then you are spotted trying to stack the deck by the number of NPCs equal to your Threats, and must now perform a hard Deception check to put their minds at ease and convince them you really weren’t trying to cheat.
Throw Someone Off Their Game: A player smiles lasciviously at an NPC, or blows cigarra smoke in his face, or does something else annoying to distract and put the NPC off his or her game. Perform either an opposed Skullduggery check, or an opposed Charm check, either of which will be opposed by the NPC’s Resilience. If the NPC fails, they are now “rattled,” and suffer a Setback die on all their next checks, no matter who the checks are against.
Cheat: This is separate from the Skifter and Stack The Deck actions above because, while those were very specific, and the skifter was added in because of my love for Star Wars lore, this “Cheat” action is here for all the generalities that may be imposed by the greater narrative. Perhaps one of your players set up a droid across the cantina to zoom in on an NPC’s cards and read what sort of hand he’s got, and so the droid has to signal your player, so your player needs to do some kind of Perception check to pick up on what the droid is trying to relay. In any case, this is a major action, and needs to either be opposed or have an average check, since all eyes are on the players, and everyone is on the lookout for a cheater…
SO THAT'S IT! As a side note, we don't do this for every sabacc or pazaak game, just for the ones where they've entered a tournament or feel like the stakes should be high. It has helped me a bit as a GM as a kind of "training wheels" for this system when it comes to gambling, and I'm getting better at NOT using it now. Anyways, there it is.
submitted by CdogHusk to swrpg [link] [comments]

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submitted by ounyaya to u/ounyaya [link] [comments]

Who Should We Be Cheering For, Really?

I came across this post yesterday by GRiZZY19, and found myself nodding in agreement with most everything that was said. If you are too lazy to click a hyperlink and read, the TL;DR is that the Indians may be the least favorable playoff matchup for us. Oh, and if you are that lazy you probably want to skip to the meat of this post, too, or right to the TL;DR. This will probably take some time.
Above all else, I'm a numbers guy. I imagine a lot of baseball fans are. It's a numbers-heavy sport. So I sought out some statistics to see if the 'eye test' was, in fact, accurate this time around.
Generally speaking, the more randomness there is in a game, the less often a better-quality opponent will defeat a lower-quality one due to variance. It follows, then, that in games with more randomness, a larger sample size is required to truly determine combatant quality.
Perhaps a good real-life example of this is poker. There is definitively skill involved in Texas Holdem poker. It is a winnable game. But there is also a very large luck component. On any given day, someone with nearly no knowledge of the game could wipe out a table of experts. It could even happen a few sessions in a row. But, with enough time, and enough hands, the neophyte has no chance.
Despite the tremendously numerous matchups in a given year of baseball, there is still a lot of randomness in baseball. Surprisingly so. Good thing, too, or why bother playing out the games?
Where does this noise come from? A lot of things--but the bulk of it is good ole' luck. For the purpose of this post, and for the sake of brevity, let's round the luck component of noise to 100%. We will ignore the 'intangibles' and 'clutchness' that may have an effect, as the percentage is low enough to be too difficult to pick out--even over 140+ games of data.
Wins and Losses
If you are familiar with the nitty gritty of pythag & projected wins, just skip below to the meat. If you'd rather hear from an expert instead of a rando internet loon, try this primer instead (TRIGGER WARNING: 2003 article, Expos talk)
For those still with me, let's start by saying there is a lot of noise in wins and losses, too. This should be pretty obvious, even without numbers. High-leverage situations are more important than low-leverage situations, sometimes substantially so. A bit of good luck in high-leverage situations (say, slightly better results in close games) and suddenly your record appears much better than it would be otherwise.
Pythagorean expectation is an attempt to remove some of that noise. You may not have heard of Pythagorean expectation, but you've probably heard of run differential...especially because the Jays are #1 in this particular statistic. Run differential is pretty simple. Add up all the runs scored in a season, and all the runs allowed, and subtract.
Pythagorean expectation uses run differential in a formula to calculate out expected wins and losses for a season at an attempt to remove some noise from the standings.
But wait, I hear you say, why make the assumption that run differential should dictate 'real' wins and losses? Well, as our broadcasting team might put it, runs win games. At the core of it, that's actually true. And, assuming there is a lot of randomness in baseball (there is) and that players cannot get better at will (also mostly true), the timing of the runs have a component of randomness as well. The theory is, over a larger sample size, run differential is a decent way of determining team quality. It's far from perfect, but we have what we have.
1st Order Win Percentage
In Baseball Prospectus parlance, 1st order win percentage is basic Pythagorean expectation. So, without further ado, here are the current standings based on run differential. I am adding images as well as links to ensure the information is valid at the time of posting.
1st Order Standings as of 2015-09-15
1st Order Standings (current)
Current standings, based on 1st Order (Pythag) Wins.
Team Division 1st Order Win % Projected (Season)
Jays East 0.635 103-59
Astros West 0.583 94-68
Royals Central 0.560 91-71
FUCK THE Yankees East 0.556 90-72
Orioles East 0.523 85-77
Indians Central 0.499 81-81
Twins Central 0.495 80-82
Angels West 0.493 80-82
A's West 0.492 80-82
Rays East 0.489 79-83
A few things stand out here. No, not literally--the bold font are the theoretical division winners. Obviously, the Jays. They are quite a bit above the rest of the pack (actually, tops in MLB). The Astros' record improves substantially as well. By contrast, the Royals record is substantially lower, with the lowest winning percentage of the 3 division winners.
The WC race changes, too. The Orioles(!) are due for a WC game with the Yankees, with the rest of the chasers falling in a tight bunch around 0.500.
But we can do a bit better than this.
2nd Order Win Percentage
1st order win percentage is a bit simplistic. 2nd order win percentage tries to get rid of some more randomness. How so? Well, it still uses the premise that 'runs win games', and that randomness is a primary cause of the distribution of runs. What are we missing? Well, the runs themselves have a component of randomness, too. A few inches can be the difference between a home run and a ball caught on the track; a line-drive double play or a double in the hole.
So, 2nd order takes the statistics of a team, determines how many runs they should theoretically score, and then does a similar calculation as 1st order to determine a winning percentage. Yes, we are further removed from reality, but all in attempt to remove that rascally randomness in our samples. Here it gets interesting:
2nd Order Standings as of 2015-09-15
2nd Order Standings (current)
Team Division 2nd Order Win % Projected (Season)
Jays East 0.609 99-63
Astros West 0.603 98-64
Indians Central 0.565 92-70
FUCK THE Yankees East 0.552 89-73
Royals Central 0.529 86-76
Rays East 0.525 85-77
A's West 0.505 82-80
Red Sox East 0.500 81-81
What a strange alternate dimension we have here.
First thing of note--the Jays are closer to the pack. What does that mean? It means that though the Jays had 'bad luck' turning runs into wins, they've had 'good luck' at turning baserunners and opportunity into runs. In other words, they should have a lower run differential than they have, and as such they have a lower season record in these standings. The Astros have an even better record, and are essentially even with the Jays.
But wait, what do we have here? Surprise, surprise--we have the Indians winning their division (by 6 games none the less!). The Royals just barely scraped by the Rays, of all teams, to land in the WC against the Yankees.
Notably absent--the actual WC chasers in our dimension, like the Rangers, Angels and Twins. They are not on the above chart because they are 11th, 12th and dead last, respectively. It is not much of a surprise that no one in this sub is too worried about landing a postseason series with those teams.
This is Fangraph's version of 2nd order win percentage (well, kind of, but close enough for our purposes). It is calculated differently. I won't get into it here, but basically it is an attempt to remove randomness by ignoring the sequences in which events occur.
Baseruns Standings as of 2015-09-15
Baseruns Standings (current)
Team Division Baseruns Win % Projected (Season)
Jays East 0.610 99-63
Astros West 0.595 96-66
Indians Central 0.543 88-74
FUCK THE Yankees East 0.551 89-73
Rays East 0.526 85-77
Royals Central 0.513 83-79
A's West 0.513 83-79
Mariners West 0.500 81-81
Not too dissimilar from 2nd order wins, at least near the top. Here, we have the Yankees playing the Rays in the WC, with the Royals missing the playoffs by 2 games. Yes, that is the Mariners in 8th and not a typo.
By no means are these statistics infallible, but they do give us some good insight into the level of competition beyond glancing at the standings. The important points to take from all this?
  • The Astros and Jays are closely matched, at least in the regular season. They are also young. They may be the most dangerous matchup.
  • The Indians appear to be far more dangerous than their record indicates. There is certainly data to back up the theory that the Indians may indeed be a difficult matchup, or at least more difficult than most alternatives.
  • The Royals seem to be playing above their heads again. They did the same last year, though, and we saw how that ended up.
  • The Jays really are a cut above the competition. Regardless of whether they end up with home field advantage, they should be the favorite going into most any series.
submitted by noodlehed to Torontobluejays [link] [comments]

[Table] IAMA Blackjack Dealer at the world's second largest casino. AMA

Verified? (This bot cannot verify AMAs just yet)
Date: 2012-10-12
Link to submission (Has self-text)
Questions Answers
What's the craziest bet someone have made? Hmmm. The craziest would probably be a double down bet on a hard 20. They were playing at a fairly high stakes table and they were at max bet; around 3 grand. They, sadly did not get an Ace.
Why would they double down on a hard 20? I don't know why they did it. That story of crazy betting was another coworker's experience and not my own but I have seen my own players double on a twenty just not with a few grand on the line. Some do it out of frustration, some just think they can get lucky while others don't know better. I've seen some pretty crazy plays before.
Do you have to announce that to the floor? Yes dealers ares supposed to announce when someone is doubling down on any hard hand.
Did they do a walk of shame out of the casino or did they keep playing? :P. They keep on trekking. It's crazy to watch.
What do you say in those instances? Do you try to give people advice if they don't know what they're doing? If it's obvious that someone has no clue what they are doing, I will try to steer them in the right direction. Our supervisors are the only ones who can give advice, so usually I tell them to help a customer out.
Why wouldn't they split? They can double on the split, depending on the house. ಠ_ಠ People will sometime split their tens, and we allow for them to do so. Like I said, people do some interesting stuff if they have a "feeling" about a hand or if they are just grasping at straws.
Do you like your job. 2. How much do you make? 3. How do you become a dealer? I need an occupation change. I do like my job. Some days it is monotonous and mind numbing. Some nights it just plain pitifull watching money fly out of their pockets but it' fun. I make a varying amount each month due to tips but they are pooled so it is roughly 1200 every two weeks. Seeing as how I only work for 4 days a week and I get a 30 minute break every hour and a half, I can't complain. :) As far as how to become a dealer, it depends on the facility. I got lucky and my place trained me for free! Very lucky. I recommend the job for. People who don't mind night shifts. I work 10pm-6am and I love it. Sorry the reply took so long. I'm actually at work right now :)
What is your win - lose ratio? Do you gamble sometimes, outside of your job? What's the pay like - enough to survive? I don't know any specific numbers but I tried to recount a scenario tonight and I won about every 3 out of 4 hands. Sometimes it's better than that sometimes it's worse. Lots of basic strategy pushers will say that, by playing basic strategy, one can expect to win about 53% of the time. That may be the case, but that is following basic strategy wholeheartedly and probably over a long period of time. i.e. 5-7 hours of playing. I'm not an expert on actually playing and winning the game myself because I don't gamble. Most people expect a dealer to join in after hours, and a lot of my coworkers do gamble outside of our casino but it's just not my thing. The pay is most assuredly enough to survive, considering the cost of living in my area. I really think I have a good gig going.
Have you ever seen somebody completely lose it because of the money he lost? Oh my goodness, yes. People can go bonkers sometimes. They have become irate towards me and also other players. Most of the time, players will just throw little fits and have weird, mumbling pity parties at the table as if they didn't know what the very essence of gambling entails. I was not there when this happened, but one player flipped a whole table over. He was obviously arrested for that one.
Easy. Haha. exactly.
How come the dealer wins so often? Edit: Grammar We win so often because we are the last to draw out of the whole table. Every player either hits or stays before my turn, therefore I have no one left to interfere with my hand when it's all said and done. I think the house edge is something like 5%. But if you play basic strategy, the edge can be knocked down quite a bit.
What's a good strategy for a player? Good strategy, that I would play by, is basic strategy. It's fairly simple to understand and you can print out a chart online to keep handy. We let our players use them at the tables if they like. In fact, I think some of our stores sell the basic strategy cards.
I never knew you were allowed to used charts. I don't know if all casinos let you use charts, but mine does. Basic strategy is common knowledge, so it's not a big deal to want to use it.
Thanks for the help. Now to convince the GF to go to Vegas. No problem. Vegas is awesome.
Do you only deal blackjack? why not the other games? and if you do deal other games, which is your favorite? Craps is my favorite... I do deal other games, and I'm so happy that I do. Blackjack can get very boring after awhile. I deal Three Card Poker, Ultimate Texas Holdem, Baccarat and this new game called Pick One 21. We don't have Craps or Roulette yet as they are dice and wheel games and our gaming commission is working on their approval.
What's the premise of Pick One 21? Never heard of it before. Pick One 21 is like a mush of Baccarat and Blackjack. There are two hands; red and blue and players wager which one they think will get closest to 21. It's pretty simple and it's caught on a bit more where I work.
Truthfully, have you ever taken advantage of a clearly intoxicated player or know of dealers who do? Truthfully, no I haven't taken advantage of a drunken player. There are so many cameras on a single table, the punishment isn't worth committing the crime. Also, I would feel bad. I make mistakes sometimes and I am always so thankful to the players who point out that I've done something like overpay them. I'd like to think that if I take care of them, they will do the same in return. Doesn't always happen but, it's something I try to uphold. There are a few people that have screwed some people over before. It's just not something I'd be willing to risk my job over. Besides, the drunk ones are entertaining. I want them to come back. :)
A player has pointed out you've overpaid them? I have gambled for a long time and I would never ever ever do this. Karma.
Ever had one of those crazy high tips? Yes! It was awesome. I only spend a small amount of time at each table and sometimes I will keep track of my tip balance for that portion of time. I've definitely made a good portion of my paycheck in 30 minutes. Like I said though, we pool our tips so I share that with the rest of the dealers. Pooling is nice, because I've have also made only 50 cents in a whole night...
Is Blackjack even worth playing when the payout is 6 to 5 for Blackjack? A blackjack payout can be 6 to 5 at some casinos but ours is 3 to 2 or time and a half. The bigger you bet, the better that ratio looks. I'm not too familiar with the 6-5 payout, but to exemplify...A $10 black jack would get paid $12 with 6-5, but with a 3-2 rule a $10 blackjack gets paid $15.
How difficult is it to cheat? I mean cheating in every possible way. If you're familiar with the game and handling cheques, cheating seems easy. People cap and pinch their bets a lot, and it's something I look for a lot though, I've never caught someone in the act. Card counting isn't really cheating but mostly frowned upon and will get you asked to leave a casino. We have machines that shuffle the cards for us, using multiple decks so it cuts down on that a lot. When and if someone is caught cheating, they are usually asked to leave for the day. If it isn't apparent, casinos love money so we aren't going to turn away a paying customer for more than a day, no matter how shady their plays may be. As far as a cheating player and the dealer is concerned, it is a big part of our job and it is something our pits hold us accountable for. We probably wouldn't get fired for not seeing someone cap their bet, but they will talk to us about it.
Continuous shoe, or just a shuffling machine? We have both manual shoes and and continuos.
I think you might be thinking of "21" because "Holy Rollers" is about overseas ecstasy smuggling. Here is a link to the movie Holy Rollers...the documentary one. Link to Other one sounds good too though.
Any chance you could link me to a the strategy guide that you think has the best success rate? Thanks! Sure! Basic Strategy is usually the best way to go and it's fairly easy to understand. The link is to a basic strategy chart. The chart tells you what to do based on your number and the dealer's number. Link to
Have you ever had any celebrity or famous person on your table? Personally, not that I know of. Ball players will frequent a lot, so it is possible that I dealt to one of them and never knew... But, famous people do come out and gamble every once in a while. Sometimes a few performers have been known to play a few games while they're in town. I've never had the pleasure.
Do many people try to cheat? People do try to cheat. It's a very aggravating thing to have to deal with. We work a lot to maintain the game's integrity to keep both us and the player's in good hands, but someone is always going to try to get some sort of edge, be it on the tables or at the machines.
Have you ever had a card thrown at you? Haha. No, I bet a poker dealer could answer yes to that question tho. Blackjack doesn't allow anyone but the dealer to touch the cards so that would be a feat.
This is not true. Some casinos allow players to touch the cards. Really? I had no idea. Our casino seems kind of rigid about card handling.
Do you see yourself as a good blackjack player? I would be terrible at playing the game. I'm much more comfortable on the side of the table with the bank.
I'm going to a charity casino night, I've never been to a casino before or properly played blackjack with other people. Is there anything I should avoid doing? table etiquette? Also is the game basically 21 but with gambling? Charity events would be the most relaxed to play at (I can only assume), so it's a good place to start. I would look over basic strategy rules and learn when to hit, stay etc. because blackjack is kind of like a team sport. Everyone at the table is affected by what every player decides to do. I've seen people do very well by working together as a team and following strategy. And yes, I believe blackjack has also been called 21 in the past.
Why not the first biggest? We are only the second because of how a casino's size is measured. It can be measured by square footage, in which case I do believe that we are literally the largest. A casino can also be measured by machine game count, which is why we are second. I think that answer is correct, but from what I've heard we are always neck and neck with other casinos for that spot.
If you live in the US, your casino is not the second largest in the world. Venetian Macau/Marina Bay Sands/City of Dreams are all larger than anything here. I just know that second largest is how we advertise ourselves. Like I said before, there are different ways that a casino's size is measured so that has to be factored in when considering the rankings.
What is the biggest percentage-wise win youve seen? (for example; starting with $100 and going up to $1000 is a lot more impressive than starting at $1000 and cashing out $2000) Reason im asking; deadmau5 (the DJ) plays bj and some of his wins are pretty crazy. the first time he played for real at the wynn he started with $1000 and cashed out $100K, another time he started with $4K, ran it up to $500K and lost it all, and one other time he started with $4K and cashed out $200K. (he does play marathon sessions though: 8+ hours at a time) Do wins like those happen regularly (if so, i have to start playing bj)...or is he just one very lucky guy? :D. Quite honestly, people come in and out so frequently and so often that I have never paid too much attention to one person's particular winnings. I know that winning as much as 100K definitely requires wagering big too. That's awesome that the deadmau5 guy has walked away with that much. And yes, I would assume that he won it over a time span a few hours. I think blackjack is a game best played for fun without expecting anything in return. Lots of people come to play expecting to walk away loaded but they are out of the game in around 20 minutes. It's more fun to play, if you are there to just have fun and play.
How does your casino deal with counters? How many decks in your shoe? I don't really know how our casino would handle a card counter because I've never come into contact with one. But, I know that we take lots of measures to ensure that counting is essentially impossible due to the amount of decks and the shuffling machines that we employ.
worlds second largest casino. doesnt have craps or roulette. What? how does that happen? you would expect a casino that big to have what some would consider some of the most classic casino games... Yeah, I know that new table games are always being considered but there are so many rules and regulations that come with implementing them that it takes time for the many approvals.
Are there really tough punishments for cheating? Like cutting off fingers and sodomy? Haha. No cutting off of limbs, as we are fairly new testament in our punishments.
Ever seen a gambler pick up a cocktail waitress? That is, get her phone number, or a date or something? Thef get hit on all the time, so I figure it would be a feat. I don't know. I'm not a cocktail.
I love playing Blackjack. My goal is usually more to find a fun table and have a few drinks than it is to win big. (Though that doesn't hurt.) My question is this: I try to have fun with the dealers and kinda backtalk a little, but always in a playful manner, never crossing the line. Some of them enjoy this but a lot don't. Is this because they experience this throughout their shift and tire of it or am I just an asshole? If I were to play the game, I would be like you; have a few drinks and talk to people. It would just seem more fun that way. I don't usually mind it if people joke around with me, but I know that some people do. I look at it this way; it is our job and sometimes people just don't want to be at work so if someone has ever given you the cold shoulder, it's probably because they can't wait to clock out.
I'd imagine you're right for the most part, but people also tend to tip well when they win big, which is something the dealer can't control and doesn't want to happen. On the contrary, I DO want people to win big. Sometimes those who win big will tip big, and it's always really great to work with them
How can I make money counting cards, without the casino trying to keep my winnings or backrooming me. I don't know a lot about counting cards. I've never had any interaction or experience with that situation so I don't know how it would be handled but I'm sure basic protocol is to just ask a counter to leave.
Are you going to answer any other questions? Yes.
Last updated: 2012-10-12 23:23 UTC | Next update: 2012-10-13 00:23 UTC
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starting hands texas holdem percentages video

Ever since the early days of Texas holdem poker, players have attempted to analyze and organize the 169 possible two card starting hands found in the game. One traditional way of doing so involves running thousands upon thousands of simulations in which a particular holdem hand is played out against nine random opponent hands. Poker Starting Hands Percentages - Learn good starting hand ranges for online poker. ... Our Texas Hold'em Starting Hands guide is a great follow up to this article and has more specific ... Here are some key numbers on starting hands: There are 13 pocket pairs you can be dealt as starting hands: 2-2 through A-A. There are 78 unpaired hands that you can be dealt in Texas Hold’em, ignoring suit (e.g. A-2, K-10, 6-2). Those same hands make up another set of 78 when suited (e.g. 9♥-8♥, A♣-8♣, Q♦-J♦) Half of all profits are attributable to the five most profitable starting hands (AA, KK, QQ, JJ, and Ace-King suited) Let’s look at these statements in detail. Profitable Hole Cards in Texas Hold’em. There are a total of 52 x 51 = 2’652 possible starting hands. Texas Hold’em: a game in which it is easy to learn the basics, but considerably harder to master. For now, let's cover a basic part of the game - starting hands. Texas Holdem Starting Hands Infographic. This Cheat Sheet covers every kind of starting hand and gives you easy-to-follow instructions on how to play them before and after the flop. The infographic also includes helpful stats about how likely it is for someone else to have a bigger pocket pair than you before the flop. And how likely it is for ... Poker Hand Rankings - Texas Holdem Starting Hands Chart . At the bottom of this page is a comprehensive listing of Texas Hold'em starting hands based on their EV (expected value). Expected value is the average number of big blinds this hand will make or lose. For example: [AA] from the Small Blind in a $3/$6 game will make, on average, 2.71 ... Texas Holdem Starting Hands Ranking Chart; Texas Hold'em Starting Hands Ranking; All Texas Hold’em starting hands can be separated into two categories: “suited” and “offsuit”. Suited hands contain two cards of the same suit, like J♣9♣, A ♥ K ♥, K♠Q♠ and 9 ♦ 3 ♦. All other starting hands are in the offsuit category ... Below you'll find a list of Texas Hold'em starting hands organized by relative strength.The following charts contains every 2-card possible combination you can be dealt in Texas Hold'em. Each hand is followed by its long-term winning percentage (out of 100, of course) against a specific number of opponents holding random cards. Texas Holdem Heads-Up Preflop Odds. This table was created by enumerating through every possible board and opponent hole card combination for each of the 169 texas holdem preflop starting hands.

starting hands texas holdem percentages top

[index] [3645] [2705] [8305] [2582] [8150] [9821] [359] [9287] [46] [2852]

starting hands texas holdem percentages

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